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  1. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    1) Yes, I know what it means 2) I was talking about the franchise not the game. 3) I didn't say the Wii U is dead, I said that the Wii U is doomed to die either way so Nintendo should just put it out of it's misery before it dies in such a way that Nintendo themselves as a company may follow...
  2. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    1) Like I said, the concerned look Aonuma's face tells me he knows we may not be able to anything new of the Zelda franchise for a long time! Meaning, the game will not come out this year or next year even. Yes, he's excited and happy he discovered new ideas while working on the game. However...
  3. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    1) Going by how Miyamoto talking about it, yes it does. 2) Yes, which basically supports my point (especially in logic of how Nintendo's done things), which is why I included it. 3) No, they did talk about unifying their two platforms. All you did was arrange the same quote I used to make it...
  4. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    Here's a old video of Bastian of BastianTime explaining Miyamoto's standpoint of the idea of a hybrid console: Here's an article that contains more info: http://kotaku.com/miyamoto-can-imagine-nintendo-making-hybrid-console-han-1594989023 Quote: Well, well, seems like someone among...
  5. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    I find this to make no sense at all and very illogical. First you say that the NX being a handheld makes no sense, then you say the NX is likely to be a handheld. Wtf!? The Wii U is going to die anyways because Nintendo were stupid to release the system TOO early! Also, the idea hybrid console...
  6. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    Me? Arrogant? I think it's Nintendo who seem to be a little too arrogant, not me. I'm not one who thought that Zelda U, a game still in it's early was without a doubt ready for 2015 (this year), then later come out, realizing how wrong they were to reveal the game too soon, basically saying, not...
  7. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    I didn't say it's a bad thing that improving Zelda Wii U. I said it's bad for business what they're likely going to do with their hardware, more specifically, the Wii U. This does not have software at all. I never mentioned anything about the software. And well, apparently, I obviously seem to...
  8. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    The NX is not a smartphone. Nintendo made that clear when said that people will be able to play new nintendo mobile games on their phones, starting sometime this year. They also said that can't rerelease any already existing Nintendo games on any mobile platforms. This, essentially means, the...
  9. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    I did not say that Nintendo will abandon the Wii U in favor of the NX. I said that Nintendo should just make the NX be the next system since the Wii U is pretty much doomed anyways and maybe have a New Wii U to go along with the New 3DS to allow people to get a full taste of what the NX, as a...
  10. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    The Wii U is already almost pretty much dead anyways so by the time Zelda U comes out, next year, 2017, or neither, the system will already be dead by then. So one game isn't going to fix anything at this point in this kind of situation. I'm sorry. If the NX is going to be a unified system...
  11. VitaTempusN92

    Zelda at E3 2015

    Unfortunately, I don't see any that happening. Don't give up too much hope. They're not working any new Zelda for 3DS right now. They said countless times that after WW HD, ALBW, HW, and MM 3D finished, Zelda U would be the prime focus for Zelda. Sadly, this means no new handheld games, no new...
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