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  1. Iridescence

    IMO: Nintendo is being behind on the times, short-sighted and is just milking nostalgia

    Well Nintendo has F-Zero, Earthbound, Star Fox and Advance Wars left to support. But if they're just gonna pull a Pikmin 3, aka follow the formula, then its pointless.
  2. Iridescence

    IMO: Nintendo is being behind on the times, short-sighted and is just milking nostalgia

    To be fair, the quality control of Mario games is good - totally incomparible to the ****-ups of SEGA. They may not be revolutionary games like they've been in the past, but they're not bad. Same with Pokemon and Zelda in the past 10 years. So, that's why I never said Nintendo was a bad...
  3. Iridescence

    IMO: Nintendo is being behind on the times, short-sighted and is just milking nostalgia

    I got a PS3 around the same time as my 3DS and Wii U, yet I'm enjoying my PS3 more than the two Nintendo's combined. So, while I am growing out of gaming in general, I'm growing out of Nintendo faster. Yeah. For a lot of young people, it's their first Mario Kart and their first Smash Bros...
  4. Iridescence

    IMO: Nintendo is being behind on the times, short-sighted and is just milking nostalgia

    Sorry. I meant to post this in Gaming Forum. Can a mod please move this to the correct forum? Lifelong Nintendo fan. Had most of the consoles and handhelds they made and loved them, but it's been going downhill lately. The Wii was really fun at first but got old fast and suffered droughts...
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