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  1. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Something tells me that the game breaking glitch was intentionally put into the game, so as to pay homage to Twilight Princess. Near everyone knows about the Cannon Room glitch, which was quite near the end of the game in its own right. People who experienced the glitch called Nintendo up, sent...
  2. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    OoT had it (in a much minor form than ALttP). I wouldn't even call it sequence breaking, as there are next to no scripted events in ALttP, besides Ganon's Tower, Hyrule Castle and a couple other spots that I cannot recall. In OoT, sequence breaking exists as you generally have to view the Sheik...
  3. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Raykay isn't a troll; you'd best watch what you call people 'round here. No need to get stuff started, ESPECIALLY from "a month ago"-type comments. ALttP, linear and simple? Please, go PM user MW7 about ALttP being linear. Besides LoZ and Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past is one of the best...
  4. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    I didn't make that clear enough: Nintendo might reuse them again in their unaltered states. Yes, the Silent Realms are really hitting home, showing TP what it should've been like (or aspired to, I dunno). That only happened because fans complained about how boring and dull the tears of light...
  5. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Actually, HH, calling a game **** is not always bad – take a look at the N64 game Superman64, or the Xbox360 game Bomberman Act Zero. With all due respect, those games are WORSE than the s-word simply because of how terrible they are. I could point to other games of that kind, but the main point...
  6. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    1)Actually, a majority of Zelda fans do think like that. Just because it says THE LEGEND OF ZELDA [insert subtitle here], they'll play it and act like it's the best thing to ever happen to them. I've seen this happen first hand with Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Ocarina and even with SS. You...
  7. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Polygon count is obviously better than OoT, it doesn't take much for the Wii to outclass the N64. A few textures here and there in SS are actually on par with OoT, it just takes a few quality screenshots in Dolphin or something similar. Nonetheless, it's true that SS' graphics are in general...
  8. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Actually, paper could still taste better than chocolate depending on the person. That's the whole reasoning behind opinion, right?
  9. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    ...the thing about SS' enemies and weak points is, said enemies are too weak. Yes, there is a layer of having to get to the weak point, but in a real fight no one would break down and be absolutely destroyed after their weak point is hit. In Skyward Sword, enemies protect themselves yes, but...
  10. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Enemies...still ask to attack. Just like you said, thinking before you strike covers up said asking. Ever play a turn based RPG, like the kind where you have an ATB bar and enemies attack you while you wait for the bar to charge up? That's exactly how SS plays out – the enemy attacks when you're...
  11. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    FL, Con-man doesn't really care about undertones. TWW's humor was an undertone. The original Zeldas had no tone at all. Con-man wants results, and he wants them ASAP. Better, realistic graphics. Better puzzles that aren't gimmicky or so based on environment. Enemies that don't require you to...
  12. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Nintendo has been catering to casuals since their inception. It was Nintendo's THIRD PARTY that gave off the hardcore vibe. The third party then receded from the union that was Nintendo, birthing Sony or Microsoft some great vidya gaems. It isn't Nintendo who makes the hardcore games, it is the...
  13. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    That's...not true. Nintendo never was hardcore – just the FPS games we're accustomed to in this day and age were found on Nintendo systems. Quake, Doom, Turok...you name it, back in the ol' days Nintendo may have had it. What you refer to as "hardcore" for beating Mario in a fast time, that is...
  14. Ventus

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    -The graphics aren't worse than OoT. They definitely aren't the same, but they're not as bad. -I agree that the Sky was a total joke; sparsely located islands with nothing to do but bomb a caving or dig some hole. Nintendo could do better than this – they did with TWW (slightly). -Yeah...
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