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  1. T

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Dude, **** is a cuss word. That is often considered as a basic insult. I realize that some games are worse than ****, but not many. SS is widely considered as being one of the gretest Zelda games of all time, so calling it **** would be obviously considered as an insult. And Raykay said in a...
  2. T

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Wow, calling a game, "sh**" isn't considered insulting it?
  3. T

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Just because you hated SS, doesn't mean you should stop being a Zelda fan. This isn't sh**, it's epic. Zelda has made plenty of progress over the years. The graphics are much physically greater than OoT. Skyloft has about 35 NPCs, not 20. There are plenty of side quests, at least two...
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