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  1. S

    No Time, No Time, Who's Got the Time

    The 'same story retold' idea only worked with LoZ, AoL, LttP, OoT, and maybe it works with TP. WW wouldn't just be the telling of the same legend, but a merger of two of the games (probably LoZ LttP), due to rehashed themes. I'd say 'LoZ/OoT' but OoT is heavily referenced in the game so that'd...
  2. S

    No Time, No Time, Who's Got the Time

    Okay so you're saying it's all a bunch of baloney even in the 'Universe' its being told in which effectively means all the games are moot anyway. That the only purpose of these games is like our dragon-slaying 'legends' in which there is a moral of "Good wins against monsters!!" and nothing...
  3. S

    No Time, No Time, Who's Got the Time

    Bayside: To be honest, if nonsensical changes to any story is what bolsters your theory you should probably be worried. Especially when you're applying our world fiction to a fictional world's reality. Effectively what you're saying is similar to claiming that the battle of Hastings is the...
  4. S

    No Time, No Time, Who's Got the Time

    It's not that the timeline was created out of thin air, it's that they didn't start implementing it really till after Oot. Not, of course, that the first timeline made no sense anyway: OoT - LttP - LA - LoZ - AoL It's just that there are now more things to consider. Many, many more things...
  5. S

    No Time, No Time, Who's Got the Time

    For the record, Zelda 2's prelude story tells of the ancient Zelda who rests in the temple, is the first Zelda who started off the entire legend to begin with. Because of the situation surrounding her sleep, all princesses of Hyrule were to be called Zelda. That's the legend. So all the...
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