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  • Users: Yoshrek
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Y

    Which Game Would You Have Rather Come Out?

    Super Mario 128 or Ura Zelda?
  2. Y

    Wii Us Literally Dying?

    Has anyone else heard the recent news about this? All the more reason to remake WW and TP on the Switch, IMO.
  3. Y

    Skyward Sword VS BOTW & TOTK

    I realize that Skyward Sword is very different from BOTW and TOTK gameplay wise, so I decided to ask ZD members which they like better. I like Skyward Sword better. I prefer its linearity and the storytelling is stronger. I do like that BOTW and TOTK disconnect themselves from the flawed...
  4. Y

    Any Chance For Oracle Remakes?

    I personally think they have as much of a chance as WW and TP ports, except I would prefer having them over WW and TP.
  5. Y

    Pick Your Poison

    Of these titles?
  6. Y

    Metroid Or Fire Emblem?

    Which do you like better and why? I like Metroid games more overall, but I like the 3DS Fire Emblem games more than any Metroid game.
  7. Y

    Wind Waker 2

    Have you ever wondered what this potential game would have entailed?
  8. Y

    Tears of the Kingdom Eiji Aonuma

    How would you react if he got fired?
  9. Y

    Zelda Romhacks; The Future Of Zelda?

    Since many are disappointed with Aonuma’s change in direction for the franchise, I was wondering if anyone else considered the A Link To The Past romhacks and the Ocarina Of Time romhacks for example the actual future. I’m sure as well get more experienced with hacking Zelda games we might even...
  10. Y

    Which Is Worse?

    Which do you believe is worse and why?
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