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  1. YoshiDaDragon

    What Made You Happy Today?

    we will check this out too ^^ thanks for the recommendations!
  2. YoshiDaDragon

    What Made You Happy Today?

    haven't tried terraria, does it have the same kind of farming and social elements as stardew valley?
  3. YoshiDaDragon

    What Made You Happy Today?

    What made me happy this week is that my boyfriend and I got to play together, trying new games like Stardew Valley and online card games like blackjack and Uno. It was the happiest day of my life (I've been pestering him about this for a while, and he finally agreed haha lol).
  4. YoshiDaDragon

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    I've been playing Final Fantasy VII remake, DMC5 and Mortal Kombat. Looking for some sporty game. I wanna try NBA or UFC
  5. YoshiDaDragon

    2024 Gaming Goals

    Finish Final Fantasy VII remake on my PS4. My brother just bought it to me as his Christmas gift to me
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