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  1. MasterSooga987


    well I wouldn't say that I want to know more about
  2. MasterSooga987


    yeah I do wish it didn't end on a cliffhanger
  3. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

    me either till I saw this
  4. MasterSooga987

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  5. MasterSooga987

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    It's adorable
  6. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

    Most fake ones are cool chevy But that's like 75%
  7. MasterSooga987

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    that makes me mad it would be funny if someone went to an official pokemon event and all of their cards was this sort of crap
  8. MasterSooga987

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  9. MasterSooga987

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    heck naw Malon and Link for life
  10. MasterSooga987

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  11. MasterSooga987

    thank you

    thank you
  12. MasterSooga987

    hey thank you

    hey thank you
  13. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

    When I say Link you say Zelda LINK
  14. MasterSooga987

    What made you sad today?

    Just the stress I have for trying to hide from my parents that I'm bisexual because I told them once and they made me tell them I wasn't even though I still am so they think I'm not anymore when I am
  15. MasterSooga987

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    preordering Pokemon Legends Arceus
  16. MasterSooga987

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  17. MasterSooga987

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  18. MasterSooga987

    Dreams thread.

    Let's just say I had a very interesting dream of my crush yes let's go with that no licking involved on my side(Says sarcastically)
  19. MasterSooga987

    Title Predictions

    The Legend Of Zelda: Ganon's Demise The Legend Of Zelda: End Of Time maybe
  20. MasterSooga987

    Pen's Music Endeavours

    You made these that's really cool
  21. MasterSooga987

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    The death of a bachelor by panic at the disco:ezlo:
  22. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

  23. MasterSooga987

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I will
  24. MasterSooga987

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    the only thing that's been on my mind is my crush that I'm planning on asking out monday
  25. MasterSooga987

    What's your favorite zelda song(s)?

    Lost woods-oot, Outset Island-ww, Deku palace -mm, Temple of time-oot, Gerudo valley-oot, Termina field-mm, song of storms-oot, OOT boss music, Hyrule field-alttp, these were all songs that I grew up with and anytime I hear them I usually will start crying lol don't judge me but It's because I...
  26. MasterSooga987


    has anyone seen the Hawkeye episodes yet or the Loki series
  27. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

    You did that's interesting and I think I probably would've thought the same thing I remember when I was little that I thought Gaepora Kaepora was The king's pet lol
  28. MasterSooga987

    Last person to post wins

  29. MasterSooga987

    Breath of the Wild why is tingle not in botw?

    true I just meant if they don't bring him back(which they probably will)I would be fine with that but I hope that Tingle comes back he's a iconic character
  30. MasterSooga987

    Breath of the Wild why is tingle not in botw?

    I think that in the sequel they should have at least an ancestor of tingle open up a shop similar to how Beedle had shops in Wind Waker, Skyward sword
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