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  1. Jayblesplaysgames

    Leap of Faith Games

    Thomas was Alone is one of those games for me. I love how the game makes me care about a group of 2D shapes. The story is genuinely compelling, the voice over is funny and heartwarming, the music is perfect chiptune minimalism and the gameplay is fun, challenging, and rewarding.
  2. Jayblesplaysgames

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Got a few on the go but the main ones are RDR2 because I still haven't finished it and because I have a video idea I want to put together and I need the footage Wind Waker
  3. Jayblesplaysgames

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    Hey everyone. I'm new around here but I figured this would be the best place to start to let you guys get to know me a little better. Favourites 1. Wind Waker 2. Twilight Princess 3. Ocarina of Time Least Favourites 3. Zelda 2 (just cannot get into it) 2. Spirit Tracks (again just can't get...
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