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  1. Felixavier

    October Giveaway Contest: Favorite Zelda Quote

    So what's the status on this contest? Any news of who won?
  2. Felixavier

    Which Book Are You Currently Reading?

    Love those books. Please read through Perelandra, even if you end up not loving Out of Silent Planet. Perelandra is one of Lewis's best works in my opinion and is leagues better than Planet.
  3. Felixavier

    Misspellings and mispronunciations that annoy you

    When people call a Gyro a "JYE-ROE" instead of pronouncing it the real way: "YEAR-OH"
  4. Felixavier

    New Zelda trading cards

    I hadn't heard of these, but they look delicious! I may have to pick up a few packs now.
  5. Felixavier

    Introducing someone to the series

    I've thought about this a lot trying to get my wife into the series. She's a non-gamer and prefers a cute style over a serious/realistic style, so I want to start her with the Wind Waker. As others have said, I think it just depends on the person you're trying to get into it.
  6. Felixavier

    Kickstarter Album of Orchestral OOT Music

    Yeah! Looking forward to this!
  7. Felixavier

    Favorite Halloween Movies

    Troll 2. :3
  8. Felixavier

    Nintendo Classic Mini

    There IS a 3rd party USB adaptor that lets you plug in an original NES controller (if you have one) to a PC to play NES games on an emulator. That's the closest I've seen to the real deal, but you're right, a NES controller that connects directly to the Wii U would be ideal. And that's exactly...
  9. Felixavier

    The Scariest Zelda Enemies

    There are many great scary Zelda enemies! Really, though, there's no contest. It has to be Deadhand. The OOT Redeads def get an honorable mention though, purely for their screams, and the wallmasters are also runners up for sheer creep factor. The way they stalk you is terrifying. Come to think...
  10. Felixavier

    What is your Favorite Dungeon From Ocarina of Time

    Forest temple. The kid dungeons all had a bit of a kiddie feel to them, as good as they were, but entering the forest temple for the first time, I know that THIS was when the game REALLY began, and it was time to play serious. I think the dungeon itself is fantastic in terms of level design...
  11. Felixavier

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    I bought Armikrog on the Wii U. Pretty awesome game, if you played and enjoyed the Neverhood or grew up with point and click adventure games!
  12. Felixavier

    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would it Be?

    I've always felt a bit like a hobbit, so I might go with something like Meriadoc or Peregrin. But in truth, I'd probably go with "Heavensby Murgatroid"
  13. Felixavier

    Splatoon Switch

    Good point. I hadn't even thought about the motion controls, but that could be another game-breaking difference between the Wii-U and the Switch. I've gotten so used to motion controls and having a second touch screen on hand that I think I might feel a bit blinded and crippled without it!
  14. Felixavier

    What do you regret selling/giving away/losing?

    I regret selling my N64 and my Gamecube and all games for them. I regret selling my replica Master Sword. I also regretted selling my original copies of the Nintendo Power comics books, Super Mario Adventures, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past UNTIL THE REPRINT OF BOTH OF THEM...
  15. Felixavier

    Oracle of Ages vs. Oracle of Seasons

    It's definitely worth revisiting and finishing them both. They really are meant to be played together, and the true ending unlocked by beating them both is immensely satisfying!
  16. Felixavier

    Which video game world would you live in?

    Honestly animal crossing would probably be the best world to live in. So peaceful...
  17. Felixavier

    Your Favourite Anime?

    I'm pretty choosy about which animes I will watch all the way through. My favorites are pretty much limited to Last Exile and Scrapped Princess, although there are a few honorable mentions like Kino no Tabi and Full Metal Alchemist. Right now I am watching Log Horizon and it's quite good so far.
  18. Felixavier

    Things you would improve in OoT

    That's true. I like the idea of having more little secrets and goodies in the field. Secret caves... hidden chests... a fishing pond or two. That would improve the feeling of the overworld greatly. If you start to make big changes like that to an iconic field like OOT's hyrule field, though, I'm...
  19. Felixavier


    Good question. I never really thought about the fact that there doesn't seem to be any royal family in Majora's Mask. There's just the town mayor, but it doesn't seem like the town has much of any influence over the other races in the area, despite being a hub of sorts for the local denizens of...
  20. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    I'll check it out! Currently, I am pretty limited on storage space for board games, so I have been trying to find "micro games" and other small games that pack a lot of game into a small box. The "Tiny Epic" series is fantastic for that. Has anyone here played Battletech? It's a game I would...
  21. Felixavier

    Things you would improve in OoT

    What do you think could be done to resolve this? Filling up overworlds with interesting and meaningful things is always tricky. Should more monsters be added? That could get annoying if you're just trying to cross the field and are plagued with monster attacks. So maybe more NPCs or a new...
  22. Felixavier


    Interesting question. My personal take is that the royal family has ultimate say over the law of the land. Even though Princess Zelda is a hylian, not a goron or a Zora, I would think that their domains would still fall under her authority, because they lie within the realm of Hyrule. Perhaps...
  23. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    How did you know??? Haha. Thanks for the recommend; I will check it out. I recently played a game called Tiny Epic Western, and it was a blast. It's a very small and compact game, but packs a LOT of game in there. It mixes worker placement with poker, bluffing, and even some good old fashioned...
  24. Felixavier

    What Are Your Major Goals/Dreams?

    In this life, I'd really like to own a modest house with some decent land for gardening and such. I'd like to be able to work from home as a freelance writer, editor, or programmer. Actually, my ideal job would be recording audiobooks in a home studi0, but that may be aiming slightly too high...
  25. Felixavier

    Anyone else trying to get a free Link plushie?

    I admit I joined to try to get a plushie, but now I'm genuinely enjoying the community here!
  26. Felixavier

    Book and Movie Quotes.

    “I don’t like anything here at all.” said Frodo, “step or stone, breath or bone. Earth, air and water all seem accursed. But so our path is laid.” “Yes, that’s so,” said Sam, “And we shouldn’t be here at all, if we’d known more about it before we started. But I suppose it’s often that way. The...
  27. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    I've been keen to try Werewolf for a while now. Is it functionally identical to Mafia? In other words, is it possible to play without any pieces or equipment, like Mafia, or does it require special cards? The Apprentice sounds like it could be a barrel of fun, especially in light of the...
  28. Felixavier

    Splatoon Switch

    Most likely it will be a port with some enhanced features. Judging by the trailer it looks like they also may re-release Mario Kart 8 with some new features. It makes sense from a business standpoint. The Wii U undersold, so there are plenty of gamers out there who haven't experienced these...
  29. Felixavier

    Unified console = less Zelda games

    This is an interesting question. I'm not too concerned about whether the rate will increase or decrease, but I know that I would love to see 2D Zeldas continue. If the Switch is to be the only console moving forward, developers will likely only want to focus on rich 3D Zelda games, but I would...
  30. Felixavier

    Breath of the Wild Will you play Breath of the Wind on Wii U or Nintendo Switch?

    I've heard that using the Switch "tablet" as a second screen while playing on a TV will not be possible, which is a bit of a bummer, because I adore having my map and items on the Wii U controller when playing TPHD and WWHD. I could get used to not having the map on hand in the Switch version...
  31. Felixavier

    Breath of the Wild The Music

    I love it as well. I hope there are plenty of iconic music pieces to go with various sets, as music has always been the most memorable part of any Zelda game to me. But I also like the lonely expansive feeling of having little music and mostly silence in the wide open spaces. As much as I love...
  32. Felixavier

    What Other Zelda Merchandise Do You Own Besides Games?

    Before having a baby and downsizing, I used to have much more, including multiple strategy guides and a replica Master Sword, but currently I have a LoZ t-shirt, a Link and Wolf Link Amiibo, and the Link to the Past comic book originally printed in Nintendo Power.
  33. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    Watching a review of Dwarven Miner on Youtube now. Looks awesome! I love learning of board game companies I wasn't familiar with. Less known games are sometimes the best!
  34. Felixavier

    Name the best Zelda related songs!

    "Smashing Jars" by the Painted Pianos is an excellent fan song. There used to be a YouTube video for it, but it got taken down.
  35. Felixavier

    Oracle of Ages vs. Oracle of Seasons

    I like Seasons better, probably because (as others have admitted) I played that one first. However, other pluses to that game for me include a more interesting hook (changing seasons) some better items (Roc's cape) and what was to me a better side world (Subrosia vs. Crescent Isle). That said...
  36. Felixavier

    Kickstarter Album of Orchestral OOT Music

    I saw the symphony in Atlanta a couple years ago and it was amazing. That's part of why I am so stoked for this Kickstarter and I hope it succeeds. There really is nothing like Zelda music being played by a live symphony!
  37. Felixavier

    Wind Waker or Twilight Princess?

    WW, hands down. TP is amazing, don't get me wrong, but its release was plagued with delays and the whole wii port situation was kind of a mess with the sloppily tacked on motion controls. WW is just so charming and unique and full of life and color, whereas TP often felt kind of dismal and dead...
  38. Felixavier

    Just heard all GameStop stores are now taking trade-ins for older systems.

    I agree with PuzzleMaster7. I've always found GameStop to be incredibly cheap when it comes to trade-ins. I have sold may of my retro games/systems on Ebay and made bank, and I will continue to go that route in future if I want to sell more. The ability to BUY retro games and systems from...
  39. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    A few of these are unfamiliar to me, like Dwarven Miner and Four Taverns, so I shall check them out!
  40. Felixavier

    Who is Your Favorite(nonessential) NPC ?

    The skeleton captain from the Oracle games was always the most endearing to me for some reason. But I guess you could argue that he's an "essential" NPC because you must interact with him to complete the game.
  41. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    You should definitely check out Homeworlds and Hive, then. They're both excellent portable strategy games that I personally think hold their own easily with Chess.
  42. Felixavier

    Choose Your Death

    Cucco's are hilarious, so I choose them. But really, I'd rather die to the shopkeeper in Link's Awakening after stealing the bow and arrows.
  43. Felixavier

    Returning To Old Dungeons

    I love this idea. My favorite aspect of Skyward Sword was the dungeons that used timeshift stones so you can see what they were like in the past. I think it would be amazing to revisit some iconic dungeons either in the past or future. Exploring the dead Deku Tree could be extremely creepy, for...
  44. Felixavier

    Any programmers here?

    I have worked a lot with HTML in my current job as a copy editor, and I have just recently taken some courses to learn CSS and Javascript. I feel comfortable with those but don't have much experience actually writing with them. I am currently trying to pick up some JQuery and Ruby.
  45. Felixavier

    Favorite Board Games?

    I definitely still enjoy Monopoly, though I think many modern games have really surpassed it. It's just so classic though. I'd love to play D&D but have yet to find the right group of friends for it.
  46. Felixavier


    I enjoy fishing from time to time in real life, but to be honest, I'd much prefer spending an hour fishing in a Zelda game than doing so in real life :)
  47. Felixavier

    Best Zelda remake so far?

    For me it has to be Link's Awakening DX. Adding color to the game just transformed it completely for the better. It really brought the world to life like never before and turned a killer game into a masterpiece.
  48. Felixavier

    Best and Worst smelling Zelda characters.

    This is a fantastic topic. Worst? That surely must go to the toilet hand, but I bet wolf link smells pretty bad after going for a swim. Wet dog... Fishman from the Wind Waker probably reeks pretty badly too, from eating that nasty fish food all day. Best? Probably the TP Gorons...
  49. Felixavier

    Breath of the Wild Breath of the Wild on Switch - Console screen or television?

    TV when possible, but I often only get a chance to play games while the wife is putting the baby to sleep, and sometimes she is rocking the baby in the living room, so I am sure I will end up playing it on the "tablet" with headphones more often.
  50. Felixavier

    Let's Talk About Our Favourite Movies

    Have you seen any of these? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHobbit/comments/3vv8xm/collection_of_hobbit_trilogy_fanedits_and/ They all vary slightly, but they each improve the Hobbit movies to no end and to me are the only way to watch them now.
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