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  1. AkumaKing

    What character would you invite to your birthday party?

    I'd probably invite my Smash Bros mains and secondaries. Sheik, Marth, Lucina, Captain Falcon, and Greninja.
  2. AkumaKing

    Pick One Game FOREVER

    I'm changing mine, I play more Smash Bros than anything and NEVER get bored of it.
  3. AkumaKing

    Do people guess your age correctly?

    For me it varies. Some people think I'm a year or two younger than I really am, others a year or two older.
  4. AkumaKing

    Pick One Game FOREVER

    By that logic, Doom 2 is the obvious choice since it has more mods than any other game in existence. Thus, the obvious choice. *poofs*
  5. AkumaKing

    Pick One Game FOREVER

    Probably some sort of MMO, Neverwinter (or Black Desert when it comes out).
  6. AkumaKing

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    I've been playing a lot of Neverwinter recently and am about to finally start playing Doom 3.
  7. AkumaKing

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    On my mind: Solo'ing in MMOs can get pretty painful at times. @_@ I need to find people to form parties with.
  8. AkumaKing

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Sadly, no, I also have this issue like 70% of the time. I don't know why I can't get it to work most of the time. >_>
  9. AkumaKing

    Are There Any Genres Nintendo Should Create A New IP For?

    I disagree. We have ENOUGH Mario games out there. Plus, Zelda and Pokemon are both a lot more fitting, in my opinion. Why Zelda? Well, while Link has always been the protagonist, it's not like he's the only one who can swing a sword and go on quests. Plus, it's a fantasy world with some...
  10. AkumaKing

    Are There Any Genres Nintendo Should Create A New IP For?

    This would probably be a good idea. No, an amazing idea.....If executed correctly. I'm sure in Nintendo's innovative hands, they could make an amazing stealth game series. I don't care if I play as a spy, a ninja, an assassin, or some hobo who wants extra cash. I just want to see what amazing...
  11. AkumaKing

    Are There Any Genres Nintendo Should Create A New IP For?

    He meant stuff like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.
  12. AkumaKing

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Log Horizon
  13. AkumaKing

    Are There Any Genres Nintendo Should Create A New IP For?

    Personally, I'd love to see them make some sort of action RPG. I can't ever recall them doing such a thing and I personally love action RPGs.
  14. AkumaKing

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    On my mind: My gender, what even is it?
  15. AkumaKing

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Playing Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+, Tales of Symphonia, and Tales of the Abyss.
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