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  1. G

    Game Help Can't Catch the Girl in Zunari's Stall

    I appreciate the advice, but this problem is mostly resolved. It had nothing to do with talking to Zunari or Mila's father. First, because I talked to both of them earlier in the game. But mainly because it worked fine when I copied the save file to another save slot. I didn't do anything extra...
  2. G

    Game Help Can't Catch the Girl in Zunari's Stall

    @AncientPoe -- Yup, I had tried that earlier. It didn't change the outcome, though it was at least a change of scenery/strategy. ----------- Here's what finally worked. I copied my save file to another save slot. I changed the copied save file to normal mode. In normal mode I was able to have...
  3. G

    Game Help Can't Catch the Girl in Zunari's Stall

    There are two different ways you can end up talking to somebody in WWHD. 1. You get within 'talking range' and press A (usually when the yellow targeting arrow and talk prompt appear onscreen). Or, 2. When a character gets a little 'idea' graphic above his/her head and talks to you, in which...
  4. G

    Game Help Can't Catch the Girl in Zunari's Stall

    Deku Shroom -- I've tried several different timings for when I run or walk in, including when the rupee is in the thought bubble. Still the same. After posting my question here I tried 5 or 6 more times still. Same result -- I walk into the stall, catch her, she turns and looks at me, says...
  5. G

    Game Help Can't Catch the Girl in Zunari's Stall

    Okay, this one has me completely baffled and frustrated. I've played through Wind Waker once before, and coached one of my kids through parts of the game. Both previous times catching the girl in Zunari's stall and getting the 4th empty bottle was easy. (The first time I had to figure out...
  6. G

    The Wind Waker Oddities (treasure, Hero Mode, Etc)

    After completing Wind Waker HD for the first time, I decided to play through again on the second quest, in Hero mode, this time trying for 100%. (On my first play through, my goal was simply to beat the game, though I did do some side quests. Based on collected heart pieces I probably did...
  7. G

    General Zelda Finished Wind Waker HD… Impressions, Plus What's Next?

    Thanks to everybody that offered advice in my previous thread. Recap: I was nearly finished playing my first Zelda game, Ocarina of Time 3D, and was wondering what to do next. I got lots of great advice, and decided on Wind Waker HD. I just finished Wind Waker HD, and I loved it. I actually...
  8. G

    General Zelda New to Zelda... Tell Me What to Do Next.

    Shadow Blade -- thanks for your reply. I had been hoping to be able to return to various locations within the game to see how Hyrule looked post-Ganondorf. From a story/plot perspective I think that would have made for a nice payoff for some players. Would also give them an opportunity to...
  9. G

    General Zelda New to Zelda... Tell Me What to Do Next.

    Sorry I haven't responded to thank everybody for their input. THANKS! It looks like the most popular recommendations are to play Wind Waker HD, Majora's Mask, or A Link to the Past. Since I have WW and ALttP, I'll probably pick one of those. Thanks again for the advice. This could probably have...
  10. G

    General Zelda New to Zelda... Tell Me What to Do Next.

    Wow, lots of replies already. Thanks for the responses. @MartDiamond, @Chocolate Storm -- I think I may have given the wrong impression with regard to patience and needing help to get started. I'm certain I could have done OoT without a guide, if I hadn't set myself an arbitrary time limit of...
  11. G

    General Zelda New to Zelda... Tell Me What to Do Next.

    After years (okay, decades) of hearing how great the Zelda games are, but resisting, I decided a couple months ago I should probably play one. I did a little bit of internet research to try to find recommendations, and decided to play Ocarina of Time 3D, because I have a 3DS XL and wanted to...
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