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  1. 00steven

    Inevitable BotW2 backlash?

    Probably a dark world of sorts looking at the trailer. It’s common sense to use assets and the engine built so we don’t have to wait 8 more years.
  2. 00steven

    What is the Most Recent Game That You Completed?

    Heavy rain and Dishonored
  3. 00steven

    Games You Rate a Perfect 10

    Super Mario 64, OOT, and Metal Gear Solid
  4. 00steven

    Top 5 Greatest Video Game Series of All Time

    The Legend of Zelda Super Mario Metal Gear Super Smash Bros. Grand Theft Auto
  5. 00steven

    Ocarina of Time Favorite Scene (Funniest and Most Serious)

    Why? The game is 14 years old...
  6. 00steven

    Least Favorite Video Game Ever

    Mario is missing.
  7. 00steven

    How Would You Rate Skyward Sword?

    A fantastic re-imagining of my favorite series.
  8. 00steven

    How Would You Rate Skyward Sword?

    I actually keep a top 25 list of video games and Skyward Sword comes in at 7th all time at 98%. Yeah I know, I'm pathetic...
  9. 00steven

    Favorite/Least favorite Dungeon

    Sandship followed closely by Ancient Cistern.
  10. 00steven

    Majoras Mask 2012

    I believe Retro is making this game for the Wii U and it will be announced later this evening.
  11. 00steven

    What is Your Favorite Link?

    Ocarina of Time Adult Link, he just looks classic.
  12. 00steven

    What's YOUR 2011 Game of the Year?

    1. Skyward Sword (the greatest game of the last ten years) 2. Rayman Origins (just got it for the PS3 and it's awesome) 3. Super Mario 3D Land 4. Little Big Planet 2 Not counting OOT 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, or Metal Gear Solid HD collection
  13. 00steven

    General Modern Best Dungeon of All Time?

    I would say either the Forrest Temple or Water Temple from Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask had pretty greta temples too.
  14. 00steven

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Skyward Sword Metal Gear Solid 4 Replaying Metal Gear Solid
  15. 00steven

    Link Plush Doll Giveaway - Favorite Funny Zelda Quote

    "I'm not going to give up. I'll keep asking you until you say yes. That's how I courted my first wife, you know." Dampe in Majora's Mask.
  16. 00steven

    Metal Gear Solid

    I was wondering if anyone has played the original Metal Gear Solid? I am playing it right now and love it.
  17. 00steven

    Getting Made Fun of for Zelda

    People who only play FPS aren't true gamers in my book, just fanboys. A blend of all sorts of games is needed to have respect for the industry.
  18. 00steven

    ScrewAttack's Top 10 Worst Water Levels

    I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the Water Temple is awesome.
  19. 00steven

    Ocarina of Time What Was the Worst Ever Happened Thing?

    Being stuck in the Water Temple for a week and a half! Man, was that freaking frustrating!
  20. 00steven

    If You Could Only Have 1 Zelda Game What Would It Be

    I would choose Ocarina of Time. In my opinion it has the best gameplay, dungeons, and music in the series.
  21. 00steven


    Goldeneye is one of my favorite movies ever.
  22. 00steven

    Favourite Super Mario Game?

    My favorite game ever, Super Mario 64.
  23. 00steven

    Is Goldeneye Wii Good or is N64 Better?

    The Wii version is good (it plays like a Call of Duty game), but the N64 version is an alltime great game.
  24. 00steven

    Ocarina of Time Finding the Hidden SS Poster on OOT 3ds!

    I love how Nintendo throws in little hidden easter eggs for us!
  25. 00steven

    Disks or Cartriges?

    I have had some cartriges that are 25 years old that I've collected over time. I've had some disks that break in a year.
  26. 00steven

    Downloadable Music?

    Thanks for the help! (30 characters)
  27. 00steven

    Downloadable Music?

    Zelda Dungeon has done a wonderful job of putting the links to Zelda soundtrack downloads on the website. But what I'm wondering is, does anyone know where I can get Mario soundtracks? I need the Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy soundtracks. If anyone can help I would be much abliged.
  28. 00steven

    Favorite VG Song?

    Jolly Roger Bay from Super Mario 64!
  29. 00steven

    Majora's Mask Should I Get Majoras Mask?

    If you consider yourself a serious gamer and love a challenge, than Majora's Mask is a MUST own.
  30. 00steven

    Top 3 to 10 Video Game Songs

    1. Jolly Roger Bay (Super Mario 64) 2. Zelda's Lullaby (Ocarina of Time) 3. Nocturne of Shadow (Ocarina of Time) 4. Ocarina of Time menu 5. Winged Cap theme (Super Mario 64) There are so many more I could name but I wouldn't be able to order them properly, so I just did 5.
  31. 00steven

    Your WII U Launch Titles Wish List

    Smash Bros., Mario, Zelda, and a new Star Fox in HD!
  32. 00steven

    Spoiler The Official E3 Skyward Sword NEW REVEALS Effervescent Shouts & Discussions Thread

    Dissapointed with SS lack of attention also. But wow, a new SSB, and the HD quality for the Wii U (gonna have a hard time getting used to that) is mindblowing! A lot of stuff to digest...
  33. 00steven

    What Do You Think It Would Be Like if the Zelda Series Never Existed?

    Cars would crash into each other, buildings would randomly catch fire, and people would explode without any reason at all. So yeah, it would be pretty bad...
  34. 00steven

    Link Should Have a Voice!

    I do not think Link should have a voice, period. It's his trademark not to talk. Besides, the last series to add voices was Metroid and look how that turned out.
  35. 00steven

    General Classic One Game You Would Take Out

    Can I say the CDI games??? I just can't take one of the main games out.
  36. 00steven

    Hardest Dungeon/temple

    3 stick out to me... Water Temple in OoT Great Bay in MM Ikana in MM
  37. 00steven

    E3 is Coming...

    I expect a firm release date for Skyward Sword with a 25th anniversary announcement as well. Also, much more information about 3DS games and the unveiling of "project cafe". I also expect to see the unexpected as Nintendo blows us away with at least one great surprise every year.
  38. 00steven

    The New Rumours (and Probably Hoaxes); Skyward Sword Getting Even More Mysterious

    I am soooo excited for E3! I think we will have a lot more clearity when its all said and done. Most of these rumours make sense but the 2nd quest sounds almost impossible for the Wii to handle.
  39. 00steven

    Favorite Gaming Era

    I would like to know what your favorite gaming era is and why. Mine is the mid to late 90's, I was ayoung lad who discovered something special.... the Nintendo 64! The thing that blows me away to this day is the number of great games the N64 had. So whats your favorite gaming era?
  40. 00steven

    List Your 5 Favorite Zelda Games

    1. Ocarina of Time 2. Majora's Mask 3. Twilight Princess 4. The Wind Waker 5. A Link to the Past
  41. 00steven

    Favorite TV Show

    Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, and The Office.
  42. 00steven

    Most Relaxing Place to Be in Wind Waker?

    Riding the great sea listening to the music is relaxing to me.
  43. 00steven

    General Modern Best Graphics/Style Of Zelda Game?

    The OoT style is my favorite. It feels like the most classic Zelda look.
  44. 00steven

    Your Top 3 Favorite WII Games

    I'll do my top 5 5. DK Country Returns 4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (It was released on Wii before GC so...) 2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 1. Super Mario Galaxy
  45. 00steven

    Ocarina of Time Was the Shadow Temple Scary when You First Played Through OoT?

    The Shadow Temple was the scariest level for a rated E game ever, in my opinion.
  46. 00steven

    Project Cafe Launch Title Predictions

    There can't be a Perfect Dark title because Rare own the rights and sold their soul to Microsoft.
  47. 00steven

    Do You Know Anyone Named Link in Real Life?

    I think it would be an awesome name! Maybe I'll name my son Link...
  48. 00steven

    Project Cafe Launch Title Predictions

    There is a rumor that Retro studios is working on a Star Fox game for "Project Cafe" which would take advantage of the systems amazing graphics. I also think it would be to early for a Mario game at launch. SMG2 was released in 2010 and usually there is 5+ years gap between Mario Console games...
  49. 00steven

    What Changes to the Series Would Ruin Zelda for You?

    I completely agree, to me Link is The Legend of Zelda.
  50. 00steven

    Ocarina of Time Will You Get the New Ocarina of Time?

    I will get it, but it may not be when it comes out. I will have to buy the 3DS as well, so that will be $300 bucks.
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