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  1. Rofang

    Early Releases in America

    I'm not trying to be incredibly antagonistic by asking this, but what law do you suppose is being broken if an employee sells a copy of a game before its release date? (Assuming the employee didn't pocket the money or something.) What penalty do you suppose would be imposed on the employee...
  2. Rofang

    Have You Pre-ordered SS?

    I have a preorder in at Best Buy, but I'll buy from Wal Mart instead if they have it at midnight (my Best Buy won't be doing a midnight launch, they tell me).
  3. Rofang

    Check Out the Graphical Improvement!

    I was under the impression the old video's contrast was just messed up. That looks like the only change to me.
  4. Rofang

    Stamina Bar: Make or Break?

    I'm not sure how I feel about climbing depleting the stamina bar (maybe it won't be too tedious). Two questions, though: 1) Does anyone know for sure that climbing does deplete the stamina bar? The official gameplay trailer is ambiguous, but I could've missed something in some other demo...
  5. Rofang

    Instrument in Skyward Sword

    I don't see the need for an instrument, but if they include one, I expect it to be new. Then again, a conductor's wand like the Wind Waker really would make sense with Motion Plus, wouldn't it?
  6. Rofang

    The Antagonist

    I voted new villain, mostly because that's what I'd like to see, but Twilight Princess has made me paranoid that they'll sneak in Ganon even when it's not especially fitting. I'd be happy leaving OOT as his first chronological appearance, but if Nintendo is tempted enough, there's really...
  7. Rofang

    Traditional Item (Not Yet Confirmed) That You Most Want?

    A smaller ball and chain that you whirl around with the wiimote sounds badass to me.
  8. Rofang

    Chances That SS Will Be Ranked #1 of All Time?

    I tend to doubt it'll rank #1 because the game seems to be taking some risks that I don't expect will be able to please everyone. Of course, whether the game pleases me is the important part, as far as I'm concerned... ;)
  9. Rofang

    Is Link Too Pretty? Not Tough Looking Enough?

    I don't expect a lumberjack Link. Androgyny suits him fine.
  10. Rofang

    Princess Zelda's Role?

    Whatever she is in the game, I'd like her not to be a relatively helpless victim. CPU-controlled co-op might be fun. (I'd also like her to be a playable character for at least a sizable chunk of the game, but that's obviously not happening in SS.)
  11. Rofang

    Should You Be Able to Re-fight Bosses in Ss

    Yes, and the way it was implemented in Shadow of the Colossus was brilliant. Do a dream-like sequence.
  12. Rofang

    Would You Wait Til' 2012?

    No, I'd rather have a pretty good game in 2011 than a best-ever game in 2012. I figure the net happiness to me between the two levels of game quality isn't a monumental span. If it's a fun diversion for a few months, that's good enough - gimme.
  13. Rofang

    What Are You Looking Forward To The Most From Skyward Sword?

    I'm looking forward to the swordplay making me feel like a big man.
  14. Rofang

    Clothing in Skyward Sword

    I wonder how clothing would work with the streamlined item menu. You don't suppose they'd incorporate a sub-menu within the new item menu, do you? Like a generic clothing icon as one of the eight item slots, and that opens into another item wheel of clothes? Might be too slow to navigate.
  15. Rofang

    Links True Form Not Human?

    Methinks you read it wrong...?
  16. Rofang

    Do You Expect Skyward Sword to Use the Vitality Sensor?

    Supposing the Vitality Sensor hasn't been scrapped entirely (see article here), do you expect it to be incorporated into Skyward Sword (optionally, I assume)? Further, what do you suppose the sensor might do if it were incorporated into SS or some other Zelda game? Maybe an extra ability or two...
  17. Rofang

    Eye Door + Sword Circle = Stupid

    I'd like it noted that I agree with most of the factual points Jupiter brings up, but not necessarily the tone. ;)
  18. Rofang

    Eye Door + Sword Circle = Stupid

    Is it such a bad thing if one or two people online think one detail in the game seems gimmicky? Not everyone will like every detail of the game. It shouldn't affect your enjoyment of the game, right?
  19. Rofang

    It Seems Like I Will Actually Use the Slingshot More Now.

    Interesting way to look at it. That sounds fine.
  20. Rofang

    Eye Door + Sword Circle = Stupid

    Well, not to speak for Jupiter, but personally, when I thought the door-dizzying felt gimmicky, it was in the sense that it seemed less like something that makes sense to encounter in a Zelda world and more like a demo for Motion Plus. Of course, it's hardly surprising that the designers would...
  21. Rofang

    Eye Door + Sword Circle = Stupid

    My initial thoughts were likewise: dizzying the eye door was gimmicky and dumb. I'm mostly over it now; I tend not to think it will detract enormously from my enjoyment of the game.
  22. Rofang

    What We Saw at E3

    Did anyone notice an instance of somebody using the sword to block an incoming attack? That would seem to be an important part of 1:1 swordfighting, but I've seen no mention of it yet.
  23. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    I guess I'd grudgingly admit that it's the right thing to do, and that waiting until, say, third quarter 2011 instead of 1Q'11 won't kill me. All the same, I won't be campaigning in favor of the delay (or against, I suppose).
  24. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    I have nothing specific to add here, except that my left-handed percentage linked to a Wikipedia page (for whatever that's worth), and I agree it was foolish of Nintendo to jump into the game design without having lefties in mind from the very beginning. Mistake already made, however, I now...
  25. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    Yes, it is. Yes. But we can explore the assumption in more detail if you'd like. Point by point: * What percentage of aspiring Zelda players are left-handed? I know of no reason Zelda players should have a higher rate of left-handedness than the rest of the population (unless Link draws in...
  26. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    I'm too new to be able to speculate on the community's trustworthiness, but if you'd like a fair gauge, why not include poll options for the righties to click on? For example: * I'm a lefty, and I'd like a left-handed option, even if it delays the release. * I'm a lefty, but I do not want the...
  27. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    I do think it's callous of them not to include a handedness option. The extent to which this bothers me, though, is outweighed by the amount I want the game RIGHT NOW, and by the fact that it seems a number of lefties (myself included) are already used to left-thumbstick, and at least some of...
  28. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    Months of sweet, sweet gameplay.
  29. Rofang

    Graphics: Skyward Sword Vs. Twilight Princess.

    I have to second Weegee, at least about the Bokoblins. Those guys are really disappointing. Here's hoping they're early beta designs, because I want to enjoy walloping them, not run away in revulsion.
  30. Rofang

    Things the Story Has to Explain.

    Okay, you don't welcome other people's lists for some reason. Acknowledged. But really, why should we expect that there must be one true master list of things that need covering? Player X may be satisfied only if items 1-10 are covered, while player Y may only care about items 3 and 11. Is...
  31. Rofang


    No, and I'm not even sure how much more time has to elapse before I'd want to see him again. I think he's been run into the ground.
  32. Rofang

    Things the Story Has to Explain.

    Because you raised the subject of "things the story has to explain." My answer is: "nothing." Did you want people to post their own lists or just agree with yours? My list just happens to have zero items.
  33. Rofang

    Graphics: Skyward Sword Vs. Twilight Princess.

    I'm fine with SS's style so far. Gritty realism probably isn't the Wii's strong suit, on top of which abstract art and graphics may even enhance immersion (I once read something of the sort by Scott McCloud, that abstraction lets you imagine yourself as a fictional character more easily).
  34. Rofang

    Things the Story Has to Explain.

    Sorry if this is heretical, but I don't really care about any of those things, myself. I want a game that's fun (and I assume will make me feel like a big man, dextrously smiting all sorts of powerful foes with an imaginary sword). Ideally, it should have a story that's interesting enough to...
  35. Rofang


    The Oocca. They'll take over Skyloft by the end of the game. ;)
  36. Rofang

    Left-Handed Option? Should There Be One...

    I'm left-handed, but my natural preference is to play right-handed. I did do a left-handed playthrough of TP once; it wasn't too hard to adjust, but then I'm not sure whether SS's 1:1 gameplay will make it more difficult to play opposite Link's on-screen handedness. I saw a video of some dude...
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