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  • Users: Zant
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  1. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but then I eat it up. (salty-sweet spaghetti?) I wish that I was a train.
  2. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Purple is now the color of a TRAIN. < Wants to be a Lokomo instead of a train. V Wishes the same?
  3. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but you turn invisible. I wish that Hylian Knight was a Gibdo!
  4. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Yup. He's on his ship. < Wants more people to click on her dragons V Will tell other people to click on my dragons, as well as do so his/herself?
  5. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but the you turn into a train and fall from the sky. I wish I could travel with Byrne and Cole, and that we were the best of friends. Forever.
  6. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but then your computer breaks. I wish that I was a Lokomo, and that I could use magic to prevent myself from becoming a train! Again! Also, I would like to travel with Byrne and Cole.
  7. Zant

    Rate the Character Above You

    Never head of him. 5/10 Zant :)
  8. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    ... You know you're addicted to Zelda when you play it nonstop.
  9. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but then you find out that your family are actually just a bunch of humans dressed up! I wish that I was a Lokomo, like Byrne, and not a locomotive, as in a train.
  10. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but then Malladus comes after you instead, and wants to eat you. I wish I was a Lokomo!!!
  11. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Nah <Is bored to death with being stuck in a room V Has ever felt that way?
  12. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know you're addicted to Zelda when you are constantly humming the theme song of the person you like.
  13. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Is wondering what that even means < Is crazy about LOZ villans!!! V Has a crush on a few?
  14. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Yes, you are green! < Wishes smeone would save her dragons from dying V Might be that person?
  15. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Was going to...but forgot to. <Is exeedingly bored and wants her droids to come already! VIs also bored?
  16. Zant

    Rate the Character Above You

    5/10 He's weird and creepy XP Linebeck! The awesome sailor who loooooves rupees!
  17. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know you're addicted to Zelda when, when somebody says that LOZ games and LOZ in general are stupid, you challange them to a swordfighting duel. (Part of my everyday life. :D)
  18. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but then the four people begin to do everything waaaay too "right", making it look like you're just barely average, when it's actually you who's doing everything correctly and the four people are just putting on an act. I wish that I was a Duildan again.
  19. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ I...love...the color....blue!!! That's my favorite color of all time!! :D < Is a cyborg and likes another cyborg V Doesn't like the color orange?
  20. Zant

    Rate the Character Above You

    ?/10 I don;t know who that is. Zant! (Me!)
  21. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Boo. :lol: Granted, but then they stop fighting and start chatting about lightsabers and magic. :lol: I wish that I could jump into the story I am writing and then actually be in it!
  22. Zant

    Rate the Character Above You

    10/10 Funny! Rocket Battle Droids? :lol: (so hilarious...)
  23. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Definately. :lol: <Wants to be able to teleport into the Star Wars world! V Wants to be able to teleport?
  24. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^I like waffles...is that a good answer? < Is a cyborg!!! (...in my book.) V Is non-human?
  25. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^...? <Loves any type of droid from Star Wars, but especially loves EV-A4-D, General Grievous's EV-Type Medical Lab Assistant Droid. V Likes a droid?
  26. Zant

    Rate the Character Above You

    ?/10 (Never played WW) Jedi Master Plo Koon
  27. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    You didn't make a wish... I wish that I had ten thousand Hexbug Nanos and every exhibit that went with them.
  28. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but it wants you to treat it like a king and do everything it says. I wish that my beloved Battle Droids won't be killed...ever...and that they are lightsaber-proof and very friendly.
  29. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Well...probably not. <Is getting a lot of cool things fro Christmas, though! V Is freaking out because it's almost Christmas?!?!?! :)
  30. Zant

    Ghosi's Laboratory of Creations

    Hey Ghosi! I got your message on my profile...so I have an idea. Do you know about General Grievous from Star Wars? Do you think you could make a siggy of me (Zant) and him standing in the Twilight Palace with the words "Nice place you got here..." on the top, and on the bottom you could put my...
  31. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Correct <Wants a weapon that will not break!(Every single sword I get breaks either in half or into pieces!) V Is Italian like me?
  32. Zant

    Zelda Art The Legend of Zelda: A Link to Death

  33. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^I have no idea what that means but... likes metroid <Is actually female and likes General Grievous and EEEEVVVVIIIILLL characters! Also likes role-playing Zant :O V Is extremely surprised
  34. Zant

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Is allergic to cats <Yeppers! I have wo, actually, and I think Chancellor Cole, Byrne, and General Grievous are awesome V Likes EEEEVIILLL characters from various games!
  35. Zant

    Zelda Art The Legend of Zelda: A Link to Death

    Hee heee! I love how you incorperated the songs into your story! :) That makes it so much more zelda-like!
  36. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know you're addicted to Zelda when everything you say is a quote from said game! Everything.
  37. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know you're addicted to Zelda when you draw pictures of them, hang them on your wall, and stare at them frequently.
  38. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know that you are REALLY addicted to Zelda when you have every single LOZ game that exists*, all of the action figures, all costumes, acessories, weapons, icons, pets...etc, etc, etc. *And you have played them all to the end multiple times but you keep playing them anyway... Also, you...
  39. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    ...All of these are things that are a part of my everyday life... You know you're addicted to Zelda when you put wooden staffs in your yard, get a sword, and then start hacking away and pretending they're enemies. (This is also a part of everyday life!)
  40. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    You know you are truly addicted to Zelda when you get a haircut like Byrne's from ST! (I actually did that!!! I am insanely addicted!!! :) )
  41. Zant

    Zelda Art The Legend of Zelda: A Link to Death

    Master, I really loved this story. This is an incredible fan fic...and contrary to what other people say, I think the size, diologue, and everything in general are perfect! The type of writing is unique, and it has a signature sound to it. Your fan fics rule!!! I love the comedy of the story...
  42. Zant

    Zelda Art Link Sullivan and the Odyssey of the Master Sword...A Real World Zelda Tale

    Completely and truly incredible! I really hope that you keep writing this! It has a great plot and story line, and I love how you incorperated the Deku tree, the monkey, and the Kokori into it. I really feel the flow of words...and it's like you can peer into the story and actually be there...
  43. Zant

    Zelda Art Link Sullivan and the Odyssey of the Master Sword...A Real World Zelda Tale

    Incredible. Truly incredible. I laughed so hard for the first paragraph...and at the part where he said he wears green alot...hilarious! :)
  44. Zant

    You Know You're Addicted to Zelda When...

    I actually did that.....And it's still there. You know you're addicted to Zelda when...You think every pan flute you see is the Spirit Flute, When you try blowing through a reed that just happens to be shaped like a bird and expect a hawk to come, When you see a triforce and say 'I wonder if...
  45. Zant

    Okay, Story Time on How My Life Relates to Zelda!!!

    I see Triforces in ceiling tiles, florecent illuminators(Those long lights you sometimes see in schools or in bathrooms), floor tiles, artwork, and arcitectual designs. I also use a ton of Zelda refrences when people talk to me. I also have a theory that LOZ is true, and that there are three...
  46. Zant

    Zelda Art The Legend of Zelda: On the Tracks to Darkness (PG 13)

    Awesome! You are really good at that! Can you keep writing it?
  47. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted but it eats you. I wish I could live in the LOZ Spirit Tracks world, save Byrne and Cole, and live happily for the rest of my life with them.
  48. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but now you can't stop drooling. I wish that the Gerudo race didn't live in the desert or on top of the moon! I wish they lived somewhere nice and peaceful, with soft winds and plenty of food and water. And plants!
  49. Zant

    How Different Would Zelda Be If Link Talked/Responded?

    Link does talk. Like right before you fight Byrne, he agrees with Zelda, and you get to choose what he says.
  50. Zant

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but you have to give it away because you already have too many. i wish the Gerudo race wasn't forced to live in the desert. :(
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