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  1. TheKingSeamus

    OoT Question

    Thanks for the feedback.
  2. TheKingSeamus

    OoT Question

    I've heard about this thing called a unicorn fountain in OoT.I also heard it was going to be in Uru Zelda (that got canceled) Any ways heres the question: Is the Unicorn Fountain in OoT MQ?
  3. TheKingSeamus

    Graphic Requests

    I really want someone to do this so i'll say it again Can you make a signature with Lttp Link picking up the master sword and TheKingSeamus above with 2 blue links the first one's sword is facing T and the second one's sword is facing s
  4. TheKingSeamus

    Mystery Dungeon

    I love Explores of Sky NUMBER 1 GAME EVER
  5. TheKingSeamus

    Are You Going to Buy the Wii U?

    Once Pikmin 3 and SSB 4 Im buying it
  6. TheKingSeamus

    I Has a Question

    Thank you everybody
  7. TheKingSeamus

    Updating Your Nintendo 3DS

    Two words. THANK YOU!
  8. TheKingSeamus

    I Has a Question

    In OoT,you do not see Saria anywhere (besides being a sage) So does this mean she died??=\ I mean in the future by the way
  9. TheKingSeamus

    What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    Link to the Past 100% Pure Awesome
  10. TheKingSeamus

    Graphic Requests

    Can you make one for me with Lttp Link picking up the master sword and TheKingSeamus above with 2 blue links the first one's sword is facing T and the second one's sword is facing s BTW can u make it a signature
  11. TheKingSeamus

    General Zelda Favorite Zelda Character

    Thats a tough one, I want to say Blue Link but he's Link so Fierce Deity:triforce::):triforce: Oh I forgot GO GROOSE!!!
  12. TheKingSeamus

    First Attempt

    Pretty Good<3:mastersword:<3
  13. TheKingSeamus

    May Giveaway Contest: Most Anticipated Game of 2012

    Enter Contest LIKE A BOSS
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