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  1. Shikenshu

    Does Demise Comes from Lorule?

    Hi everyone, I just finished A Link Between Worlds and after I saw Demise's Sword, a question came to my mind: does Demise comes from Lorule? The facts: -Demise's sword has the reversed Triforce on the blade. The reversed Triforce is a recurring design in Lorule, since it is their...
  2. Shikenshu

    Are You Prideful (negative)

  3. Shikenshu

    If You Could Have a Million Dollars, What Would You Do with It?

    I would probbably do alot of drugs and other things just for fun, and I would realize that I F'ed up when there will be 100$ left.
  4. Shikenshu

    Artistic Ability

    I think I do not. I do have some skills in drawing, I'm not saying I'm good, but I can do some good looking stuff. However, I do not believe art stops at the product itself, I believe art must contain a message, emotions, something true and when I write or draw, I do not deliver a message or...
  5. Shikenshu

    That Canadian Thread

    Free Quebec, How did people voted for Stephen Harper, he's even worst than Bush and I didn't thought it was possible
  6. Shikenshu

    Did You Used to Believe In...

    Yes, I did believed in a mystical creature called God
  7. Shikenshu

    Origin of Raiku, Entei and Suicine.

    It's fake, like the rumor about ditto being a failed clone of mew
  8. Shikenshu

    SSB4: the Little Things

    Can you tell me how Melee physics were broken? Also, Melee wasn't that fast, before Brawl, Melee had a normal speed, Melee is not fast, but brawl is super slow. Melee didn't have tripping, metaknight and a broken ledge game.
  9. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Based on this picture: Olivia Wilde beautiful girl free wallpaper download no88489 I'm really proud of the upper face, the eyes and everything. I think now I need to work more on the lips/nose.
  10. Shikenshu

    SSB4: the Little Things

    Returning to Melee's mechanics is the way to go, but it won't happen, sadly
  11. Shikenshu

    [PS3] Is-it Possible to Copy Save Data?

    The title says it all, like it's possible on gamecube.
  12. Shikenshu

    So... How's the Weather?

  13. Shikenshu

    What Do You Want Right Now?

    The girl next door :lol:
  14. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Some experimenting with shading Based on this picture
  15. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Yeah, I'll try to fix that
  16. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    The almighty L from Death Note!
  17. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Well, when I draw a more anime style, I prefer undersketches, but I don't know why, for these type of drawing, I prefer freehand/guideline
  18. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Mix of freehand/guidelines, I tried using undersketch one time, but the result wasn't very good
  19. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    A new one! :D It's HAyden Panettiere from Heroes I'ts based on this picture
  20. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Whut? lol Your drawing style or your face?
  21. Shikenshu

    General Art Shikenshu's Art Thread

    Wassup everybody?! I am an amateur artist, but I love drawing, so, here's my collection! I did a Vaati drawing like 1-2 years ago, Vaati ~TP like This thread will be mainly portrait drawn on loose leaves with a mechanical pencil, I might do another thread in the future for drawings similiar...
  22. Shikenshu

    Preferred Coding Language?

    C# all dayz! Do you know why Java programmers need glasses? Because they can't C sharp! Ba dum tss! Though I also know java, javascript and a little bit of C/C++
  23. Shikenshu

    Your Favourite Lady in Gaming

    Does it count as a lady?
  24. Shikenshu

    Video Games That Require the Most Thought?

    Solo, I say RTS and RPG (not every RPG) Multiplayer, Fighting games at a competitive level. You need to remember every matchup, every combos, every mixup, etc... while analyzing an opponent that you don't know, you must synchronize him and on top of that, you need to change your style and...
  25. Shikenshu

    Games You Are Dying to Play.

    Destiny, Wind Waker HD and Super Smash Bros 4, only if it has wavedash.
  26. Shikenshu

    Do You Like Super Smash Bros. or Zelda? Do You Want to Help People? Then Click Now!

    No, there is a donation drive for each games nominated to be Evo 8th game. The game that will gather the most donation (money) will be a main game at Evo.
  27. Shikenshu

    Do You Like Super Smash Bros. or Zelda? Do You Want to Help People? Then Click Now!

    Hi everybody, How are you going? My name is Shikenshu and I don't post alot, but this time, I'm doing it because this cause is very dear to my heart. Well, there is two actually. So, I don't know if you heard that, but Super Smash Bros. Melee is nominated to be the 8th Evo main game. Evo...
  28. Shikenshu

    What's Your Favorite Cut of Meat?

    The filet mignon
  29. Shikenshu


    Younger (and even now), I did a lot of stupid things, but I don't regret doing any of these because they gave experience and fulfillment. However, in the same vein of Cfrock, I regret nearly everything I did between 13 and 21 years old (I'm 18), because I became a pu**y, I stopped doing stupid...
  30. Shikenshu

    Top # Sexiest Video Game Characters

    No one even mentionned Tifa Lockhart, people, are you sick? :P Tifa Lockhart is sure one of the sexiest character in Video games, with her boobies :D I mean hobbies, english is such a hard language.
  31. Shikenshu

    Gears of War General Thread & Giveaway

    I don't play Gears of War, but there might some of you that play. When I brought my Xbox Live prepaid, it was a 14 month + GoW3 dlc, but I won't use it, so here's the code, first come, first served! Also, there's no Gears of War thread (maybe there was one on the third game release, but...
  32. Shikenshu

    What's Your The Legend Of Zelda: Greatest Hits Music?

    Gerudo Valley all the way
  33. Shikenshu

    DragonBall Games

    Most DBZ are good but nearly none of them is perfect, RG2 is, in my opinion, a really good game if you understand the deep mechanic, if you don't, you only mash to win. Budokai 2 (not tenkaichi) was probably the best with all the custom set avaible and the controls were somewhat similar to...
  34. Shikenshu

    Video Game Characters That You Want by Your Side During a Zombie Apocalypse.

    People, think about it, you need Peach of course. She can provide food and weapons. Along with her, bring 2-3 strong fighters fro any games and there tou have it, Earth Rescue Team.
  35. Shikenshu

    Your Thoughts on Dragon Types

    I have only 1 word concerning dragon type: OP! 1 fire move for god damned steel tye and you have won the game lol. Actually, what I said is really the truth about them, so, yeah, dragon pokémon are nice!
  36. Shikenshu

    Accuracy Vs. Power

    @A_LINK: A move that need a recharge turn is far worst then a 70% acc because the recharge turn is a free setup or switch for you opponent while the 70% acc move might not result in a miss.
  37. Shikenshu

    Rate My Party

    If you use it as a competitive team, you should learn about EVs, these will help you A LOT. Also, you should fnd a lead that can set up the screens (ligh screens, etc.) to protect you dragon in case you charizard cant do a thing. Also, a lot of pokemon can learn ice moves even if they don't have...
  38. Shikenshu

    Accuracy Vs. Power

    Remember that even at 50% accuracy, a move is supposed (we dont control luck) to it once on 2 strikes, so, if you can finish the opposing pokemon with one lower accuracy but two 100% accuracy, go with the lower accuracy if it's higher than like 75% (3/4 hits will hits). Howewer, if your pokemon...
  39. Shikenshu

    Rate My Party

    Is this a team made for ingame playing against computers or it is a competitively(that's a hard word lolol)? Anyway, can you tell the evs spread?
  40. Shikenshu

    Assassin's Creed III's Setting - Rumor

    Actually the order was create when Those who came before disappeared. It is the same with the templar if I remember well. Also, I believe it would be nice in Egypt. There was a rumor about it and in the AC encyclopedia(the character cards in the white one), there is a really nice picture of an...
  41. Shikenshu

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    The one and only SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEEEE
  42. Shikenshu

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Le monstre - Karim Ouellet, it's a french song, but I think it sounds good. http://youtu.be/T2KNBc3E_d0
  43. Shikenshu

    Do You Play Skyrim?

    1. 11/11/11 (Epic date, epic game) 2. Finished the main and most of the major factions; side-quest and dungeon cleaning on-going 3. This game is just awesome. It's far better than Oblivion and you can play the game for days(24/24) without finishing it.
  44. Shikenshu

    General Art Berlioz's Drawings

    This is awesome, keep up the good work! :yes::cool:
  45. Shikenshu

    Arrow to the Knee Joke/meme: Overused?

    I used to think that joke was overused, then I took an arrow in the knee...
  46. Shikenshu

    BW OU Trick Room

    Sup, Me and some friends play pokémon online and I'm really interested in trick room team. I would like to know if anyone plays trick room and if anyone knows how to play trick room. I don't play on cartridge, I play in the Smogon server of Pokémon Online. I play BW OU.
  47. Shikenshu

    Next SSB Characters

    Bring back Dr Mario!!!! And Demise!! He would be a stronger Ike.
  48. Shikenshu

    Saddest Games (so Far)

    I don't believe this is the saddest game I played, but Halo: Reach is somewhat sad.
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