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  1. JakeProtagonist

    What Kind of Pets Do You Have?

    I do and I love her so much! Info: Dog Name is Chloe Breed is Havanese Female And She's almost 2 years old and around 12 in Dog Years
  2. JakeProtagonist

    What Do You Do to Relax or Sooth Yourself

    Hey Guys, "Imma Back!" and here with a question. What do you do in your spare time to relax and sooth your nerves, or just be at peace. I myself, have recently discovered doing this. Combine This Song while having RainyMood.com: Rain makes everything better. in another tab on in the...
  3. JakeProtagonist

    Are There Any LP'ers Here?

    Im doing one for Skyward Sword (Hero Mode) right now, My first two sucked but i started doing this voice thing recetnly people seem to be enjoying. Check out my channel in my signature
  4. JakeProtagonist

    How Do You Make Games on WII, on and HDTV with HD Settings On, Less Jaggy Looking?

    I figured that at first, but I randomly heard somewhere that there is a way to make it look better somewhere but i forgot :( Oh well. Its not that bad.
  5. JakeProtagonist

    How Do You Make Games on WII, on and HDTV with HD Settings On, Less Jaggy Looking?

    You know how on HDTVs WII games look real Jaggy? How do you fix that, if there is a way? I would really like to know if there is way. please tell me the settings on your HDTV or something please! I would really Appreciate it!
  6. JakeProtagonist

    Let's Play Skyward Sword (Hero Mode)!

    Ill be Posting Episodes from my Lets Play of Skyward Sword Hero Mode. Be sure to tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yg-sr4eLfI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGJXjcOo6JA&feature=related...
  7. JakeProtagonist

    Tech Help Question About HD PVR. PLEASE HELP!

    I just recently got Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10, and now wish to record with my HD PVR using that. But it wont let me because its apparently its "Being used by another application". I then proceeded to uninstall the program i used to record with, thinking that was the problem. But it still doesnt...
  8. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    Yeah. this is one of the reasons i stopped think this subject.
  9. JakeProtagonist

    Is Fi the New Navi?

    If its to the point of not wanting to play just because of her, I think you may get agrivated too easily. Anyway, I noticed she'll point out real obvious stuff, but then be real vague about the hard stuff... Im just indifferent to her sort of. Navi's only annoying factor was that she kept...
  10. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    ... WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?! Seriously though, this makes the most sense ive heard so far. I tip my Santa Hat (That I actually am Wearing right now) to you. Well done! :yes:
  11. JakeProtagonist

    IGN's Top 2011 Teaser Trailer!

    Its one of the Only games on there that got a 10/10 so theres good odds :D
  12. JakeProtagonist

    The Wii U's Price

    Read the Other Comments, this isnt for the US. Unless Your in AU your good. Ours will be about 350$ at MOST.
  13. JakeProtagonist

    IGN's Top 2011 Teaser Trailer!

    The Award Winners will be announced on Monday, but here is a trailer! I LOVED the one they did last year if you ever saw it. And they picked the right game last year too IMO. Anyway here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-KFzuvx0D4&feature=g-u
  14. JakeProtagonist

    The Wii U's Price

    Didnt Nintendo already say it would be around 350 at most? Calm down EB Games probably just put that on there.
  15. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    actaully, this makes me feel alot better about it :yes:. Your right! Thanks! He is bassically the first Ganondorf. Or earlier person who tried to steal the Triforce! And Started it all. There still coud've been more backstory on him though. Ganondorf couldnt have existed back than since Ganon is...
  16. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    Even if it was what people have said so far, That would still mean that the only reason all these bad things happen in the games, is because of this ONE villain, who isnt even the MAIN antagonist of the series. Thats VERY dissapointing.
  17. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    If that be the case, it kinda makes me feel completley indifferent to Demise now. In that case, I dont like him as a villain, and shouldnt have been included, or at least introduced earlier.
  18. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    Thats the same thing as I said except in different words, it doesnt make a difference. i used the term "Birth" as Origin in this case. It could mean that since it means something coming into existence.
  19. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    Ganondorf could woop Demise ;)
  20. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    But didnt Nintendo say that this game would mention the birth of Ganondorf somehow? So either that is the reason, or Nintendo lied to us. Because there is nothing else that could resemble Ganondorf's appearance.
  21. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    The Problem I have is that the game flat out says, Ganon IS the incarnation of Demise's Hatred. That doesnt make them them the same being true, but it bassically says that this one random guy is the ONLY reason almost all of the other Zelda games happened for the most part. Thats... Pretty...
  22. JakeProtagonist

    Skyward Sword - Typo~

    What he said ^. Live as in "liv"
  23. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Did Demise Ruin Ganondorf for Anyone Else?

    EDIT: I actually dont think this anymore and now Believe That Demise's Hatred isnt Ganondorf, but he was just speaking metaphoricly, and I took him too literal. I now think he was just foreshadowing the future, which is pretty cool. Wish he had a better backstory still though. But feel free to...
  24. JakeProtagonist

    Skyward Sword is Making Zelda More Popular Than People Want?

    I Like this. Nintendo is to Video Games as Disney is to Movies. I think that is a BRILLIANT ANOLOGY :yes:
  25. JakeProtagonist

    Skyward Sword is Making Zelda More Popular Than People Want?

    Skyward Sword did inovate the Wii I think anyway. It pushed The Wii's Maxium Abilities and the motion control Sword Fighting. When it came to revolutionizing, They did about the same. Bit i guess since OOT was older, it probably had more of impact.
  26. JakeProtagonist

    Skyward Sword is Making Zelda More Popular Than People Want?

    Thats is true. Welcome by the way :) I think Zelda is technically qualified as an Action Adventure game though, that has RPG qualities. The only one I think is an actaul RPG is Zelda II. Thanks for being really mature about this by the way :yes: One question I still have is that pretty much...
  27. JakeProtagonist

    How Long Did It Take You to Get the Heart Piece from Dodoh?

    Oh Goodness... THAT Heart Piece... Ugh. ALOT lets just say that! But I Finally did do it!:D
  28. JakeProtagonist

    Zelda for Game of the Year Video

    I dont think they actually let us vote. They just say which one was most voted for, but it doesnt effect the winner. Thats picked by a certain group of people.
  29. JakeProtagonist

    Skyward Sword is Making Zelda More Popular Than People Want?

    It seems that Skyward Sword's amount of hate, that you may or may not have noticed, seems to be bigger than any other Zelda game. I've been beginning to think about something. Skyward Sword has gotten attention and praise from MANY Critics such as IGN and Game Informer. This has seemingly made...
  30. JakeProtagonist

    Zelda for Game of the Year Video

    Definatly best game of the year! ;)
  31. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Favorite Part of the "Hero's Song" Quest!

    Well, Yeah. That Linearity thing was in the WW forsaken fortress too. The Moblins have a pattern they take all the time when you have to sneak pass them. Having Linearity for stuff like sneaking has been in videogames for, like, ever. The reason is because it doesnt really work any other way. I...
  32. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Favorite Part of the "Hero's Song" Quest!

    What your favorite part on the quest to finish the Hero's Song? -Water Dragon -Thunder Dragon -Fire Dragon Personally I like the Fire Dragon part the most. Especially if you complete Water and Thunder Dragon's first. Why? Mainly because at that point, if you did it in the order I...
  33. JakeProtagonist

    Tech Help Question About Cropping My Videos. Please Help!

    When I record with my HDPVR on my 16:9 HDTV. I record with my TV on Full but the HDPVR recording has Two GIANT black bars on the side. How do I get rid of it? Please Help!
  34. JakeProtagonist


    It was pretty easy for me too, but thats just because we're pretty good at Sword fighting and figuring out puzzles. It wasnt the easiest though. Easiest to 100%, maybe, but the main quest was definitaly not the easiest.
  35. JakeProtagonist

    My Lets Play of Skyward Sword/Hero Mode Suggestions. Which Should I Do?!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXl7V4aeGAk&feature=feedu This pretty much explains everything.
  36. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler SS Timeline

    There is more than one Impa. Impa is in Zelda II as well, but its a different one.
  37. JakeProtagonist

    Spoiler Some Questions About Skyward Sword's Ending.

    I just beat the game, AND I LOVED IT! It shows How Ganondorf is the Incarnation of Demises Hatred, that Link is forever cursed to fight Ganon, and or said hatred, the original Zelda (Zelda II is a filthy liar), And the creation of the Master Sword and Hyrule. But some questions about the land...
  38. JakeProtagonist

    What Skyward Sword Has Become of the Zelda Franchise.

    Actually, I hate when games rush too quick into the action. It gives you like no back-story to anyone, and makes everything around seem lifeless, which was one of the only problems I had with OOT. I love the character Development in the begining of Skyward Sword and small tutorials it gives you...
  39. JakeProtagonist

    What Skyward Sword Has Become of the Zelda Franchise.

    I think getting a heart piece and the Wallet upgrades are pretty rewarding. It shows that they're optional and one of the real reward is feeling good after helping others, which is actually what it says when you complete one. I always found Link kind of dickish that he mainly only helped others...
  40. JakeProtagonist

    What Skyward Sword Has Become of the Zelda Franchise.

    Skyward Sword will be one hard opponent to beat for sure, Bring it on Wii U! :)
  41. JakeProtagonist

    What Skyward Sword Has Become of the Zelda Franchise.

    I seem to have noticed that Skyward Sword is Slowly becoming a Love it or Hate it game. Some people seem to hate for, most of the time nitpicky and critical reasons, but still. I personally love it and think its the best of the franchise! However, It seems others think its a giant...
  42. JakeProtagonist

    What Do You Keep in Hero Mode?

    I was originally just going to ask if you kept the upgraded shields, but I decided to just ask about everything you kept to get all my questions answered. So anyway, What do you keep?
  43. JakeProtagonist

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    I have a solution... GO PLAY SKYRIM! Did you want them to just copy Skyrim but put Zelda over it or something? Oh, and its been 25 Years... It says that everywhere. How does a fan miss that? Im not trying to be rude and all, And am not trying to insult you in anyway, but come on.
  44. JakeProtagonist

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    If you change A Game as much as the spoiled gamers nowadays ask for, It wouldnt be Legend of Zelda anymore. All they had to work with was the Wii but they used it to is FULL extent of capabilities. Thus, producing an amazing game! What more could they improve? The controls make the gameplay fun...
  45. JakeProtagonist

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Why, Skyward Sword! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8u7px_GzWQ
  46. JakeProtagonist

    Is Skyward Sword Your New Favorite Zelda?

    For me, HECK YES! Man, I played for 5 straight hours today, and Loved EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Easily the Best and most EPIC Zelda to date (In my Opinion)! What about you guys?
  47. JakeProtagonist

    Do You Keep All the Heart Pieces You Collected in the First Quest when You Start Hero

    ... Ok, Thanks! :) Though, This kinda sucks... Dang it!
  48. JakeProtagonist

    Do You Keep All the Heart Pieces You Collected in the First Quest when You Start Hero

    As In do have all the hearts from heart pieces when you enter hero mode?
  49. JakeProtagonist

    Wii U's Online: Steam Vs Origin. Which Do You Want?

    Hahaha, Yep! I mainly did that for the lols I guess :D
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