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  1. LucarioMaster

    Pokemon Generations

    same with these people however... i didnt just grow up with only 1 pokemon game, i grew up with: pokemon gold, ruby, satphire, emrald, leaf green, fire red, xd gale of darkness, pearl, diamond and platnum like smitie... i also like: pikachu, charmander, charmealeon, charsard, rilou, lucario (top...
  2. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time The Unicorn Fountain: How Much Do You Know About It?

    it can be found on the beta vrsn of oot (vrsn = virson)... however... in the beta game you can find the triforce... i have no clue
  3. LucarioMaster


    you forgot: leon killer!! well... now my user name changed, my nicknames are: LM (sb):) lucario :cool: the master of lucarios :rolleyes:
  4. LucarioMaster

    What Gaming systems do you have?

    i got a: game cube (gc) wii gba (game boy advance) gbc (game boy color) ds sega gennices ps2 ps1 and 2 computers (video games) 4 made by neintendo and 4 not (unless you count the computers as 2) then its 5 not neintendo
  5. LucarioMaster

    Favorite Call of Duty Game

    cod 1 cod 3 cod waw ff and waw *waw = world at war *ff = fignal frounts
  6. LucarioMaster

    See Gildragon on Youtube

    O.o wow gd... your singing is WAY better than mine, your voice is awesome!
  7. LucarioMaster

    Where Are Your Ancestors From?

    germany, italy and ireland (part german, part irish, all italian)
  8. LucarioMaster

    Favorite Look for Link

    my idea: goron tunic biggoron sword (unbreakable sword) hover boots gold gauntlets mirror sheild my idea... well it looks good in my oppinion (if i can spell it right)
  9. LucarioMaster

    Favorite Quotes

    when i hear it it sounds like: "the only thing we have to fear is fear its self" some thin from a video game i have my main fav. qoute is: "watch the TRUE power of aura!" lucario from ssbb/ soul brother
  10. LucarioMaster

    Zelda Classic for DS

    sounds like a good idea if you ask me :), but the games listed i dont have, but if i do get the new collectors edition for ds (if it IS real)
  11. LucarioMaster

    On Your Instrument....

    well... i can play: the main zelda theme (i got it in my pocket) song of storms (only the av^av^ part) song of time (or house of the riseing sun part) song of healing (whole song) suns song (>V^>V^ only) eponas song (whole thing) thats it
  12. LucarioMaster

    What Game Was It That Got You into Gaming?

    same here... but pokemon gold got me dude... doom got me in it as well... now i got all doom games and all but around 4 zelda games (oos,ooa(oox)la, oot mq)
  13. LucarioMaster

    What is your color?

    has any1 noticed that these colors are also aura colors? (aura = a spiertual energy given off by every liveing being)
  14. LucarioMaster

    If You Could Have One Wish...

    well i would wish i could turn into lucario anytime i want!... yes my soul brother i still love him like a brother
  15. LucarioMaster

    Life Expectancy

    hmmm i have no clue... (... = unfinished thought) (hmmmm = thinking) however if hylians lived 200 years link would meet elzo 3 times (like the first time you met him in mc) and i think hylians are = to humans... but hylians are more exp. with magic
  16. LucarioMaster

    Gaming Magazines?

    well i used 2 have nintendo power (awesome) it was pretty cool
  17. LucarioMaster

    The Song of Healing: More Dangerous Than We Think?

    well... demis= half demi= half so demis god = half a god so... the ferice deitiy was an all powerful demis god (deity=god) so after(just a little long) link get the fd mask (fd=ferice dieity) and uses it on majora... link turns into the fd the powerful demis god... i have no clue if this helps...
  18. LucarioMaster

    How Many Link Dolls Can Be Found in AoL?

    well i think there may b more than 7 or less... i have no clue
  19. LucarioMaster


    im not a sports person that mutch... :embarressed: well its true
  20. LucarioMaster

    Scarecrow's Song

    ok mine was ><><>< in all of them its kinda long but use it if you want (just ask me first)j/k you dont need 2 ask me use it wisely though (but its longer)
  21. LucarioMaster

    A GOOD Resident Evil Movie?

    ya if resident evil outbreak (file 2 or file 1) became a movie i would buy it or have my neibor buy it and i watch it
  22. LucarioMaster

    Pokemon Series

    i still play pokemon too! true but i have peral lol charzard is my pokenalaty ^__^ and chimchar (i was tryin to get charmander again and i got chimchar instead) i see ya i have a sceptile lvl 100 its stats are all 999 even life is 999 its a 1 hit ko with any move ya its for satphire (but i...
  23. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time OoT: Bloodiest E-rated game?

    what? are you in love with her?? are you emberassed to admit it?? well are you?? (if you are i don't care)
  24. LucarioMaster

    The Legend of Zelda Heavens Light

    i think thats a VERY good idea zeldatwilight i would love to play all of the zelda games you make, they seem like a good idea
  25. LucarioMaster

    What Language(s) Do You Know?

    well the only languages i know of are: english (born in amarica) german (i just know some) spanish (my sister taught me) hylian (zelda wiki) and thats it
  26. LucarioMaster

    The Legend of Zelda Heavens Light

    wow your zelda game ideas are AWESOME!!! all of them are a 99/10 from me ^__^ i wish i could play them although
  27. LucarioMaster


    well i work for this site free-riderprobords80.com feel free to join (it has youtube) i am a staff member there and i joined at augest 15 2008 and became a staff member at november 20 2008 (its a 98 day prosess) now im also at zelda wiki!
  28. LucarioMaster

    The meaning of Triforce

    right skull! its like fire you need 3 things : oxygen, heat, fuel (e.g gas, paper, wood etc.etc.) without one the flame goes out, same with the triforce if one of the gods dident exiest (like for example nayru without her the earth would have no atmosphere therefore faeore wouldent give...
  29. LucarioMaster

    Origins of the Master Sword...and DARK LINK!

    -_- or dark link ( creation of ganon not the member ) is just an illusion in the water temple in oot (rember the room with the fog and a dead tree?) if he isnt an illusion you can beat him (if you hit dark link(ganon creation) he falls in to the floor and reappers from the ceilng and you have to...
  30. LucarioMaster

    What is the true colour of Ganon´s skin?

    about very dark tanned it could be possable or dark/light brown i have no clue, although it may be earth brown if i know im not very sure about it
  31. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time OOT: Mask Abilities...

    umm the rest do nothing diffrent than the ones in mm, however the mask of truth is the most helpful durring a specific problem/ puzzle but some times scares people in the town market ^__^
  32. LucarioMaster

    Link's Earrings

    they are? well i like them although, they are pretty cool if you ask me in my idea (yes i respect others ideas) they must come back!
  33. LucarioMaster

    What Song Reflects You?

    well probbly these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Bce8UC_cc&eurl=http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1684&page=5&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agVe1Iqwois&eurl=http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=2739&feature=player_embedded...
  34. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time Life as a Kokiri

    not unless you are skilled at makeing weapons like i am, trust me i could make the master sword blade out of scrap steel and the handle out of wood/plastic but thats possable... if you could make weapons then you can go in the forest
  35. LucarioMaster

    What do you do to calm yourself?

    ya same here but nothing gets rid of it (unless im boxing some one or playing call of duty) ya when my anger get larger it keeps bottling up (into a hammerspace area) but it never bursts, unless something extemly angers me then it bursts then nothing can stop me, only time can stop me
  36. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time Life as a Kokiri

    well eternal life in the kokori forest would be awesome! although you never get older i would stay in my house and play videogames (if its the 21st century in the forest) or sleep (in the game its self) or teach link better moves
  37. LucarioMaster

    The mystery of Link's items

    that HAS to be how he does it, i alwasys wonderd how he did it as well (play oot without a sheild and it will do the same as if you have a sheild)
  38. LucarioMaster

    Skull Kid

    he is the same one from oot and he went to mm (i have 4 ways he might have went there)from these possable paths 1 links path 2 teleportation 3 coded on to that area by the makers of the game 4 some way i have no clue i have thought of if you have an idea please post it
  39. LucarioMaster

    When Link draws his sword...

    i think link has magnets in his gloves that we don't see in the game and he has them on his sheild so he gets his sheild in his hands that way or something like that
  40. LucarioMaster

    Your Username

    well my username comes from help-me (from people needing help) but i sometimes needed help so i took out the e and well thats my user name (i will also help people if i need to)
  41. LucarioMaster

    Four Swords Misadventures.

    oh ya dude thats very funny lol Xd im like addicted to it its so funny i almost passed out watching the end of 3.2 and bhe biggning of 4.1 :lol:
  42. LucarioMaster

    At what point does a hard game stop being fun?

    kinda same here but i try for DAYS on end and if it gets so hard i end up looking for cheat codes for that game
  43. LucarioMaster

    Dreams About Video Games

    resident evil escape from hell well i had this one where i was lost in a forest with no way out then a few zombies ambushed me (they almost bit me at that point but they missed) then i found a huge piece of wood and started smacking the zombies upside the head (they died after the 10th hit)...
  44. LucarioMaster

    Will Zelda Get better or worse?

    i think the zelda series would get better (i have good ideas as well) i hope zelda get's better (as i already know it will)
  45. LucarioMaster

    More Zelda?

    they better not give up on makeing zelda! (i have no idea what to say next) if they give up i will go insane!
  46. LucarioMaster

    Ocarina of Time Boss Casualties

    they may be viloent but they are AWESOME! :) however phantom ganon being stuck in a hole in between dementions that would realy suck, if you got stuck in there with him that is
  47. LucarioMaster

    Favorite Books

    csi but sometimes zelda guides or other guide books i have if im board enough
  48. LucarioMaster

    The Rubik's Cube

    well by useing gabbasoft i can only get 1 side done on the 2x2 sad isent it?
  49. LucarioMaster

    Jabu Jabu

    like tumors (barionade) elevators (esugopigus or however you spell it) boss chamber (stomeic i can't spell to save my life!!) well it is true mos3 :)
  50. LucarioMaster

    Jabu Jabu

    uhh link got smaller yes that is true how true is that i tell ya obisouly after gannon came he gave the virus to lord jabu and therefore as link was swallowed he got a little smaller and jabu got bigger
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