They were boring, lifeles, dull, and annoying.
The silent realms were, Challenging, fun, and didn't seem like a dumb fetch quest
Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game according to Story, Side quests, and items. It is an amazing game, and the time limit isn't that bad especially how all of the characters move with it and it is predictable. Also the song of Inverted time!!
Link, especially in WW. I love my sisters and would do the same to save them. I love pretending to conduct music I am listening too. I sail constantly and it is my favorite thing to do. I am like link in general, because I would do ANYTHING for an adventure like his :P
My favorite of the two is probably OoT. Due to the EPICness and best dungeons in the series. OoT is a flawless game (but not my favorite zelda game :P) MM is everything I could want in an overworld and side quests, but I focus on dungeons a little more :P and, I suck timed.....
If after OoT...
I never hear anyone say this game much, but FSA is a terrible game. At least 1 player. The formations and things just make it hard to get through. I bet with more people it could be fun
I wouldn't like to see a skill tree in a zelda game. Whenever I play an RPG or game with multiple endings, I always felt like I am missing a part, or spend hours ranking up in XP. I love zelda because you can 100% it in any run and I have lots of fun not having to worry about upgrading items and...
WW's link is not only hilarious and fun, he had to prove his strength and save his sister AND save hyrule. He was a very fun character and is deff my favorite.
Also "Ovarina of time" xD
Well, I say yes, because all other intruments have failed to bring back the fun experimental of just playing with the Ocarina, but also the beautiful songs. The spirit flute came close to this but we steered way off track with the harp
While he was an epic completion bonus and a epic thing in general, I wouldn't want him to show up again, just like I wouldn't want the masks again. They are what make MM special
I think we can see trains again, just like caleb said those Ideas are cool!
But as another form of transportation? No, the train was the theme of that game! Just like we won't see any other masks again.
well, I loved the thrill digger, all chest games, the star game in tp took we a while, (i tried before i got the hookshot like 5 times) the bomb game in the wind waker, cave of ordeals, all shooting galleries, many more!
Yes, cool idea for some bosses, but it would mess up a lot more, because if you take your eyes off the boss, it could attack, but for some bosses it would be great!
One complaint about Zelda in general for me is how 1 place is 1 place the entire game!
SS fixed this a bit with the second section of each area but it would be cool to see more variety within each area
Story: I am really waiting for a VERY dark zelda game. I love WW and MM is pretty dark, but maybe something where if Link fails its over and he is killed, or maybe a personal thing he got into?
Gameplay: So many ideas Ive forgotton!
Ocarina Of time is the definition of zelda. Is is perfect. Not one flaw.
It isn't my favorite though. WW is (as you all know xD) and I can name 20 flaws about that game! Its just a matter of taste!
While I wish it wasn't true ;( but Wind Waker is the MOST argued over! ITS SO GOOD HOW CAN YOU HATE IT?! LISTEN TO THAT MUSAAAC!
While Tp is some times argued over and A little more SS
Yeah, I hate WAITING for the enemy to attack so you can do it back, or when they do phases where you cant hurt them, I mean seriously a real fight is nt like that!
Well, I didn't like not having a monster that you burrow with and fight in the Fire Snctuary, I would like if he popped up in dungeons, out of dungeons, and just always trying to stop you.
WW is my favorite game ever and I love it with all my heart, but play OoT first, It is the BEST zelda game, not my favorite though. OoT is just classic
Wow thats a great story!
My first was TP was the secon dgame on my wii that my dads friend gave to me cause he heard of the violence! I wouldnt be anywhere close to the person I am now if he hadant givin that to me!
Complaints about Ocarina of TIME? HAHAHA thats a good one!
No, in all seriousness, The default on no with Kepora Geapora is dumb, and not skipping cut scenes in MQ or OOT 3D
Maybe more enemies in the over world?
1) Midna: Great music to go with her, plus character development and she really is one of my favorite ever characters
2) Zelda: She is quite humorous and silly and she fits ST perfectly
3) Fi: While i did enjoy her parting words to Link, she is annoying through out the entire game...
I mean, you can't HANG on stuff with the hoot shot, and if they hadn't got rid of it, TP and SS would be much different. And the boomarang is cool, but we have the Whip and the Beetle!