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  1. MOTLEYlink

    Breath of the Wild How Many Towns?

    I would love to see 10-20 towns in the next (new) Zelda game. I honestly hope for a massive world! Something as huge as Elder Scrolls V would be great, as long as they can render everything smoothly without a ton of glitching. I'm not comparing Zelda to Elder Scrolls, I personally think that...
  2. MOTLEYlink

    Who else Agrees That Shooters Suck?

    As some people have already mentioned, the term "shooters" very vague term... I happen to enjoy first person shooters such as Call of Duty, Battlefield and Crysis :).. but am not a fan of third person shooters such as Gears of War. Because I enjoy first person shooters, I can't say that I feel...
  3. MOTLEYlink

    Will You Use a Guide?

    Nope, I always refrain from "guides" whether it be a strategy guide or the "Super Guide" feature Nintendo has been putting in games. The challenge is always what gets me when it comes to video games, especially one with puzzling game play such as Zelda (although they have become increasingly...
  4. MOTLEYlink

    General Art ZD Family Tree

    Lol, Majora's Cat that is awesome :D!!! You should make a more elegant version of this for our viewing pleasure!!!
  5. MOTLEYlink

    Skyward Sword & "Hard Core" Gamers

    I don't consider my self a "hardcore" or "casual" gamer I have a hard time putting my self under any label period, I just consider my self some one who plays video games. But if you really wan't to use the term "hardcore" or "core" you can, but I will refrain from it. :) To your question of...
  6. MOTLEYlink

    Triforce in Fire Red

    :/ Its supposed to be a poke'ball, it's mere coincidence that with the 16 bit (I think its 16 :() graphics the circle poke'ball with a white dot in the middle looks three triangles :). I don't mean to come off rude, and although we sometimes see references such as "this" in games, its not a...
  7. MOTLEYlink

    Ocarina of Time How Do You Pronounce Gerudo?

    Its definatly pronounced Gir-Rude-OH so I chose "Gherudo" :)
  8. MOTLEYlink

    3DS Game Wishlist!

    Not that I have a "wish list" of 3DS games, I would like to purchase the 3DS System along with OoT3DS, Kid Icarus, Super Paper Mario 3DS, along with Resident Evil (either of the two that are going to be released) and Metal Gear Solid for the 3DS Also if Nintendo ever decides to it would be cool...
  9. MOTLEYlink

    Skyloft Training Grounds

    You are totally right about Kokori forest it gave a little peek at what was in store for Link later on in the game. It helped introduce new mechanics such as Z-targeting when you talked to Saria on top of the store, and you could walk across the ropes above the village, and we had to go through...
  10. MOTLEYlink

    Will Link Be the Main Character?

    Miyamoto did say that they where making some big changes to Zelda, but not that big. He simply ment they where shaking things up a bit when it comes to the traditional formula, and controls, for example the field/dungeon/field and the implementation of Wii Motion Plus. Never fear Link will...
  11. MOTLEYlink

    Why Not Ganondorf?

    I've never felt that Ganon/dorf was overused, he is my favorite villian in all of gaming. Also i'm pretty sure they are the same person, I like to think of Ganon as a type of parisite that has chosen Ganondorf as its Gerudo host (being a male gerudo and bestoed with the triforce of power.) They...
  12. MOTLEYlink

    Zelda SS Gamepressure Release Date?

    If I was you I'd take this "release date" with a grain of salt, its a place holder. Its good that they chose a later date than much of the other media out there, because if they said an earlier date such as February 2011 and the release date was announced by Nintendo to be March 2011 people may...
  13. MOTLEYlink

    Going Back to Skyloft? Where Will Link Appear?

    Id say Skyloft as well as Hyrule will have designated warp spots that become more plentiful as you progress throught the game. They will most definatly be located at or near places of significance, much like in previous games.
  14. MOTLEYlink

    Do We Really Need the Reminder on How to Swing the Sword?

    The HUD that is shown in the screenshots (all of which are demo/beta screens) has (like many people have already stated) been confirmed to be optional. It will be part of Skyward Swords in game preferences.
  15. MOTLEYlink


    Fishing has become some what of a stable in the Zelda series, being included in many of the games. Its something I have come to expect. It worked very well in Ocarina of Time, and got a facelift in Twilight Princess (with the motion controlls, worked out well) it seems a no-brainer that Skyward...
  16. MOTLEYlink

    The Lack of Detail in SS, Due to Impressionism

    What we saw at E3 was an E3 demo level, which is an exact representation of what we could all expect from the beta version of this game, which is precisly where it was at that time of developement. Because of this we cannot yet call a lack of detail in the enviorment, we have just seen the very...
  17. MOTLEYlink


    What ever floats your boat, thats your opinion and you are entitled to it. :) However I personally dislike (very much so) this idea, Koji is a genius who has written some of the greatest music (weather MIDI, or Orchestated) that has every been seen in the gaming industry. I'd like to keep it...
  18. MOTLEYlink

    Zelda Manga

    I have not read the Zelda Mangas, so I cannot tell you weather they are good, or if you have to read them in order (I would suspect you don't.) I can say that they are (from other's comments on the mangas) probably something to check out! :) (I would like to warn you however the Zelda Mangas...
  19. MOTLEYlink

    "Oh Yeah!" Moments in Zelda.

    There are many moments in Zelda that make me go oh yeah! Weather its something small like the compleation of a mini game, or something big like defeating a boss, or beating the game! Two that really stand out to me are: The Legend of Zelda (NES): "Its dangerous to go alone...take this." The...
  20. MOTLEYlink

    Your First Forum

    This site Zeldadungeon is my first forum i had ever joined. It remains to this day the only forum I am a part of :P.
  21. MOTLEYlink

    The "what Would Happen If" Game.

    Thats an impossiblity, especially in the nude :) What would happen if gannondorf dressed up in the same sheik costurme that Zelda wore (the very same costume, size and everything)
  22. MOTLEYlink


    Ive alwayse loved how Zelda seems to expand their animal diversity with each "core console" release, and I hope that Skyward Sword is no exception. Of course Id like to see some more animals in Skyward Sword: Bats Cats Dogs Frogs Rabbits Birds Pigs (domestic) Boars (Wild) Squrieles Fish...
  23. MOTLEYlink

    Standing Up While Playing SS.

    I don't see why "standing" would be a requirement to play the game, or how it would be enforced. Therefore I would not give the game a lesser rating because of that. Regaurdless of the controll scheme you should be able to sit in your favorite chair and play the game, just as long as you have...
  24. MOTLEYlink

    The "what Would Happen If" Game.

    they would run for president. What if Canada didn't except people who eat over $299.99 worth of grapes?
  25. MOTLEYlink

    The OR Thread

    Aerocopters... Duh! Chicken or the EGG?
  26. MOTLEYlink

    The "what Would Happen If" Game.

    Id eat the grapes! XD What would you do if I you owned the grape stand?
  27. MOTLEYlink

    Wii: HomeBrew Channel

    I don't think it could damage your Wii, but I think Nintendo may be able to block you from playing online games because of your hacks. Don't get scared however because I am not positive.
  28. MOTLEYlink

    Rubik's Cube Solved in 6.77 Seconds!!!

    My guess is lots of Flintstones Vitamins lol! Im pretty sure this videos real, however im as stumped as you are.
  29. MOTLEYlink

    Should Nintendo Be Able to Trademark "Its on Like Donkey Kong"

    Should Nintendo be Able to Trademark "It's On Like Donkey Kong" --------------------------------------------------------------- I think so, after all Donkey Kong is Nintendo's Charictar and the phrase "Its On Like Donkey Kong" obviously owes its coining to Nintendo and Donkey Kong. Also...
  30. MOTLEYlink

    Completion Meter

    I have some problems with the idea of a compleation meter in a Zelda game. Only because I don't always want to know how close I am to compleation, it gives me this sence that this is my quest, my journey and that there is no way to possibly know how long it will take me to reach my destination...
  31. MOTLEYlink

    Rubik's Cube Solved in 6.77 Seconds!!!

    He solves the puzzle before I even get the top cross Lol!
  32. MOTLEYlink

    Your Video Game Wish List

    Its almost Christmas so i've been thinking quite a bit about these games: Metroid Other-M (because I liekz it) Kirby's Epic Yarn (because it's EPIC) Donkey Kong Contry Returns (because its Donkey Kong) Fallout New Vegas (because I need something to play after I beat Donkey Kong duh!) Epic...
  33. MOTLEYlink

    Rubik's Cube Solved in 6.77 Seconds!!!

    Thats pretty incredible, I have problems solving it even with a instruction book. I know people that can solve this mind bending puzzle pretty quickly but 6.77 seconds is a well deserved world record. LOL i'd be the guy who buys a new rubiks cube that hasn't been mixed up, then record my self...
  34. MOTLEYlink

    Final Boss Battle in SS

    Although it is terribly early to even be concerned with the final boss in my opinion. I think the final boss will be someone we have never seen before, a compleatly new and fresh villian (much like Zant was new and fresh, although he wasn't the final boss in TP :P). The reason I say there will...
  35. MOTLEYlink

    General Modern Who's Better, WW Link or TP Link?

    Both Toon Link (from Wind Waker) and Link (from Twilight Princess) have qualities that I think are "cool", so it is hard for me to choose which of the two is the coolest. That being said i'll do my best :). Toon Link, is an extremely like-able reincarnation of Link, not only because of his...
  36. MOTLEYlink

    Cave of Ordeals Returning ??

    I am quite positive Skyward Sword will feature something similar to the cave of ordeals. It seems that these seemingly endless labryths have almost become part of the series, being featured in many of the latest Zelda games. As The Green suggested these caves have worked so well in the past...
  37. MOTLEYlink

    The Beetle Item Found in the Fire Temple

    Its possible, after all we did see it used in the fire temple, possibly being used to solve a puzzle when it picked up the bomb and blew up the rock. (im not sure that thats relevent or not). As people above said dungeons and their puzzles usually heavily revolve around an item aquired in that...
  38. MOTLEYlink

    Fallout Series

    Ive never played any Fallout game, so I dont know much about them but Fallout New Vegas looks pretty sexy lol. (maybe not the best word for it but.....) Im thinking about getting Fallout 3 this weekend.
  39. MOTLEYlink

    Miyamoto Says Skyward Sword is Coming Along Like Gangbusters!

    Awesome find, as others have stated we havn't heard nearly anything about Skyward Sword since E3. My Skyward Sword Google Alerts have came to a screeching halt, and I was starting to get sad. :D We didn't learn anything new of course but its always nice to see that people are still talking to...
  40. MOTLEYlink

    The Russian Reversal Game!

    The Russian Reversal Game!!! "In Soviet Russia, Game Plays YOU!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Post the best Russian Reversal you can think of.* If you don't know what Russian Reversal is...
  41. MOTLEYlink

    Could We Find a Different Abbreviation for Skyward Sword?

    I see what you mean, SS seems to be one of the best acronym for this game but I have no problem calling Skyward Sword by its full name.
  42. MOTLEYlink

    Expansive Overworld Or Denser Overworld?

    What I would like to see is a best of both worlds scenerio, the expansiveness of Twilight Princess with the density we would find in Ocarina of Time and or Majora's Mask. I want room to explore, but not too much or it will get old and the grand sense of scale that you had with Twilight Princess...
  43. MOTLEYlink

    How About a Remake of the CD-I Games?

    I wonder if you could find an emulator for the CD-i? Its a possibility if you seriously want to play 'em.
  44. MOTLEYlink

    How About a Remake of the CD-I Games?

    I don't think that is a good idea at all. Number one the CD-i games where terrible. Also the only reason Philips even had the privlege of making a "Zelda" game, was back in the 90's Philips was supposed to make a CD peripheral for the SNES, but Nintendo backed out on the deal. I don't know if...
  45. MOTLEYlink

    Ocarina of Time 4 Minute Long OoT3DS Footage.

    OoT 3DS looks amazing!!! Like people said above the frame rate is great so the movement is fluid, the graphics are smooth and polished and the colors seem fresh. Although we couldn't get the full 3D effect I can tell there is greater feeling of depth in your surroundings. So far OoT 3DS is...
  46. MOTLEYlink

    Skyward Sword Will Be Featured at Paris Games Week

    Hmm.. Valid point you have there, but recently it seems Nintendo has been trying to shake things up and be most unpredictable. It will be interesting to see what unfolds (if anything at all).
  47. MOTLEYlink

    Skyward Sword Will Be Featured at Paris Games Week

    I sure hope so, but past experience tells us not to hold our breath. Its possible that we will see new screens, maybe a new trailer (doubtful but still possible) or at least a tad bit of new information. Only time will tell.
  48. MOTLEYlink

    Game Starts in a Dungeon?

    It's not a bad idea if you think about it, however I don't think i'd like that. What I like about the Zelda series is its consistent but always feels fresh, they are mixing up the formula a bit, but I think they will (and should) stick with the "Coming of age" type of game since its became kind...
  49. MOTLEYlink

    Where Can You Buy Nintendo Power Without Subscribing?

    Walmart, Kroger, Borders books store, Hastings, Barnes and Nobels, Kmart, Sears to name a few.
  50. MOTLEYlink

    A New Skyward Sword Trailer?

    I expect that Nintendo will remain pretty darn quiet about SS until it is about time for launch. They usually try to say (or show) the least ammount possible about upcoming Zelda titles.
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