I was a pretty big fan of Zelda with the first one....I was 7 when it came out......once I was able to play it I looked forward to the Adventures of Link....I never really cared for it......then when I saw ALTTP I actually spent my birthday money on it and bought the game before I even had the...
In a way you can. You just have to use it before you talk to the dragon.....and it will last about 3 rounds give or take depending on how quickly you can win
oh I knew of the guide.....just couldnt figure out the 1 piece I missed....was just asking if anyone know of the common missed ones......but I found it....it was actually one of teh goddess cubes......in the Eldon area when you have to slide down the mountain........took forever to figure it out...
I have been looking hard through all the heart pieces and I just can't seem to find one that I didn't get. Does anyone have any suggestions on and easily missed heart pieces? I have the 3 from the mini games. And I am missing 1 piece....not a full heart.
Wasn't sure exactly where to put this. I am missing 1 heart piece so I have been looking at where all the heart pieces are(still can't figure out which one I missed....lol) and this is what the wlakthrough said about Fledge's arrow game
"Piece of Heart #19
Earliest Available: After the...
In a previous post I was talking about how I got a Bearded Dragon and named him Argorok. So I set up his tank in a desert scene(I know that boss you fight in the sky) and I plan on putting a Link figure in the tank. Does anyone know off hand where I could find one that stands maybe 6" tall at...
I actually have a couple cases. Both with a link to the past. My birthday is in July and I got money for my birthday. with that money I went and bought Lttp. Problem was, I didnt have the snes yet. I didnt get it until christmas. So I had the game 6 months before I could play it. Then I was...
Definitely agree that it should not be ganon.....doesnt seem like it can be vaati. I think it needs to be someone new or Dark Link that is leading the dark tribe.
BTW where is MM in your timeline ;-)
ya so I am a big kid and I love halloween and taking the kids out trick or treating. And I love dressing up. And this was the first time I went with this, and I think I did it right. What do you think?
I dont really have a feeling for her. I don't hate her, but I dont love her either. At points she did get annoying. But not to the point that it really bothered me.
I think Ganon definitely needs to be in future games. However he does not fit in Skyward Sword. Ganon's beginnings were clearly in OoT. And with Skyward Sword being years before OoT then Ganon should not have a major role, if any, in SS.
there were so many great scenes in TP.....couple of my favorite were Temple of Time and Hyrule Castle. Anywhere there was water was also great. but these 2 places I was just in awe. It was breathtaking.
Zelda will always be around as long as it makes a profit.....its a business and thats how it will always be. As long as it makes the money it will exist.
oh.....in the original LOZ, I would constantly have my file erase on me right after i finished the 8th dungeon.....i would get so mad....took me forever to beat the game because of that
Kinda happened to me a couple weeks ago. Been on a 100% Twilight princess mission. And I spent about a hour plus doing a lot of little stuff, no dungeon just getting a LOT of small stuff done. Then my power flickered. Lost everything i did. I shut it off and didnt play again for like a week.
she never annoyed me to the point where I wanted to shoot her but she did get annoying at times.......but I find Midna to be a much better helping character
AOL is probably the hardest Zelda there is. BUT its hard like most NES games were. Games now adays are easy. I beat it 20 years ago without even nintendo Power magazines. It took forever. I haven't played the game since though. I was never a fan of the leveling up system that it had. It was to...
here is a link for the Hero of Time movie
Another movie you should look up on Vimeo is The Sage of Darkness......it was a even lower budget movie than the Hero of Time but actually has a really good storyline, bette than the Hero of Time.
I've never gotten into handheld systems so I never played any of the handheld games. So here is my list of console games only
1c:OOT(I have a really hard time picking out of these 3)
4:Wind Waker
the funny thing is, I always thought of Link as more asian than anything else. Yes he is Hylian. but in a sense he is kinda anime leading to being more asian than anything else. But whatever. Link is the man regardless of what color he is.