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  1. TingleBurger

    What Would You Do?

    I would kick him as far as I can. What would you do if Link was Real?
  2. TingleBurger

    Ask a Stupid Question/Get a Stupid Answer

    With Bacon Is Snow Bad?
  3. TingleBurger

    What Would You Do?

    I would Hunt them and sell them for a lot of money, and Maybe eat some
  4. TingleBurger

    What Would You Do?

    Oh Thanks XD Sorry new to The Forum xD *throws dogs at the Cat and runs away*
  5. TingleBurger

    What Would You Do?

    In the Game your supposed to say what would you do in a Situation some one put down for you and then you give another Situation to the next poster and it goes on and on. So Let me start it! What Would you do if a flying Burger was going towards your face?
  6. TingleBurger

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Skyrim Black Ops2 Pokemon silver
  7. TingleBurger

    Throw Something at the Next Poster!

    Nope not a chance *kicks PK off a cliff* Throws a Burger at Next Poster
  8. TingleBurger

    Have You Ever Had An Infestation?

    A a lot of Lady bugs. Some Brother left a door open for about 1-3 hours in the summer. We first started to notice them when some dead one fell off the ceiling and hit us.
  9. TingleBurger

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm sad because of these Depressing Posts :(
  10. TingleBurger

    Males Vs Females Game

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