I felt like you being Ganondorf, my role PM and you pushing for a claim would definitely benefit you, but it was def a pro-town move anyway so I thought we'd go with it.
2/3 for my first game back. Not bad. I don't know how I'd lean Min in the late game but everyone played well.
It relates to me, because I don't show up on cop checks as anything, being a ninja boy/girl. Im curious what you show up as, so the cop has the most data if it comes down to an end-game claim.
Since its basically EOD:
Minish - null
Chevy – moderate Town lean
Mikey – Mild town lean
Uwu_Oocoo2 - null
SMS – 3p
Exlight – null
Johnny – mild scum lean
15377 - null
reki – town lean
Kirino – mild town lean
If Johnny's town, Kirino isn't. I can't point it, but I'm not sure they're on the same...
vote johnny
Just going to put that here, apparently its less than 30 mins now. I'll change if anything comes up in a re-read, just dont want to miss the deadline.
I could do Johnny or Min
My post about having a second option as policy lynch, was meant to see who would unvote Ex and/or vote me.
SMS kind of called it out, so I couldn't run with it, but I wanted to see if Johnny or Uwu unvoted (or who voted me for sounding flippy floppy).
Johnny didn't...
I didn't trust Mikey. But between Mikey and KJ, more was to be gained from lynching Killyjoy and discourse with Mikey, than the opposite. Thus me voting Killjoy and asking Mikey questions and visiting him in the night.
Also, my sus on you wasn't based on Mikey's meta.
I don't know if Mikey is just being obtuse and fishing but since he knows how many roles targetted him, then the quote above should be able to differentiate mine from the rest.
Is that one of your other powers?
Anyway, I thought I already did, but I must not have.
Someone was watching and listening to you. You had the option to say something I'd hear. But you didn't.
Like I mentioned before, it's not a normal role, or at least not one I've seen before.
I'm sure Johnny can confirm, I hate claiming. I'd rather go down burning. But SMSs post made me change my mind.
All my games include no way to trust name claims.
Lol no.
Just a regular ass harp.
I'm sheik. Except Rag doesn't know sheik so my flavour/real name is something hilarious but I'm basically Sheik. I'm the boy version of the girl version of Zelda, seeing as boy Zelda is Link and princess Zelda is god knows who.
It hardly matters now lol.
I don't know if I die or just help someone with their wincon. Either way I win with the town, so there's that as a consolation
I'm town. Just my ability doesn't scream townie. But it's not a scum power, and it's easily confirmed by Mikey who I visited last night. He knows someone came to him and was given an option to do something, just don't know if he was told it was me.
My abilities hardly make me town but they don't make me a liar, or scum.
Mikey can confirm my night ability but for some reason he chooses not to.
As for my role, I've softclaimed so hard that I'm losing my mind how on a Zelda site no one has figured it out, even though I've posted it twice in...
I've quoted my softclaim/name. I can't softclaim my role because it doesn't actually have a commonly known name. I just have an active power and a couple of passive negs.
I'll post it again in a bit, but just curious Who are you going to vote for, or what's the next step if you believe my claim?
Vote on Ex or something else?
Note that I say either vote Mikey, bus, or vote another player.
Literally the only options available to anyone of...
Trying to figure out if I trust you.
Do you think I'm scum, or you just trying to not die? Who are my scumbud(s) in your opinion?
Its an appeal to emotion.
Null read. He CWOC while parroting whats already been said about Killjoy, refrains from pushing Killjoy into the majority and then votes when KJ has the largest wagon. His only post D3 doesn't have any meat.
If hes scum, why would he sus Killjoy and refrain from voting?
If hes town, his play...
I'm not mafia.
Assuming they're town. And not mafia without a fake claim.
I can't speak for scum, but with Mikey being the other choice, and claiming miller early, any jump onto Mikey's wagon may go against the stances they took earlier depending on the stance (lunch miller or not). Could show...
Let's all best figure out how to use it then. Without directly quoting, what does it do and how is it used? Do we just have to say the words and you get a msg saying truth or lie?
Good sign for who? I'm hoping you don't think it town clears him. If there's a 3rd party, which SMS insinuated he is, a lie detector could be just as handy for scum. Unless you know that items can only be given to townies (which makes the role handing them out into a weak cop, but that's a...
No offense to Killjoy, but no one should have been trying to save him there, especially with tied wagons.
That's what I'm digging for. You initially didn't disagree with it being solely Mikey's meta, and now state your read is based on Killjoy's flip.
Being less facetious may actually get you...
So yesterday, you say based on meta, Mikey isn't scum.
Then when him and Killjoy are the top wagons, you vote Mikey based on... Policy? Even though you said you found SMS to be scummiest by far in the game at that time. This ties KJ and Mikey at 3 votes a piece.
Day 2(3) and Mikey is all of a...