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  1. Amy Lu Minati

    Is snowpeak ruins a knight academy?

    Because we all know that Link knows Judo. You can throw the Goron without being that close to the edge and link does indeed toss him up off of the ground (https://youtu.be/z9p8ALrdt5w?t=1m42s), he isn't just sliding him. Link is strong AF, dude. He legit stops the goron AND THEN he slides him...
  2. Amy Lu Minati


    I wrote a comic on smackjeeves for inktober, but I stopped halfway through. It's supposed to be a really epic fight scene. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=170557
  3. Amy Lu Minati

    Is snowpeak ruins a knight academy?

    Did you see any stronger bombs that I didn't? Did you not see link push those massive ice blocks or pick up the giant goron? https://youtu.be/vEFiRew2Ef8?t=1m8s That guy is substanstially larger and definitely heavier than that cannon. Link also has enough grip strength to trip the boss...
  4. Amy Lu Minati

    Sign Ups Anime Mafia

    wii would like to play.
  5. Amy Lu Minati

    Is snowpeak ruins a knight academy?

    Perhaps, but we didn't know anything about Rauru's past to begin with, so he could really be anything. (Did Gaepora even ever come down to hyrule?) I like this theory as well! :/ I never even considered Ashei's painting and stuff. good point. As for those cannons not being used for training...
  6. Amy Lu Minati

    Is snowpeak ruins a knight academy?

    Yeti House is a Knight Academy theory. I don't know if someone else ever discovered this, but I'll share anyways. So, anyone who's played TP and payed attention to their surroundings, should have seen this painting on the wall next to a painting of the Zora Queen. This painting could be one of...
  7. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild (Spoilers) Hestu's Golden gift reference(s).

    Dude! That's so hilarious and awesome! Thanks.
  8. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild (Spoilers) Hestu's Golden gift reference(s).

    Spoiler Alert! Getting all 900 seeds gets you a golden piece of poop. This is not the first nintendo game to do this, I stumbled upon this little beauty in the final boss level in Wario Ware 2003. Found in this video at about 1:13 What the crap does it all mean!? (see what I did there) If you...
  9. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild All about cooking

    Extra hearts don't do much for me when I'm nekkid. try the herb thing though, you'll be surprised.
  10. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild All about cooking

    lol have you seen what happens when you cook a single herb!? I discovered that the other day.
  11. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild All about cooking

    I'm doing a 3 heart no armor story run... Lots of cooking for all sorts of things here. lol hit reply! XD
  12. Amy Lu Minati

    Underestimating Mario

    Mario can get eaten by Kirby and end up in his stomach void for all I care. :O Kill Mario and give me Metroid!!!
  13. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Timeline placement?

    Didn't Aonuma say it would become clear as we played the game? Apparently not I guess.
  14. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    Yeah, I just hated how all of the bosses were usually easier to kill than the mini bosses. The mini bosses were very fun to me, like King Bulba, who was what I looked forward to fighting every time I replayed the game, and even though he was too easy, he was at least a fun fight. This may be...
  15. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    You can actually smack all of his floating daggers back at him as well. I have less than 30 seconds on all of the Ghirahim battles. :) Cuz hey, if you beat a record you get rich!
  16. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Timeline placement?

    It wasn't the amount, it was the magnitude. :/ I don't think nintendo would call a species the same exact name as another completely unrelated species. There is no reason to and it hasn't happened before.
  17. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    AMEN! But I still loved the battles. They were two of the three biggest bosses in that game (and in the series until lamoe CALAMGAN SHOWS UP!). The parasite on Levius was my favorite battle because you don't really expect an overworld boss and then you are like, "Oh my gosh it's a flying whale...
  18. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    XD HAHAHAHAHA! That was literally my favorite thing in all of Zelda!
  19. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    I think it's the boss fights, man. If you love the boss fights in Zelda games, then SS is THE game. It has it's own boss endurance and everything.
  20. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    Wow 14-13! :) This is a close one!
  21. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Timeline placement?

    If they didn't come from Zora, then they aren't Rito! :/ The fact that their name has remained the same proves it. Also, the fact that we see the Rito actually looking like full-on birds proves that they weren't finished with their process of evolution. Sure it doesn't make sense, but it's a...
  22. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Timeline placement?

    The Rito were in an evolving stage of life in WW, that wasn't the finished product. And I don't think it makes any sense for the Zora (since they can breathe underwater just fine) to be extinct, so I didn't really get that implication. :/ nowhati'msaying? It's safe to assume things that have...
  23. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Timeline placement?

    Could be true, it is however assuming a lot. This is how many times we know Rito came from Zora: 1 This is how many times we know Rito came from something else: 0 We can't...
  24. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    The votes are evening out! :D
  25. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    do you realize that it is not the developers who create all of the HD remakes? they would probably hand it off to another development company/team to work on like they have done previously. This remake wouldn't affect the time it takes for any new games to come out.
  26. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    Look at the votes boiyo. Just because they talk more doesn't mean that their opinion is the popular one. ;) XD like I said guys, you either hate it or love it.
  27. Amy Lu Minati

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    1. Skyward Sword 2. A Link to the Past 3. Tingle's Rosy Rup--- *bang *click *beeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeep
  28. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    That sounds so glorious.
  29. Amy Lu Minati

    Skyward Sword HD remake?

    :) I would be all for it. I know this game gets a lot of controversial hatred/love for certain aspects of it, but it did at least do the boss battles better than any of them (especially BOTW), and I would love to see those in HD. I felt more immersed into that zelda game than all of the others...
  30. Amy Lu Minati

    Beauty and the Beast (2017)

    I felt like Gaston deserved death in this one, when I didn't in the cartoon.
  31. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    I got killed by Calamity because he struck right as the battle started. I was pretty upset. I did enjoy every Ganon fight except that final fight in the field. :/ I was hoping to fight smoke-pig because I couldn't even comprehend fighting it... But nope.
  32. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    From a new game? You have to fight EVERY Ganon in a row, no breaks. :/ I fight up to Calam phase, but I haven't beat him with 3 hearts yet.
  33. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    ...gets easier the longer you've played the game, I'm trying to beat him with 3 hearts right now... It's extremely hard and he does not go down like a *****. I agree that he does when you do the story, they should have included a harder phase for when you complete the story. maybe they will make...
  34. Amy Lu Minati

    Your Favorite Ganon Fights

    AAAAAAAMEN! ALBW is the only Zelda game that I haven't even played yet... But that WW fight was the only reason to play that game! And it was WORTH ALL THE DANG SAILING!
  35. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Have you rage quit yet?

    I had a problem with never ever rage quitting ... I was like Monkey D Luffy ... I couldn't give up. I was stuck at Hateno Beach fighting those guys over and over and over, but I kept going at it until I won. I invited some friends over and we fought the same Lizalfos camp literally the entire...
  36. Amy Lu Minati

    Spoiler Theory On Master Kohga Backstory

    I already knew that, but tbh that really doesn't mean anything anyways, I would bet they have somewhere from 3-5 different Yiga citizen models and they just put it on a random loop. I know because I've fought the same dude in more than one area. :/ There could only be five of them and they...
  37. Amy Lu Minati

    Spoiler Theory On Master Kohga Backstory

    I haven't even noticed that because every time I see a certain face I can tell it's a Yiga member ... And it always has been. And what if those NPC's are secretly Yiga members? NPC's in that game ARE able to be in two separate locations at the same time. (Kass and the Old Man are proof of that)...
  38. Amy Lu Minati

    Spoiler Theory On Master Kohga Backstory

    But how can you be so sure which is which? :/ I don't remember the game telling me their "disguise" wasn't actually them.
  39. Amy Lu Minati

    Spoiler Theory On Master Kohga Backstory

    Lol bro, who really knows what their true faces are if they are masked the whole time! Zelda could give herself a man's body, but wasn't she still a girl? That is just a power that Sheikah warriors have (apparently). There definitely could be female Yiga clan members, but they just form their...
  40. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    you are talking about Tingel island... :/ I want Tingle in the flesh!
  41. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    Yes please! XD I am still looking for a tingle easter egg and the closest thing i've found is Bolson. Think about it, he throws confetti AND he dances to his own theme song!
  42. Amy Lu Minati

    Games we didnt ask for

    I'm pretty sure they were. I think people have been wanting an open-world Zelda game ever since we've had actual open world games. :/
  43. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild What did you think of Ganon in this game?

    Actually... We do learn that even though Calamity Ganon seems like he is mindless, he is actually a genius! Think it about it, he outsmarted the whole kingdom on his run during the game and took control of the ENTIRE GUARDIAN ARMY and "defeated" all of the champions! He even "defeated" Link...
  44. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Spoilers!!! A Certain Mission Within the Realm of A Certain Clan

    That's a relief! I thought I had totally left her there to die.
  45. Amy Lu Minati

    Games we didnt ask for

    I also didn't say Skyrim. I am confused about the grounds you have for disagreeing with my post.
  46. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Spoilers!!! A Certain Mission Within the Realm of A Certain Clan

    I was hoping that they would have multiple hideouts scattered around, like at least 3 with different leaders and stuff... :) But no, just one. (What happened to the Gerudo who was being held prisoner?)
  47. Amy Lu Minati

    Games we didnt ask for

    Funny... I don't remember saying people have been asking for this game during a certain period of time. :dry:
  48. Amy Lu Minati

    Games we didnt ask for

    Breath of the Wild... O_O just kidding, literally every single person has asked for this game.
  49. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Musings on the Triforce and Main Story in BOTW! (Spoilers and Theories)

    Oh, I had thought they had uncovered them 10,000 years ago and were just taking care of them until Calamon came back. But now that I look back at the cutscenes, you are definitely correct.
  50. Amy Lu Minati

    Breath of the Wild Musings on the Triforce and Main Story in BOTW! (Spoilers and Theories)

    But they wouldn't need them to control the beasts since they've had champions on the beasts for the past 10,000 years and the slate hadn't been discovered yet. :/ I did notice Zelda mention that Mipha was "getting the hang of the controls" but whatever that means is still quite a mystery.
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