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  1. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    243?? Wrong sage. ;j But what'd you mean by "we're off by 100," then?
  2. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    246. Wait, what? What number should we be on, then?
  3. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    244. Someone make me a Roy Koopa avy and siggy, and I will be content.
  4. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    234. I win and go to bed...
  5. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    211. lol Wh... H... You know what...never mind. Someone stick a fork in Mellow Ezlo, because he's done. XD
  6. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    What even the natural eff? 182
  7. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    124. Eeeyup.
  8. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    121. It changes every time you refresh the page.
  9. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Actually, I've had this same signature for a little over a year now. lol 119 And yes, I remember the 30 character minimum. lol thirtykakarot
  10. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Guys, what number are we on? Meh, I'll just go with 109...
  11. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    104. Do Hylian Knights even step down?
  12. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Hyaku (100).
  13. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Phew. It's been a while. 91.
  14. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    My bad... 30.
  15. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Something strange happened to my username, so therefore: 1.
  16. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Wtf. Damnit, Azure~ 12.
  17. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    70. Come on, guys. Podemos hacerlo. Si se puede. Si se puede... ¡Duro! ¡Duro!
  18. W

    Count To 500 Before a Hylian Knight Resigns!

    Ooo, can I participate?
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