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  1. twilitfalchion

    Art Sharing Thread

  2. twilitfalchion

    happy birthday dude hope it's a good one :party:

    happy birthday dude hope it's a good one :party:
  3. twilitfalchion

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    Ganondorf. Make love, not war.
  4. twilitfalchion

    Do you still actively play on the Switch?

    I still play it on and off, going back and forth between it and my PS4. Not too long I beat Persona 4 Golden, and before that I was digging into Dynasty Warriors 8. I don't see myself stopping or slowing down any time soon. Backlog's always gonna be there.
  5. twilitfalchion

    Stores, products, or restaurants that are exclusive to your state, region, or country.

    Giant grocery stores are local to the mid-Atlantic, based out of Landover, MD. Been shopping there since I was a kid. Still do.
  6. twilitfalchion

    How Important Are Reviews To You?

    I'd say I don't really rely on reviews for games that much nowadays. I find myself in situations where the games I play are usually played by people I know, and I can rely on their takes to see if it's something I'd enjoy, ideally free from spoilers or too much info. Exceptions being if a game...
  7. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    don't be shy c'mere ya little gremlins
  8. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    I don't usually show that much favoritism to Sigs but a friend picked my pairings for this run, so I'm relying on him a lil more than usual
  9. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    never enough rings
  10. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    hope she's well the forums never felt quite the same without her
  11. twilitfalchion


  12. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    spirit's avy works again too she would've been happy to see it
  13. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    gif avys are back in baybeee
  14. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    it's the better definition
  15. twilitfalchion

    Zelda Things I Mispronounce

    I always read bokoblin as "boh-kahblin" since I was a kid but apparently it's boko-blin? At least, that's the way I hear it said most often.
  16. twilitfalchion

    happy birthday fam hope it was a great one :party:

    happy birthday fam hope it was a great one :party:
  17. twilitfalchion

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Started Paper Mario on the 64.
  18. twilitfalchion

    TTYD Remake Discussion!

    I have yet to play Paper Mario on the N64, so I'll hold off until playing that to pick up TTYD. Looks very nice for a remakester though.
  19. twilitfalchion

    Most Attractive Character in The Legend of Zelda

    The concern I felt when I saw this thread show up in the SB. ReDeads, obviously. They look at you and you're simply unable to move or look away. That alluring scream...
  20. twilitfalchion

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I feel like I really couldn't be more exhausted and done with everything at the moment. Like this limbo we're stuck in has no end, even if I know it'll end eventually.
  21. twilitfalchion

    How do you pronounce Gibdo

    How does the second pronunciation even work with the way it's spelled...
  22. twilitfalchion

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 615!

    I think a pet fox might suit Link well depending on the setting.
  23. twilitfalchion

    happy birthday my guy :party:

    happy birthday my guy :party:
  24. twilitfalchion

    Best Nintendo System

    GameCube for me. It was Nintendo's most unique and experimental period for its games. They were on fire for creative inspiration alone, to the point that they didn't need any gimmicks to make their games feel relevant. Just good, quality titles.
  25. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

  26. twilitfalchion

    Should we take a break from Hyrule?

    I would love a Zelda game that moves beyond the traditional setting, even if what "Hyrule" is varies while sharing the same name. It would offer opportunities to make gameplay and story more unique when the same old backdrop isn't being relied on because it's just the standard thing to do...
  27. twilitfalchion

    What is your favorite Zelda song

    A single song? Probably the Great Sea theme. It never ages.
  28. twilitfalchion

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 613!

    Talon. He's just a lovable goof and waking him up in such a comical way is fun.
  29. twilitfalchion

    Last person to post wins

    thief simulator is fun, esp when you can snag it for a buck
  30. twilitfalchion

    OOA/OOS Remake

    If they did, I'd expect something along the lines of LAHD rather than anything purely 2D. It wouldn't make sense to develop a style like that as thoroughly as they did and throw it away. Though I guess Nintendo isn't exactly known for making decisions that make the most sense.
  31. twilitfalchion

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Super Mario RPG Mm, I'd say Mario RPG is a pretty alright game. I enjoyed myself well enough and it didn't overstay its welcome. I'm not sure it quite lived up to the hype for me, but I'm sure I'd appreciate it a bit more if I had some nostalgia for the game already. Either way, it was short...
  32. twilitfalchion

    Bad box arts

    The way Yakuza 3's box art went from a guy with a cig staring up in a sort of moody way to half of a man's face staring blankly is certainly a decision of all time.
  33. twilitfalchion

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    At the tail end of Mario RPG, two stars to go. Should be finished with it tonight or tomorrow. Got Twilight Princess HD working well in Cemu, I think I'm in the mood for Zelda again. Probably will get to that next.
  34. twilitfalchion

    Activities That Others Love, But You Don't.

    The beach, sports, outdoors much of anything. Not my speed. I also don't care much for concerts. Too much noise, too many people.
  35. twilitfalchion

    Meme Extravaganza

  36. twilitfalchion

    Fav workout music

    The entire Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance soundtrack is a workout playlist with a game attached, honestly.
  37. twilitfalchion

    How much do you play games you hate?

    Kinda just depends. I have completed some games I ended up disliking just to say I finished 'em, like Skyward Sword for a Zelda example. Disliked that game a lot more after a full playthrough and will never touch it again. But I really didn't have the patience to slog through Hyrule again in...
  38. twilitfalchion

    How often do you try something new at a restaurant?

    I'm so stuck in my ways when I do eat out that servers know what I'm ordering before I order it. A boring and same-y life I do live.
  39. twilitfalchion

    What's Your Tannin Sensitivity?

    I love bitter foods, especially black coffee and dark chocolate. That preference has only gotten stronger as I've gotten older.
  40. twilitfalchion

    How often do you pick the opposite gender for a create-a-character?

    I rarely find enough customizable options I like for males in full-on character creators to make it feel like a proper self-insert, so I usually opt for a female character designed however I like most like I do in MonHun or FF14. If it comes down to two heavily pre-set designs like in FE, then...
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