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  1. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It’s nice to see you around and hear you’ve been doing well. I look forward to reading more about what’s been happening when you post your blog entry!
  2. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I also did Little Tokyo which was quite nice compared to the rest of the inner city! It made me jealous we don’t have something similar in Sydney. Something that surprised me since visiting is when I was looking into videos and content around the LA Metro to see other’s experiences there are...
  3. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My month away tldr version: Highlights: - Spending time with my partner for a month! - Seeing the eclipse in Cleveland - Seeing the Harry Potter & The Cursed Child show on Broadway in NYC - Grand Canyon National Park - Death Valley National Park - Paranormal tour on the Queen Mary in Longbeach...
  4. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    At the airport two Japanese girls in front of me in line were trying to enter their credit card number into the McDonalds kiosk as their app code and were confused how to pay. When I explained what to do in Japanese they gave such a Japanese response of “heeeeeeeeeeee!?!? sugoi sugoi!!”
  5. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I had a look into one of my controller boxes earlier and it was so dusty so I did a little cleaning off my NES, SNES, and GCN controllers. I should try and clean them more often since it has been quite a while since I've taken them out.
  6. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    That’s so exciting and mysterious at the same time. Do you have any attractions high on your list? I hope you have a blast whatever your plans may be!
  7. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It's crazy how fast life seems to get after you finish school - all the weeks just blend into each other and the months seem to go by quicker and quicker the older you get.
  8. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This week I went for a yearly skin cancer check appointment (which I have neglected to have since before the pandemic) and thankfully everything looked ok. Since 2 in 3 Aussies get some kind of skin cancer by age 70 it is a good idea to get checked yearly - it is fairly common not only here...
  9. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Trying to be a bit more intentional in how I spend my money this year and budgeting better so I don't fall into lifestyle inflation and miss goals I should be meeting earlier.
  10. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I was attacked by two pitbull dogs when walking down the street yesterday and one of them bit me on my ass/hip. They caught me off guard and I only noticed them a few seconds before they were jumping on me. Lucky after the first bite I was able to shout loud enough to get them off of me...
  11. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Been having an interesting week at work moving one of our distribution warehouses to a new and bigger location, including with a shiny new office space. Being in the place I am now I am getting to learn a lot so even though sometimes the work gets pretty busy it’s great for career progression.
  12. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm sorry for your loss Az, that's awful to hear :( I hope she is at peace and my thoughts are with your family.
  13. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I did a 19 hour shift this weekend to conclude a project. Was one hell of a shift but glad to have pulled it off successfully in the end.
  14. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today Australia's second largest ISP was totally down for more than 12 hours leaving over 10 million customers (including myself) and thousands of business without any ability to access the internet or make phone calls (many even unable to call the emergency number 000). Seeing the impact this...
  15. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Tonight I caught up with a group of 8 friends who were other students in a group selected to go on my first ever trip to Japan back in 2016. It was great catching up to see how everyone is doing and reminiscing about that trip.
  16. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm back in Australia after having spent a month in the US with my boyfriend. We stayed at his home in New Jersey for two weeks (taking many days to travel into NYC plus some other parts of NJ) and also travelled by plane to Washington DC, Chicago, and Atlanta together. I had an incredible...
  17. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    A few culture shocks so far of being in the USA: - Yard Signs. So many people have signs on their lawns of American flags or patriotic slogans which I guess isn’t unexpected but something weird to me is there seem to be so many of them which are celebrating kids graduating school or even moving...
  18. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Someone behind me in line at LAX asked me what my native language is after overhearing me order something. I didn’t realize the Aussie accent is that exotic.
  19. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've gotta start preparing my tax documents to file my return this year. Always something I procrastinate getting around to.
  20. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've worked 20 days in a row for a big project we have going on at the moment - so I am pretty exhausted.
  21. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Lately I've been browsing apartments and homes for sale around Sydney and it is pretty distressing to see the prices in the market. It seems impossible to purchase anything reasonably close to the city (within an hour from the city center by public transport) without having two people both on...
  22. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    End of the tax year today.... that means paperwork incoming.
  23. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Tonight I caught up with some friends at my old uni for an event to discuss the impacts of AI on society over some drinks. It was a super interesting discussion and being able to hear opinions from people in different fields really kept the discussion flowing nicely.
  24. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Note: I have moved some posts above to this thread as they did not belong in life advice section
  25. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This afternoon I watched a seven-floor building turn into a massive fireball and collapse from my office window in the city. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, it happened so quickly and looked absolutely horrific. Hopefully nobody was injured, I walked past it on the way to work this...
  26. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Have a safe flight and a great holiday, very exciting!
  27. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I spent the weekend driving 5 hours away on Saturday morning (and back today) for an engagement party with seven friends. It was a really beautiful venue and location - it's nice to get away from the big city sometimes.
  28. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Last night I went out to the grand opening of a new venue called Fortress Sydney - which is basically the biggest gaming venue in the Southern Hemisphere. It has the capacity for 1000 people overall and has a restaurant which has WoW vibes to its design, a futuristic themed bar, an arcade, an...
  29. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I just found out online that the Mario arm band I got at Universal Studios Japan's Super Nintendo World to interact with the activities in the park can be used as an Amiibo - that's such a cool idea to keep its utility afterwards.
  30. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My exact plans are still to be confirmed in terms of locations we I am figuring this out with my travel companion - but if things line up I'd be happy to catch some ZD people. I've been lucky enough to meet with four people from this forum already in the past.
  31. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    After six awesome weeks away in Japan I have finally returned to Australia. I'm so glad and privileged to have had the opportunity to be back there for that much time and see some of my old friends. Now, it's time to plan my next trip which will hopefully be around a month in the USA during the...
  32. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I guess the air flow in the room is increased from them which potentially blows around airborne viruses?
  33. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I do tend to use my pants sometimes but there were occasions - especially up north in the snow - where it didn’t quite feel as dry from this as using paper towels or a hand dryer.
  34. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    COVID is still being taken pretty seriously here in Japan while in Australia people had mostly seemed to have moved on. For example here is still wearing a mask even outdoors, and while before the pandemic even people wore masks often there is nearly nobody walking around without one. I wonder...
  35. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I rented a car for the first time and am using it to drive around the island of Shikoku today and tomorrow to visit some places I’ve not yet been to before. It’s nice to do some travel while driving myself for once but the highway speed limits are so slow here that it’s a little frustrating. A...
  36. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Have been in Tokyo for a few days now and am having a great time! Really glad to be back.
  37. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Where are you going in Indonesia? Bali?
  38. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This time next week I'll be on a plane to Tokyo for the first time in three years. Very keen!
  39. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Going to spend New Years Eve with my family for the first time in years. We will drive a few hours up the coast and stay at an aunt's house. Looking forward to it!
  40. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    While for many Christmas is a wonderful time of year it can be a really lonely time for a lot of people so if you can please take the time to think of someone you know who you think may be lonely at this time and give them a call or message to let them know you care about them.
  41. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Spent most of this afternoon/evening working late and helping dig through some code to find an issue that needed to be fixed by tomorrow - Christmas is a pretty busy time. Work also sent out a note today that they've cemented their work from anywhere policy to allow employees to work remotely...
  42. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm taking the second highest (N2) level of the official Japanese Language Proficiency Test for the first time on Sunday after I passed the N3 level easily back in the middle of the year. This time around I haven't really done any preparation as I want to get a good idea of my natural level...
  43. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It's always good to remember that many of the things you are stressing about won't even matter in two days, even more won't matter in two weeks, more again in two months, who even knows what you'll have to worry about in two years, you'll likely be an almost entirely different person in two...
  44. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Japanese class on a Monday is brutal, having to concentrate for 8 hours of work and then 2 hours of language learning is a real strain.
  45. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Welcome to the forums! Best wishes to your family for the upcoming birth. Sounds like your kid is gonna have a good childhood with introductions like that!
  46. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Buying gifts for someone who can just buy whatever they want is difficult. Though maybe I just need to get better at being more thoughtful.
  47. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Had a brain CT scan this morning due to a headache pain I have been feeling for around a month and the results came back to my doctor showing nothing abnormal. Hopefully it is just stress related, gotta try and relax more.
  48. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The rise of such short bite-sized content on places like TikTok and YouTube Shorts is shortening everyone’s attention span and draining society to a concerning degree.
  49. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Feeling relieved that mum’s brain surgery today seems to have gone very well and I had the chance to speak to her on FaceTime earlier. She seems a bit physically sore but doesn’t seem to have any obvious memory, speech, or other issues stemming from the surgery which is good to see. She will...
  50. Jimmu

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Thank you, Frax. She has to have two separate surgeries done over the next couple of months (one for each side as they found two of them) and this is the first one but she was able to research and choose her own surgeon and is feeling optimistic about it. The risk is higher to not do anything...
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