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  1. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    tell me how it ends. I have been starting to read less because whenever I finish a book I have to write a report on it.
  2. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    Are you talking about the Superman comic or a regular book? It is a very good comic.
  3. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    Oh. I thought it was a different book. I don't have it but I do have Eragon and Eldest. I haven't had a chance to read them though.
  4. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    I think I read hilf of Bringser and then got disstracted by another book. Which one is Bringser Just to make sure it is the one I read half of?
  5. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    Why not mention it? ........................................................................................................
  6. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    Everyone keeps quoting on this and I don't know what it is. Can someone fill me in.
  7. kpllk

    Favorite Books

    I really like the Percy Jackson and the Olympians serias. I am waitting for the fith and final book to come out right now so I am reading the Scullduggery Pleasent books. But my favorite books are comic books. SupermanDoomsday, Superman: our Worlds at war, The Death of Superman. To many to...
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