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  1. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Answers (two days late): [/spoiler]
  2. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Remaining questions. Feel free to answer them, i will post the answers after work!
  3. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Technically no, as he's fully an American citizen, but he was born in Calgary!
  4. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

  5. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    I will post the rest of the questions I wrote soon, along with the remaining role pms and a full list of night actions along with who answered each question. Hope you guys all liked this little idea of a game I had! Alex Trebek approves!
  6. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    ...myself. As an aside, through the night there was a large couch fire. Lol I can't imagine where that might have started, but that couch is no more. *whistles* Now you all must be expecting me to tell you if the game is over or not, and hold your Mooses I'm getting there! I'm just trying to...
  7. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    All Day 3 Questions and correct answers:
  8. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    ...(indirectly murdered by Santa Claus Day 2) Chevywolf30 (killed in a Chevy Night 2) Killjoy269 (crushed his own head with his own couch Day 3) Night 3 begins! Those with a night action have until Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at noon MDT to submit. **THIS COULD BE THE FINAL PHASE OF THE GAME**
  9. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Oof, that's a hammer. Scene will have to wait, I'm just about to drive home from work.
  10. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Sexy Vote Count 3.3 Ex (1) - (SMS) FG (1) - (Zinger) Not Voting (6) - (Minish, Ex, Funnygurl, Viral, Mapel, Killjoy) With 8 alive it takes 5 to reach majority otherwise day ends in just under 9 hours. (I think this is correct I'll get funnier to double check for me uwu) (last question of...
  11. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

  12. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question time, oh golly gosh! Opening in 1962 as the longest uninterrupted highway in the world, this coast to coast highway - connecting all 10 provinces from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador - acts as the only direct road link between western and eastern Canada.
  13. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question was answered
  14. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    My apologies for the delay, I should've said 10pm instead of 9. Nevertheless, here is the next question! An extra large Tim Hortons coffee costs $2.19CAD. You give the barista a toonie and a quarter and they give you a "this", the name of a popular group of entertainers that are loved to be hated.
  15. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Hello. Just as an update, I noticed an error in the above question that made it unfair. To make up for it I gave the person who answered it a new question with a time limit equal to the amount of time it took them to answer the original question. For reference, the new question was: Something...
  16. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question was answered. Edit: gdi funnier
  17. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Oh hey look it's question time! Acting as a temporary home for scientists and a small number of others, this is the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world, located on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, Canada’s third and the world’s tenth largest island.
  18. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question was answered. Next one will be sometime midday.
  19. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question #something-or-other is: Beginning his career as a child star alongside Justin Timberlake on Disney's The Mickey Mouse Club, this actor is considered one of Canada's “hottest exports". And no the answer is not Mellow Ezlo, but he's a close second.
  20. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Someone ask for FLAVOUR?? (spell it right you scrub or you're fired) What flavour would you like? I was hoping for Maple(el) but I guess I'll settle for Chevy, even though the taste of metal and engine oil isn't particularly great. Anyhow, Chevy was just driving along in his Chevy, singing...
  21. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    All D2 questions and correct answers: Now, for today's random fact, the city of Vancouver has one of the largest film industries in North America, trailing behind Los Angeles and New York, leading to it receiving the nickname of "Hollywood North". Some noteworthy things that have been...
  22. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Final D2 Vote Count Zinger2099 (2) - Viral Maze, Ragnarokio Ragnarokio (4) - Minish, Killjoy, Chevy Spiritual Mask Salesman (3) Ex, funnygurl, Zinger Not Voting - Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT gg Dang...
  23. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    It is night. Rag was lynched, but I gotta double check. Flavour coming soon...
  24. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Funnier's vote count is indeed correct.
  25. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Sexy moose and all but they're not even one of the two official animals of Canada. Those would be the beaver (shocking I know) and the Canadian Horse and no I haven't the faintest what they look like but I'm sure they're very very sexy like funnier. Btw, it is very likely neither of us will be...
  26. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Vote Count 2.4 Zinger2099 (3) - Viral Maze, Killjoy, funnygurl Chevywolf30 (1) - Zinger2099 Not Voting - Morbid Minish, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup, Ragnarokio, Chevywolf30 With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT (10 1/2 hours).
  27. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

  28. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    I was gonna post the next question in a few hours but I'll be too busy playing skyward sword so here it is now. Question 14 is: This is the name for a secret network of trails that escaped American slaves commonly used to come into Canada, a place where they were guaranteed relative freedom...
  29. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question #13 is: You oughta know this 90s pop icon, who at the age of 21 became the youngest person at the time to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Super late question so we may not be awake when it gets answered, so please have patience frens uwu.
  30. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    modkilled for spamming my own game
  31. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    I would like to publicly clarify something since I received a question about it, and it's something that I intended to include in the rules in the first place: Abilities are chosen from a pool of roles that have been specifically designated for each day, then randomized to be matched with each...
  32. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Vote Count 2.3 Zinger2099 (5) - Ragnarokio, Viral Maze, Chevywolf30, Killjoy, funnygurl Funnygurl (1) - Zinger2099 Not Voting - Morbid Minish, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT (32 hours). (I think...
  33. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Vote Count 2.2 MapelSerup (1) - Seanzie Zinger2099 (4) - Ragnarokio, Viral Maze, Chevywolf30, Killjoy Viral Maze (1) - Zinger2099 Not Voting - Morbid Minish, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT (32 hours).
  34. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    @Funnygurl555 will be replacing Seanzie, who privately requested a replacement due to IRL stuff. She is exempt from the post quota for today.
  35. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    This question was answered. Next one will be around dinner time, 6 or 7 hours from now.
  36. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question 11 is: The longest bridge in Canada at 12.9km long, this bridge connects the Canadian provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.
  37. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Vote Count 2.1 MapelSerup (1) - Seanzie Morbid Minish (1) - Chevywolf30 Zinger2099 (1) - Ragnarokio Ragnarokio (1) - Zinger2099 Not Voting - Morbid Minish, ExLight, Viral Maze, Killjoy, Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup Question 10 has been answered. Next question will be around noon MDT.
  38. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question #10 is: Once the largest shopping mall in the world, and until recently the largest in North America, this massive shopping and entertainment complex is home to the world’s largest indoor wave pool, the world’s largest indoor man-made lake, and was the site of a fatal 1986 roller...
  39. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question 9 has been answered! Next one will be sometime tonight, give or take 7 hours.
  40. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Question #9 is: This master of illusion, abandoning a desired career in piano playing, turned to the subtle art of sleight of hand and went on to fool Penn & Teller twice before proceeding to win America’s Got Talent... twice.
  41. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely sleep last night! This morning, we're eating pancakes drenched in maple syrup, yum yum. Well, most of us at least, as you all wake up to notice one of you is missing. Say, where is Kirino? Upon further inspection, you find him 42 metres from...
  42. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    All D1 questions and the correct answers: And here's a random fact for you all: The airport code for Toronto Pearson International Airport (the busiest airport in Canada) is YYZ. If that sounds familiar, it's because the Canadian band Rush has a song named after it. In the intro to the...
  43. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    D1 Final Vote Count (assuming funnier's last one was correct :suspicious:) Spiritual Mask Salesman (1) - ExLight Storm (6) - Chevywolf30, Minish, MapelSerup, Kirino, Zinger2099, Ragnarokio Zinger2099 (4) - Storm, Seanzie, Killjoy, Viral Maze Not voting - Spiritual Mask Salesman Rag vote just...
  44. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    I mentioned in the rules and in the vote counts that half majority (4 votes) were required this day, not majority. With that said, I have some vote counting to do, gimme a couple minutes.
  45. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Hi guys. Busy night at work but my sexy assistant is holding things down very well! :) Just so you know, I might not be home by the deadline, so just in case once twilight occurs discussion may continue until I post the scene but no more votes will be counted after midnight.
  46. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    I would like to bring attention to the length of the night phase, since I am running this game in a 60/12 format (to ensure days end at night and start in the morning). 12 hours is very short, so if you have a night action, you can start submitting it now and will have until noon tomorrow (23...
  47. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Last question of the day will be posted in 6 hours or so.
  48. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    idk what was up with me when I posted the last question, I meant to say 8 hours not 6 but I wrote 6 because I thought I meant 9 I think. Anyway, question #7 is: This is the ironic name for a variation of a popular Italian dish, named after an American state, invented in Canada by a Greek man...
  49. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Vote Count 1.4 ExLight (1) - Ragnarokio Spiritual Mask Salesman (2) - ExLight, Kirino Storm (4) - Viral Maze, Chevywolf30, Killjoy262, Zinger2099 Kirino (1) - Seanzie Zinger2099 (1) - Storm Not voting - MapelSerup, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Morbid Minish With 12 alive, 7 votes are majority; at...
  50. Mellow Ezlo

    Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

    Tfw I fell asleep before I meant to post the next question, but here it is. Question #6: This Alberta Provincial Park is one of the richest locations for Dinosaur fossils in the world, having been the place of discovery of 58 unique dinosaur species and the location of over 500 signs of...
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