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  1. Torchpost

    LEGO Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Blizzeta

    If anyone's interested, this model is posted on Lego Ideas. If you want to support it to become a real Lego set, you can do it here: ideas.lego.com/projects/9c7e1a2d-f155-4639-86f2-12c5af2040b9
  2. Torchpost

    LEGO Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Blizzeta

    I made a Lego model of Link's boss battle with Blizzeta from Twilight Princess. It includes: Link, with the ball and chain, the sheathed Master Sword and a Hylian shield on his back, and two bottles. Yeta, with 2 faces, one normal, and one corrupted. The form of Blizzeta from the...
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