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  1. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Hmm... what you said about a security risk reminded me of something very important that didn't get answered because of all the other stuff going on. I know someone here mentioned it before, but it didn't seem to be answered. We have extremely private and personal information in the Life Advice...
  2. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    I sure looks like it happened that way. Thanks for telling us what you remember. I'm sure the misunderstanding was simply someone's joke taken too seriously. Personally the best thing I think we got about it is how everything loaded so much better. Wiki of course, but also the forums...
  3. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    We were not informed until the switch was imminent Just like now, how people are being left out of the loop on this forum change. We had to be told second hand that it was delayed. And I don't feel like we can do anything productive no matter what we do with the forum if we don't air out our...
  4. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    And it looks like this nonsense never going to stop. The hypocrisy is never going to stop. It's impossible to be productive these days. You can't disagree with someone without being declared an enemy of the state. And you certainly can't expect to be held to same standards. You know what we're...
  5. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    May not have realized it but you just touched on a core problem. Hypocrisy. Throughout this entire thread there have been several instances of people feeling that they had the right to correct my version of history without being subject to the same themselves. By all means if someone doesn't...
  6. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Um... no, sorry you two, that's NOT what happened. The swear filter was the original motivation. What you're remembering is the initial thrill everyone had over just how much better Xenforo seemed to be overall and why it was considered worth it. But absolutely the filter was the spark that...
  7. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    It's actually a really funny story. The original reasoning was we wanted the swear filter to be optional, that users could opt out of. And VB didn't allow for that. It was integrated and impossible to make optional. It was either on all the way or completely disabled. Xenforo offered that option...
  8. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Well I didn't really meant to only focus on the wiki/forum interface. I do agree that the whole thing should be considered one. Actually I wasn't insisting that the only thing the wiki needs is the forum. I've actually had a lot of ideas to support the wiki. And I think it's a bad idea to only...
  9. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    If we go ahead with the merge, but do the more rational option of merging the zI forums over here, moving the smaller community over to the larger one, we can still do a few changes. We can still change to IPB if we want to, it's not like we haven't changed software before. I'm still hesitant to...
  10. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    All of that sounds good. It is good to admit it, and I do like what you have in mind as a community. Considering it as one big whole and not totally isolated parts. A big problem I've had with people here in the past is that various parts of the site were considered isolated and independent...
  11. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    So you'll listen about that one thing the community wants but won't listen about anything else they want? You've always been against the shoutbox. In the past when we were on vBulletin, you removed it several times. And whenever there as any kind of technical problem with any part of the site...
  12. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    That's not what happened and you know it. Why are you lying to everyone here in public? You ignored everything that was going on. You simply hoped the situation would resolve itself if you ignored it long enough. Nearly everyone agrees the group that you refused to anything about was a problem...
  13. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Almost certainly. That kind of thing doesn't like to transfer. However, the staff will try their hardest to make sure they're all restored manually. But they're only human. I lost some of my awards when we switched to Xenforo. If you are concerned, record them, their name, description, date...
  14. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    See what I mean? You did exactly what I said you would. You didn't listen to a word I said. Insisting that your decision is final. Denying that you don't listen to people while you're actively refusing to listen to anyone here. If all you do is constantly restate over and over that you mean...
  15. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Okay, first a warning. I'm not in the best of moods so I might be a bit rough, I apologize in advance. I'm going to go into an extreme amount of detail about why I think this is suicidally stupid plan and what I think we should do instead and my reasons for them and my history that lead me to...
  16. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    They have more of a forum community than the wiki has ANY activity whatsoever. And regardless of what anyone says, this forum move is not being nice to ZI. We're completely destroying their forums to replace it with a clone of ours. If we expect to have peace with them, we can't destroy their...
  17. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    The forums are not about profit or bringing in visitors. They're about establishing a community to support the site. It supports its operations and helps bring in people who will help contribute. If people see a healthy thriving community that is warm and inviting, they'll be far more likely to...
  18. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    Stupid question. But why are we obsessing over a disqus login when Diqus itself is NOT a unified login system, and they in fact rely heavily on integration with Google and Facebook accounts. Getting a plugin that lets people login with Facebook or Google should be much easier AND will accomplish...
  19. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    In any event we're going to have to abandon Xenforo. I understand that. The wiki will greatly benefit from the optimizations that Xenforo is currently hindering. A few months back, it took upwards of ten seconds for a wiki page to fully load for me. IT's better now, but some further...
  20. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    We can't keep Xenforo in any case if we still want to implement those optimizations. The simplier option is to instead change to the same software ZI is using, or another that has that plugin. Instead of moving the forum. Completely destroying a whole site and imploding its community to appease...
  21. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    The disqus community there is a major reason why it's being moved. But that's not a good thing. Like you just said the disqus commenters there are so horrifyingly bad that even casual viewers noticed it. I tried speaking with an old friend of mine about this and he knows nothing about the...
  22. Emma

    ZD Forum Change Concerns

    From what I understand, the main reason is that Xenforo itself is conflicting from some optimizations we are trying to implement which will hopefully improve loading time for the wiki. However I don't see why that necessities a move. We changed the software here once before, it's not like we...
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