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  1. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Not gonna lie, I was suspicious of Rag as soon as her activity picked up day 2, probably for the right reasons but drawn from a wrong conclusion on my part. I wagered that Rag was likely putting forth effort as sole remaining scum. The claim helped her case for me, not because it was believable...
  2. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Speed wins a tie and majority isn't necessary for a lynch I don't think, just half majority on first day. I'm fine all I'm on Rocinante even if it does ultimately be wrong because I don't see an avenue forward where most of the game is inactive if we only have behavior analysis to go on anyway...
  3. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    If I have my time zones and maths right there's a little over 15 hours left in day. The time for waiting is over. Everybody should get their votes in on their next visit to the thread, however they think it appropriate to vote.
  4. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Vote: Rocinante
  5. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    What it do though? Non mechanically I'm interested to hear from rocinante since they made it a point to say they didn't really participate day 1s but then also didn't really participate day 2 either, which lends to scum laying back if town is hard on the wrong trail.
  6. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Vote: Rocinante
  7. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    @OGSniper who do you think is the biggest threat to the mafia currently?
  8. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I keep saying you generated an ability because that is what a healy thing is? Maybe you are reading it as you chose to generate that but it was generated by answering a question correctly, as opposed to failing to answer right and not having that ability. This is just game fundamentals and is...
  9. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    When I say there is no benefit I mean to town overall. Scum clearly benefits from knowing what roles are in play. Town not so much. It behooves town to keep the identity of a resurrectionist secret. Safe. So questioning someone very publicly and then stating you did so because you thought they...
  10. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I'm saying it's of no benefit to out that information, either that Darth has access to an ability that can raise the dead or that your role generated such things with correct questions. So it's very odd for you to bring it up at all. It's also very odd for you to try to throw DC under the bus...
  11. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    This seems odd. Like I would expect you to know the form and function of what you're sending. So you should know if it's capable, and if it is then you should just assume it was the package and not give away that you are creating such things.
  12. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    If Jamie is mafs then it is possible, but I'm not inclined to think likely, that I was hit to relieve heat. If exactly Jamie and Ex are the scum team then I think that likeliness goes up but only if it's exactly those two. More likely, in my mind, is the notion that my claim and subsequent...
  13. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Pretty sure OG is trying to bread crumbs sending you something DC... Rag throwing down all the wine and right in front of me too.
  14. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    You can't keep a whole band down.
  15. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I would say he's more cocky when he's wolfing. Rag might consider that whimsical though. Vote: Exlight
  16. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I've picked my two people.
  17. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Vote: Jamie
  18. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Nah, it'll be fine. Just pick two people and hound them until they are both dead or the game is over. No need to re-evaluate if nothing tells you you're wrong.
  19. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Very easily.
  20. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Both requested to be pinged if the game was under 13 players and were pinged but didn't respond publicly so either didn't respond or privately declined inclusion, but from the initial posts it's easy to see why there would be an expectation of them being included.
  21. HangryHangryHippo

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    That posting style is boring now so it's claim time (also because deadline is looming-ish towards 24 hours). I have cleared my first question and have been granted an ability that will aid a target of my choice in answering a question. Since I don't see the point in using this on myself since...
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