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  1. DarthCreeper10

    First Zelda Released in Your Lifetime?

    Spirit Tracks The first zelda game I actually played was Link to The Past except I didn't know it was Zelda lol. I just thought it was a cool game, but it wasn't until I played BOTW in 2022 that I became a Zelda fan and discovered that the cool game I played as a kid was actually a Zelda game...
  2. DarthCreeper10

    How do you like your steak cooked?

    medium well fr
  3. DarthCreeper10

    What Made You Happy Today?

    my valentines present and card was awesome...she got me all my favorite candy too :crylaugh:
  4. DarthCreeper10

    thats horrible man. hope tmmr is much better :confused:

    thats horrible man. hope tmmr is much better :confused:
  5. DarthCreeper10

    What Made You Happy Today?

    i lowkey wasn't expecting the cheifs to play as bad as they did lol
  6. DarthCreeper10

    What Made You Happy Today?

  7. DarthCreeper10

    Super Bowl LIX (Sunday, Feb 9)

    this is just a horrible super bowl...both teams have annoying fanbases and players. this halftime show should be a killer tho...i'll have to watch it. i might actually just go to bed early which i never do on super bowl night
  8. DarthCreeper10

    Ban The User Above You

    banned cause idk how to respond to that...
  9. DarthCreeper10

    Ban The User Above You

    banned for not playing quarterback
  10. DarthCreeper10

    Ban The User Above You

    banned for suggesting cannibilisim is wrong ;)
  11. DarthCreeper10


  12. DarthCreeper10

    yeah why would I post some random teen as my banner...I just didn't wanna post the whole pic in...

    yeah why would I post some random teen as my banner...I just didn't wanna post the whole pic in the photo thread
  13. DarthCreeper10

    Miami Heat but I don't follow NBA as much as I do NFL or NCAA

    Miami Heat but I don't follow NBA as much as I do NFL or NCAA
  14. DarthCreeper10

    bro am i cooked :crylaugh:

    bro am i cooked :crylaugh:
  15. DarthCreeper10


  16. DarthCreeper10

    oh ive been on the forums for over a year???

    oh ive been on the forums for over a year???
  17. DarthCreeper10

    What video game characters do you have a crush on?

    the fans that can actually draw lol...
  18. DarthCreeper10

    What video game characters do you have a crush on?

    why does this thread exist lol? but while we're on the topic probably just botw zelda cause im mad basic lol
  19. DarthCreeper10

    Post a fact about the user above!

    doesnt know this is my ss gift
  20. DarthCreeper10

    Post a fact about the user above!

    This guy still has a christmas siggy which is tuff but...
  21. DarthCreeper10

    What Annoyed You Today?

    100% people couldn't drive with like a half inch of ice lol
  22. DarthCreeper10

    What Annoyed You Today?

    more like ice sadly :kawaii: i just saw a whole bunch when I went on Christmas break and at DC this weekend lol
  23. DarthCreeper10

    What Annoyed You Today?

    welp school got cancelled cause down here in florida if you get less than an inch of snow we call it a snow day :crylaugh: the only snow we got was a dusting on our car lol
  24. DarthCreeper10

    I personally think that Valentine's Day sucks. Who's with me, here?

    I mean...this just depends on whether you have a valentine lol. So some years its good and some years I cry...
  25. DarthCreeper10

    @Malon ngl now I just want u to rank every teen on the forums like what about me?? :crylaugh:

    @Malon ngl now I just want u to rank every teen on the forums like what about me?? :crylaugh:
  26. DarthCreeper10

    How Have You Utilised AI?

    ngl AI has some really good life advice tho
  27. DarthCreeper10

    Do You Consider People On ZD To Be Your Friends?

    a couple of people yes, because they have helped me and made me happy when I was feeling down. I consider them to be like irl friends to a certain extent lol
  28. DarthCreeper10

    What Made You Happy Today?

    coming back to the forums after being on vacation
  29. DarthCreeper10

    What Made You Happy Today?

    talking to my girl :party:
  30. DarthCreeper10

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  31. DarthCreeper10

    Challenge for everyone.

    u overestimate my time :crylaugh::crylaugh:
  32. DarthCreeper10

    Zelda Fans & The Timeline

    The timeline is fine, they just need to commit to it better and fill in some plot holes and all of the problems would be solved.
  33. DarthCreeper10


    sweet tea cause im just southern like that !!
  34. DarthCreeper10

    Your Go-To Mario Character(s)

    always toad cause he's pretty easy to play with to me
  35. DarthCreeper10

    Tears of the Kingdom this rivals some of the worst games i've ever played; and i'm a life-long zelda fan

    lol the only thing I called crazy was joining a zelda forum to proceed to push your opinion and only your opinion instead of listening to others. I've never even played TOTK so I have no opinion of it I was saying why join, post one thing saying you f***king hate a game, slander it, slander...
  36. DarthCreeper10

    Anyone here have Creating a Champion?

    yeah it's extremely good
  37. DarthCreeper10

    Why am I in love with a cartoon for 4 year olds.

    its made with parents in mind
  38. DarthCreeper10

    Breath of the Wild Why did you want to beat Ganon in BOTW?

    yall are down bad like what
  39. DarthCreeper10

    Breath of the Wild Why did you want to beat Ganon in BOTW?

    nvm lol i wasn't meaning you
  40. DarthCreeper10

    Would you rather have the Zelda movie retell a game story or an entirely new story?

    tiology about OOT and TP, the first movie is child, second is adult, and third is the return of ganon in TP
  41. DarthCreeper10

    Breath of the Wild Why did you want to beat Ganon in BOTW?

    my wisconson cousin can confirm i get why people leave now lol
  42. DarthCreeper10

    Breath of the Wild Why did you want to beat Ganon in BOTW?

    :crylaugh::crylaugh: bro this guy cannot be real
  43. DarthCreeper10

    Last person to post wins

  44. DarthCreeper10

    What is a song that has impacted your life?

    What is a song that has impacted your life for good or bad or what is your favorite song that has a real impact on you today? For me I'll go with Understand by Boywithuke. Boywithuke has changed my life for the better, and even though a lot of people say it's cringy and for younger kids, he has...
  45. DarthCreeper10

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I was definitly getting suspicous of rag by the end but I had no real evidence to lynch gg everyone
  46. DarthCreeper10

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    also lain do you have anything on rag before deadline?
  47. DarthCreeper10

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    i'm guessing? not sure
  48. DarthCreeper10

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

  49. DarthCreeper10

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    ig I've never played a game with doctor before
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