I like the rope arrow. More to be used for climbing as mentioned or like in Tomb Raider to cross gaps... Large gaps, or too slide down safely to an area, though that wouldn't really be needed since there is the hang glider thing.
came home last night on a 24 hour pass. It was really stressful. Now I know why I cant move back to this town for a long while. At least not until my mind is better at diverting obsession. I did get to spend all night with my daughter, and we fell asleep in my bed watching Angry Birds. So it...
I just realized I have 90 days clean. This is pretty crazy. I haven't felt this good in at least 10 years. If anyone struggles with what I do, just know there is a better way to live, and it can be done. Everyone is worthy of a good life.
Oh boy, a game where the whole thing is just a dream. Like Mario 2 and LA, basically a spit in the players face saying everything they just lived through meant nothing.
Lol I kid I kid. It would still be cool.
Being call "the" Calamity Ganon I'm am guessing an event as in a calamity.
"an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster."
As in no actual resurrection, but an event causing ganons hatred manifest as this beast, like a residual haunting of some sorts.
I had always hoped this game was a reboot of the whole series, just using all the lore they have at their disposal and retcon everything into one storyline that actually makes sense. I know this is not the case, but it would be pretty awesome.
I lost someone key to my recovery today. I knew not to set expectations and I did. I already knew that "expectations are future resentments" yet I still expected my counselor to be there to help me through till at least November 8th. And today she was forced to quit.
She knew what she was...
My day has been a 10.
Stress on a 4
And I feel humble.
I found recovery at the bottom of a dish sink, through music assisted meditation. Night after night I'm in a kitchen doing dishes for a house full of 32 dudes, as well as the dishes they use to cook lunch at the school. I have gained a lot...
Time travel in the sense that OoT was seems unlikely. That map is huge. That would be overly ambitious. However cool it would be. I could imagine flashbacks though as he remembers his past life though.
Realizing I have been gone for quite some time. And so much has happened in that time. If only I had the time to tell, or if this were even an appropriate place too tell. I think I might be able to help someone, or maybe help someone in understanding better the struggles one of their loves ones...
As someone who sees sex as one of the least important things in a relationship, I say these are very genuine. Trust and attraction are paramount for a relationship to work. Usually (not always) when the sex is the best part of the relationship, priority and trust begin to slip. Getting you a...
I too am ready to see if the Zora and their settlement will be in the game. But I am really excited to see the beach area, and how we will go about teaching the island. And I am hoping the island is of tropical nature, with maybe a savage tribe there. I am also hoping for some big game fishing...
Ahh hell. What up G-King. Didn't recognize u with out the ganon pic. To be honest bub. I'm in a treatment center. My life became unmanageable due to my powerlessness over all the drugs I was doing. It was terrible, and going on for about 15 years. Getting clean by myself doesn't work, so I...
I agree that this is a very interesting concept. Assuming this is a link that we have already been through a game with, we could have an emotional attachment to him from the git. This game seems too be much deeper than most and I'm wondering how much of that goes beyond gameplay. I'm so excited...
Not a whole lot. Been spending most my chat time on Skype. ZD quit working on my internet connection for some stupid reason, and forum was dry. But now I'm at an institution and only got my mobile data. Thought I would get in on some Breath of the Wild talk. How are u? U must have a new name cuz...
Do we have any faith that Nintendo maybe abandoned the timeline idea and they are creating an ultimate Zelda game using all the lore they have built over 30 years. I mean just doubtful dream.
But it would be pretty sweet if they did. But if I had to go with anything it would be waaaay after WW...
I sure as hell hope so, unless they want to start remaking the 2D games with updated graphic, not so much ALBW graphic but upgraded graphic fitting the mood of the game itself. I would love too see LA/OoX as a three game collection set up as episode, so they can be played as one coherent story.
not saying that Im going to get it upon release, but yeah I'm sure I will eventually get it. Just cuz I like to be able to play all the Zelda games on the the most modern Nintendo System. Just a collector I guess. so Yeah
Getting the Master Sword
Midna finally coming around realizing that she was taking advantage of Link, and finally caring to save both worlds
Meeting the Kids of Ordon after saving them and seeing their gratification in their faces
Ganons execution, showing not only his demise, but how bad...
I think the main reason that Aquatic Dungeons are so annoying or difficult come simply from controlling the flow of water. I just played through the Lakebed Temple from TP a couple days ago. I am realizing that though Twilight Princess is one of my Favorite Zelda games, I am realizing from this...
Basically this. I would also like him too keep his more human form for almost the whole time, kind of like Ganondorf in OoT. Only taking that crazy looking form from the end of MC as the Final stage of the Final battle.
Zelda is know best for it's massive bosses, and the sense that you are completely out matched. However I did like Ghirahim. And Agree that it was probably in-part due to him being humanoid. I think there should be more humanoid characters. Maybe like a league of bad guys working for Ganon or...
Alkaline Trio - Snake Oil Tanker
(Just so you know where I really got my name)
This time you've dug yourself an anchor
Too heavy to move ahead with
Resembling a faker, charming snake oil tankers
Don't let them strike you down
I know that you wish I was dead
I know 'cause you told me last...
Fair enough, sorry. I really didnt mean to come off like that guy. I guess I just meant that traditional gamers, or the greater portion of gamers would prefer traditional controls. Also I feel that it would be unfair to judge Twilight Princess by the Wii version; considering that controls are...
No I wasn't Implying you not a real fan for preferring TP on wii, just that your a minority, choosing to play the motion control version of TP and live Skyward Sword when itnot even a game ofen iyhoughr motion contrpls
Around here you don't hear people complain about TP motion controls,cuz a real Zelda fan will play the GC version over the Wii version. Usually simply cuz they don't care for motion controls. Lack of Traditional controls ruined SS, it would be a respected Zelda game, in stead of a Zelda themed...
Really hoping all this crazy talk of something big going down next week (9-23-2015), just passes by and leaves people looking...well....crazy. So help me god if the pope comes to the white house and says aliens are among us, and that the rapture is happening I will give everyone who was right $1.
I would have to say that what @SinkingBadges is onto is interesting. I don't think we should take him literally when speaking of using a demon souls type combat system. The system is almost flawless. You are rewarded for mastering, and punished for playing like a noob. Something all games should...
Well there you have it @ocarinaofnaptime. This is why even the biggest of Zelda fans have a hard time calling Skyward Sword a good game. I will not lie maybe if someone was not quite a Zelda fan they would probably see the game as good. Like say, if the game were called "Snake's Oddesy: Point...
The thing is, if you were to compile every combat skill that Link has learned over the course of the series into one game, you got yourself a great variety of skills, mix them into some combos or whatever and you got yourself a warrior.
I'm torn on this. While I feel that Morrowind through Skyrim are kind of like a first person attempt at what it would be like if Zelda had it progressed and aged with its core audience. I have been playing Zelda for a long time, and the developers seem to be the cause of their own demise and...