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  1. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    What about Alana? Right now, I'm town leaning Ex @Ragnarokio You doing alright Rag-chan?
  2. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'm gonna wait for ExLights reply before I give mine.
  3. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Right now, I'm most sus of Rag due to her self vote, and Ex for not voting for the two he's most sus of. @ExLight You still haven't answered my question, Why aren't you voting me or alana? Before you state that I havent asked I did:
  4. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I realized shortly after posting that, that that was my vote on her. still mentally slow from the lack of sleep.
  5. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    nvm, no it wasn't, I'm not thinking clearly after stuffing myself with Chinese food
  6. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Ignore the second unvote, forgot that was still saved from a previous draft
  7. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    after rereading Neon, I'm gonna Unvote You're scum leaning me and a'lana and still have your vote on Moe. Care to explain this? [insert fry squint] This seriously doesn't seem right, though, at the same time... What's the reasoning behind this Rag? Cold feet? Character flavor? @A Link In...
  8. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    TIL: Wolf Track IS actually a thing... As for my claim, it was a mix of being tired, and slight annoyance irl getting to me. Yeah, understandable. Anyone wouldn't be able to form anything good/coherant at 2:23 AM running on fumes. Crap reason, I know.
  9. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    EBWODP: The meme attachment was not intended to be there.
  10. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I also stated that I was dead ass tired to the point of not forming proper thoughts. Kirino just so happened to have a rough, probably better version of what I was thinking on. So there's a chance that wolves has a tracker? cool.
  11. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    For what reason?
  12. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I was gonna put something like this up earlier, but, my brain was dead tired from a near all nighter. I'm really sus of Neon claiming then calling it a joke. /Vote - Neon
  13. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

  14. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'd vote ALiT for it, but, I think everyone was getting bored of waiting. 'Bout time someone got things started. Though, Why hard claim this early on if NOT to get the ball rolling like a goron?
  15. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

  16. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Cool. Wanted to be sure beforehand as to not get the boot for an unintended screw up.
  17. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Hi @Kirino and @Seanzie how've y'all been? @A Link In Time Question: I know it's against the rules to talk about the game outside of the game, but cautious question, does informing other players that the game started via discord after 24 hours count as such?
  18. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Maybe I was voting, or simply throwing my chikin.
  19. Killjoy262

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Hi nerds!
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