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  1. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Well guys; thanks for everything, but today I found out that there is no possibility for her liking me. It's over, I am heartbroken, and I don't know what to do. Thanks for trying to help, I really appreciate it.
  2. M

    Are Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 Worth It?

    It's Ironic, I actually started Majora's Mask before I started Ocarina of Time! And I know that they're the same except for a few pokemon. What I meant was, which one had better/ more liked pokemon?
  3. M

    Are Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 Worth It?

    I think i'll get Black or White, and if I like the pokemon, the place, and the story, then i'll conside B2 or W2. My next question is: which is better, Black or White?
  4. M

    Are Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 Worth It?

    I was thinking of getting Black or White and Black 2 or White 2, but they're costly, and I think 5 generations might be too many. I heard they were good, but they look SOO different from the other games. :squishy:
  5. M

    Breath of the Wild The Forest Temple.

    My friend Georges is always telling me about how he heard that the Forest Temple in the upcoming game will be as big as Twilight Princess' overworld. This sounds fun and interesting, but do you think it's too big? Do you think it's true? What else do you think?
  6. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Thank you
  7. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Thanks, i'll try that.
  8. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    I said I would stop trying. I didn't say I would stop loving her. But thanks anyway
  9. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    I think i'm just going to give up. I can't take it anymore. I'll still love her, but i'll stop trying to get her.
  10. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Thanks, for taking your time to write all of that. It was all very useful (except when you called me a lady, and when you told me to imagine kissing my best friend) and i'll try to do some of the stuff. But I have a problem. I think she likes one of my best friends.
  11. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    To be honest... no. I have no idea what to do.
  12. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    That's the thing about love. You see, i'm not just going to stop loving her. I'm not going to stop trying to get her number. I just thought it would be a better idea to ask others on tips other than continue using my failing schemes. And google is... google. No one can really get a personal...
  13. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    I have, but they weren't to specific on exactly how. Like how I should bring it up, or how I should ask.
  14. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Does anyone have any advice for me on how to get her number?
  15. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    We do have many friends in common actually. I try to talk to her around those friends, but it's just kind of awkward so her friends talk to me instead of her. And she's actually not a popular girl, she's only pretty to me and the bad things are more appearance-wise, like she has a bit of lip...
  16. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    Thanks for helping everyone, it means so much to me. And there's one last thing I forgot to mention. I think I might be wearing her down in a way. I sometimes talk to her friends, and try to include her in the conversation and we all make jokes and stuff. When I first knew her, she didn't...
  17. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    I know that I shouldn't love her, or even like her, but she is honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I think about her all the time, and no matter how many bad things I hear about her, she just becomes prettier. I can't find anything wrong with her, her voice is so melodic, and I...
  18. M

    Romantic Advice Please?

    So I have liked this girl for a very long time, and she somehow found out a while ago. And for Christmas, I sent her an anonymous candy cane because she would know that it would be from me. Well she told all of her friends, and now everyone knows I like her. And I really want to try to get her...
  19. M

    Are You In Love?

    I may be young for love, and I hardly know what it feels like, but I'm pretty sure I am in love with a classmate of mine. Every time I look at her, she becomes more beautiful, every time I talk to her I love her more. I think of her non stop, when I need to calm down, or when I need to feel...
  20. M

    Current Gaming Obsession

    I got every single pokemon I owned in my Ruby version up to level 100. But then I made the horrible mistake of sending half of them to me diamond version!
  21. M

    Current Gaming Obsession

    We all have phases one at a time where we love a new game, and we can't stop playing it. For me, that phase is usually between new Zelda games, when I either rediscover old games, or I get a new one. For my current one, I have rediscovered my old Metroid Prime and Spongebob Squarepants Battle of...
  22. M

    What Wii U Game Should I Get?

    Thanks for the video. Is the multiplayer online and off for the wii u?
  23. M

    What Wii U Game Should I Get?

  24. M

    What Wii U Game Should I Get?

    I already have Nintendoland, but i'm getting a new game soon with my savings. My top game choices are 1. Assassin's Creed 3 2. Batman Arkham City 3. Zombiiu 4. Black Ops 2 5. Other?
  25. M

    Breath of the Wild Boss Fights - What Are You Hoping For?

    I would love to see as many bosses as possible in the next game. Overworld bosses, dungeon bosses, anything, anywhere. The fights should be memorable. Not just something you can do in a minute. There should be bosses that are so hard, and so tricky, that you are going to want to look up their...
  26. M

    Breath of the Wild Battle Quest

    What did you think of Battle Quest? I thought it was great except for a few things. I enjoyed the music, especially hearing Gerudo Valley. I just don't think that there was much song variety, they overplayed Saria's Song and Gerudo Valley too much and they didn't put too many other songs in. The...
  27. M

    LoZ Characater Most Like You?

    I would say that I am like Fi, because sometimes I just say the least useful and obvious stuff.
  28. M

    Top 20 Zelda Songs (part 2)

    Wow, we have completely different choices of music!
  29. M

    Awesome Game Idea!

    What if there was a game that interacted with all of the other game? Like, a future Link has to save his time by going to the previous games (through some time travel, like ocarina of time or master sword or something) and in every game, he could have to go to some of the dungeons to make sure...
  30. M

    What Kind of Species Do You Prefer the Bosses to Be?

    I love bosses no matter what they are
  31. M

    Would You Rather

    Sex scenes! WYR be a cannibal or a giraffe?
  32. M

    Is It Possible to Have a FAVOURITE Zelda Game?

    No. It is not possible to have a favorite.
  33. M

    Zelda Games You Have Yet to Play/beat

    I have played every game except FS, but I am stuck on dungeon 6 in LoZ, and the great palace in AoL. The rest I have beaten.
  34. M

    Funniest Moment in Zelda History

    I loved how long it took for King Zora to move over on his throne in OOT. Imagine how many "meep"'s it took to get him to Hyrule Field for the credits!
  35. M

    Majora's Mask What Was Your Favorite Mask?

    My favorite is the Garo mask cause it has a cool backstory and it looks the coolest. I also like stone mask, blast mask, bunny hood, and (kind of) the great faries mask because they were the most useful. The Bremen mask was fun because it had a catchy tune and it was fun to march the cucco's...
  36. M

    Majora's Mask What Was Your Favorite Mask?

    My favorite is the Garo mask cause it has a cool backstory and it looks the coolest. I also like stone mask, blast mask, bunny hood, and (kind of) the great faries mask because they were the most useful. The Bremen mask was fun because it had a catchy tune and it was fun to march the cucco's...
  37. M

    General Modern Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Boss

    I HATED Skeldritch! It took me SO long to beat him! He was the only thing preventing me from beating that challenge room thing in Castle town!
  38. M

    Least Favorite Zelda Game

    My least favorite game was The Minish Cap. There was way too much room for error with the Kingstone Pieces, it was too short of a game, and overall it wasn't that hard. The storyline was pretty good, and I did like some of the items, but I hate to say that it's my least favorite. Even though...
  39. M

    General Modern Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Boss

    Bosses in the Zelda Franchise. What was your favorite boss in the series? Least Favorite? Most Challenging? Least Challenging? Coolest? Lamest? Anything that I forgot to mention?
  40. M

    What's Your Favorite Music from Zelda?

    What Are Your Favorite Songs from the Series? What are your favorite original songs, remixes, or tunes from The Legend of Zelda series?
  41. M

    Majora's Mask Doggie and Transformation masks.

    I think, since Deku's are made out of sticks, the dog wants to chew on deku link.
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