I'm looking to start a group to play ssmb4 and mk7/8. I'm interested in learning more about ssmb4 (since I'm bad at it) and racing with other people in the Mario kart games. My Nintendo Id is Termina96, if your interested please messagee or leave a reply here
Since I began High School back in '11, I've been in a art block. Yeah I might do a drawing here or there, mostly cartoons that I dislike and anime/manga style drawing that I'm ok with but don't want to draw all the time. I recently been doing small sketches and watching youtube videos drawing...
I honestly like that even though I played ALTTP second. OoT is the 3D version of ALTTP...heck almost every zelda game after ALTTP uses the same formula there are exceptions.
im just saying, wait and you shall be rewarded. even if the wii u is on its last bit of breath. Star Fox will keep it alive till Zelda wii u comes out. and most likely Zelda will be the wii u's swan song. Look basically SS was the wii's, because Operation Rainfall games were released for a niche...
i remember when Skyward Sword was going to be released, I was a freshmen in High School and the girl i was with at the time was surprised I was excited for such a " nerdy game" and it was on the wii. But we had fun playing it.
The game will come out for the wii u, Nintendo will have a zelda game made for the NX when its time to release a zelda game for that system. And the way that is, is about 2020 or 2021. Zelda wii u will come out for the wii u, it most likely might be the wii u's swan song. Hate to say that, but...
can we keep vita quiet? he believes he's right cause nintendo didnt say anything about zelda wii u, since they only showed whats to come from now to this time next year.
I mean, Nintendo is more focused at Mario Maker at the moment. it's Mario's 30th anniversary, they're more focused on that than zelda. besides next year is zelda's 30th anniversary.
not really, its a game. Nintendo is a company. They'll release info when they need/want too. The game is still coming out, you do realize that E3 isn't the only time news for games comes out. this fall or winter more news for zelda wii u will come out.
Hello everyone, i've been looking for this south korean psychological crime thriller movie. What i remember of the plot was this forensic artist who recreates the faces of victims skulls, one day he gets a new assistant that helps him with his work. Even though he is considered the best at it...
really? that'll be cool! My original one was stolen/misplaced with my gba sp. one zelda game i regret trading was the FSA for GC, I got it for $5 along with the box that was free. But I traded it for FF8 and FF9. but thank you for you generosity
I've been trying to play LOZ: Minish Cap for a long time, since nintendo doesnt want to release it on 3ds, and I don't really have funds for the wii u download. I finally found a copy for the GBA, every time I went to my local pawn shops I looked for it in their gameboy games. This time I got...
For me the Zelda series has always been in my life. when I was four, watching my older cousins and uncles play OoT, having fun playing it. when I finally got to play it...I had no idea what to do. which was frustrating. Now that I'm older, I look back at OoT has a fun game. But as I got in Zelda...
I was wondering if anyone would/could teach me how to play the game. I got it for my birthday back in December, but i really really suck at the game! last Smash Bros I played was on the N64 about 12-13 years ago
While playing the Majora's Mask remake, I noticed like every one else. That the swimming isn't as good, and for me causes little bugs or glitches. Like in the Beaver Bros Race side quest, when swimming against them. I noticed that if your not in the exact center of the hoops, Link will either...
Do you guys think that if you were to be at like a best buy or a gamestop the night MM3D is release, you'll be able to get the MM 3ds console and limited edition? I mean, you know they'll be maybe a little excess of them and being there during the midnight release you'll be able to get it? i'm...
I have no complaints about majoras mask, the save system was good in my opinion, because it was limiting in the sense that you only had three days and the owl save were temp saves. saving at an owl would grant you a one time save and get the dungeon done, if you couldn't get the dungeon...
Why do people always think that Gamestop and Amazon are the only places that have them? Other Retail stores will have their copies to sale on launch day, other places won't be taking pre orders so in order to pic one up. You have to be there day one most likely. But I still signed it, suck it...
MM3D has been hyped way more than MM64, fans been crying for it since '11 (me included) Now that's it being released with bonus (thank you target for not letting people pre order, now I have a change to get one!) MM3D is going to outsell the original one, over the years its been hyped, more...
how hard do you think it is now to purchase limited edition ds's? On amazon you can purchase ds lite shell that look like the original limited edition but they are fake shells, there are people how have bought fake limited edition legend of zelda phantom hourglass shells. do you think there are...
I know this is not all that rare, but I have a OoT 3ds cart, i've been playing it for awhile and I have the retail game and everything, just having the demo cart is nice to have. feel free to comment
here's the menu and title image
Majora's mask is very side quested oriented, it has its main storyline but a lot of the game is side questing. I like the idea of the side quests, but maybe just add little hints or something on some of the side quests and too make it more in depth. but Majora's mask has been one of my favorite...