It doesn't just keep coming up because of the 4 mechanical giants, but because basically every part of the rumor those 4 dungeon idea originated from has come true. It is like, the very last part of the rumor that hasn't been confirmed.
So we'll see.
The physics engine excuse was basically retconned when Eiji Aonuma admitted to not communicating properly.
That being said, it does take an enormous effort, but they have had Monolith Soft helping for at least a year, so I am sure debugging started awhile ago.
What I am saying is, the advertising in the stores came from Nintendo. It says march. Now, does that mean that's final? Hardly. It could have been printed before they decided to push it back. Beats me.
Everything about the release date is a rumor save "2017". That being said, advertising from...
Nintendo as a first party company hasn't made an open world game since the 80's. Their 2nd party teams have. That being said, what I said isn't a lack of faith, it's a deep understanding of Nintendo's development cycle thanks to the iwata asks series. They spend close to 6 months polishing every...
myself and others have been able to confirm with their local game crews that this stuff is from Nintendo and came with an email detailing stuff.
That's about all I can say.
These advertisements are up in Australia, also in GAME UK, and now in some GameStops (United States).
These ads have been confirmed to be sent by Nintendo and are not custom prints by the stores. This is the FIRST "confirmation" of March we have had. The reason we know now is that the stores...
So I actually played Breath of the Wild at E3. Spent a good 3 hours with it (Wii U version).
I uh... hmm. It's hard to say but the story implications aren't what get me comparing to older games. Seeing ruins, etc. Like obviously there is a pretty big event that happened we will be learning...
History says otherwise. The closer you get to launch, the more stuff they release to continue building hype. The nice thing is, this game is so big they could show us 50% of it before launch and we'd still be completely taken aback by all the things we don't know. Yay open world games!
In trying to understand what you're saying here, it's that the game is still being heavily worked on by Nintendo EAD Group 2 (Eiji Aonuma's Group) and that it likely won't make a march 2017 release date. There are rumors that of course back you up, and the continual 2017 dates with no release...
According to Nintendo (last official word), they are releasing simultaneously. That means same day for both systems. This may change, one rumor at the Wii U version releasing a week later (naturally, on purpose, not due to dev issues).
I understand your sentiment, but the Wii U version doesn't...
Is it just me or are quotes a bit broken right now?
The weather effects were not included because of frame rate issues. Bill Trinen stated this back during e3. Well he didn't say FPS specifically, just "performance issues". Does that mean that at that time the issues still existed? Well, no...
Eh, I'm a pretty innocent bystander who admittedly only came upon this thread because of the staff room on discord, and having literally reviewed every single post in this thread, the most combative and unwillingness to accept others thoughts and opinions seems to be coming from you. And I don't...
As long as the demo wasn't a lie - the rest of hte game could be terrible and I still can't feel the game "sucks". But assuming it does, I don't think I'd renounce Nintendo. Not just because of what I do for a living, but because I also disagree that Nintendo has been nothing but a...
Sort of an in the background kind of lurker. I WANT to be more heavily involved, really get to know the community and help influence change, and I do/can get a say on pretty much any matter if I care to weigh in. I have access to all backend staff channels and all backend staff boards here with...
It should be noted - I do not manage the forums. I certainly can get a say on things, but how the forums run is not equal to in any way how ZI runs. We don't even work within the same fundamental rule set. So the forums team is completely independent of the site and how these boards are ran...
Maybe some day, sure. Or, I could keep using the default, as I proudly display the pathetic xenforo defaults (and ones I am sure we should probably change). Either way, it's different and unique, so I'll stick with it for now. :)
Of course. As I said, I don't actually want to shake things up...
Just pre-order from amazon. Especially if you are a prime member, as you may get a 20% discount. On top of that, you can also cancel any time and you don't actually pay until it releases. I do most of my pre-orders through amazon now. But it also locks you in should pre-orders sell out.
I too...
Now that the ZI/ZD thing is all official like, I'd feel like I should comment on this even as all final decisions come down to Jimmy himself - and based on the brief time I have seen him work behind the scenes this year, I can tell he knows what he is doing. I trust his judgement.
For starters...
The forums never really were pushed by the site or anything before, and admittedly it's been a good 2 years since we pushed them. But back when we had forums in good working order, we had hundreds of active members. No reason we can't do it yet again.
Kinda. Technically, nothing "merged" - he decided against importing ZI's forum stuff. Makes me a bit sad, but it was ultimately his decision. My 20,000+ posts, gone forever. :/
From what I understand, he's basically going to offload the forums entirely to ZI within a year or so. ZD will still...
This is one thing I absolutely love about IPB. When a post is deleted I can force it so mods have to type in a reason for deletion. That reason is then automatically pm'd to the user's who post was deleted. It created a really smooth way to moderate while not creating more work for the mods that...
Just a note, ZI is still ZI. ZD is still ZD. There is no x buys y and thus becomes x. If that was the case, both sites would just be merged together as a single entity instead of ran 100% independently. WHat's happening is ZD's boards are moving off of ZD and becoming ZI's boards. They are...
Hasn't this conversation just turned into a regular old crap fest? Obviously I was not involved in this decision - I'll be honest, I've only vaguely skimmed the ruleset here. What I do hate about how this was handled was that two different mods did two entirely different reactions to it. One...
No date as far as I am aware. I am focusing on some personal stuff and then a hiring process ZI is going through atm to bolster our team as we start to prepare for E3 coverage while I continue to expand our video stuff, and Mases cancled Mases Mart this week and a management meeting so he can...
Keep in mind I am in no way handling this merge, nor is any staff at ZI. ZI's site activity levels are down in large part because I am not actively posting much right now (though I did two lengthy livestreams of TPHD), and because we have a large number of staff on hiatus. That being said, we're...
This was just in the case of one member, of whom Jimmy wanted to ensure never got another shot for a whole bunch of reasons. Of course to the ZI folks, it felt odd because said person had not done anything wrong at the ZI boards yet. But it was a condition of this whole merger.
We briefly discussed a clean slate mantra with a handful of exceptions that should never, ever, get another shot. You'd have to ask Jimmy who would be included on that no chance in heck list.
There may indeed be some sort of easter egg reference to the game. Might even be in the cave of shadows (new content). But I don't know that we'll honestly catch the easter egg until the game comes out - because we really don't know anything about Zelda U.
Interesting. My issue with the entire argument however is that there isn't any proof or evidence of what you say. All there is is speculation and assumptions. It's why YOU think the game has been canceled, but it's based on the fact that we know nothing. You take that knowing of nothing and...
Our mods are as relaxed as they come tbh. They prefer to not have to do anything at all unless absolutely necessary. They'd rather work things out member to member as best as they can.
Seems to be a lot of the same way the team here handles most issues. The idea of the ZI mods isn't necessarily...
All that happened is that Mases upgraded the forums from IPB 3.x to 4.x. Nothing else actually occurred. There hasn't been any layout work or templating, zero addons added, etc. What you see is literally the base layout and package that comes with IPB. Just like what you saw before was ALSO the...
Going to get things back on track a tad. Just noting that if ZI and ZD have their own boards, naturally ZI is going to promote ZI's boards, not ZDs. It's not that it's a pre-requisit, it;s that it makes zero sense to promote two different forums to one community.
That's all. With that I take my...
Never assumed. I asked for what you wanted to do and that's what you brought up. :/ I mean, if there is more, say it. I'm glad you finally are below.
We have ran contests and giveaways to massive success in driving wiki activity. In fact, some our best and most long standing contributors (and...
Or bottom. In IPB you can actually just have the rules listed as an announcement on every single forum too.
I just also want to note that I think IP bans are essential. The issues you bring up are extremely rare and can be dealt with on a case by case situation. But, most people don't actually...
The tight ship is really more so about the staff environment. Having requirements and restrictions with clear paths to no longer being part of the team anymore has lead to increased productivity and staff cohesiveness.
For the fans, the ship is only tight in so much that we hold the same...
Indeed. I think this has been a productive thread all around personally.
What I suggested isn't trading barbs. You defending yourself so much is actually a form of trading barbs and creating that back and forth situation that doesn't make anyone look good. My ideas are all about self...
That's not what I said. That makes at least 4 times now I asked you what you wanted to do with integration. :/ I am literally asking, not dismissing.
I still don't really understand the point of rewards. But if you make too many, doesn't that make them pointless anyways? As for the Wiki titles...
*sigh* Even the OP guy admitted it got off topic. He just wished the mod team dealt with it differently so it didn't need to be locked. :/ Not sure what to tell you. You were one of the reasons the thread was shut down. You won't admit to your role in that and it's fine. Honestly, when I...
Yeah... sorry. I know Matt feels this is all on topic - at least his most recent stuff is starting to get back to the real topic at hand. Sorry for my part in that. I just wanted Matt to actually get to this point on his own... my mistake.
Not disagreeing. I am listening. Just waiting for...
No problem. Honestly, I just want a fair and open community for all, staff and members alike. My stuff with Matt here is just my sincere way of trying to help him see a different side and try something new versus banging his head against the wall. It probably won't work.
But yeah, keep it going...
Not much I can say, my points are just flying over your head at this point. Never said it was irrelevant. Never said don't defend yourself. It's the WAY you are doing it that I think is causing a problem. The approaches I suggest are defending it - it's defending it by proxy. You're just going...
This is about merger forum suggestion conversation. Nothing you have brought up in regards to the wiki has any play int his discussion. Bring up ways we can change the boards in this merger to help the wiki - now you've got some productive conversation. Otherwise this entire conversation about...
I think all people struggle with it - it's just a matter of what particular aspects you're referring too. Some are cool admitting they got facts wrong, but then won't budge on outside realizations that other things are wrong (you know, living in denial). I certainly have struggled with all of...
As a question to you sincerely - is this a job to you? Are you paid? Is this your career? If the answer to any of that is "No" - than this isn't professional at all. This is a hobby - one you care greatly about - but nothing more. The big thing I keep seeing those that seemingly don't like you...
The point of the comparison to Wikipedia is that forums aren't essential. I further emphasized this point by bringing up a much more comparable situation to that of ZD Wiki in talking about ZI's wiki (both our old and newer one). Of course you're going to counter with "well this place has a...