I say never as its highly unlikely they would ever capture the essence of the original, only exception is if the game sucked hard in the first place but then why would it even be acknowledged:P
People just love to hate its that simple, ive played every CoD and apart from MW1 people spewed hate for them and in most cases they had good reason. Like MW2's noob tube spam and quick scoping BO2 lag issues and spawn trapping as well as the issue with community campers who prove that there is...
Its worse that the parents dont see it as corruption but as harmless fun, by the next Gen of consoles there will be a online pop of of at least 50-60% kids giggling and cussing as they kill and think there cool.
Thats life:( Parents dont care as long as there kid is busy and...
Your getting off easy then as when i try to be civil and ask that they behave i just get swore at, it takes every fiber of my being not to go on them alot of the time:P Kids just have that mental problem where they assume swearing makes them cool to people in the lobby or there party which is...
You got it in 1 parents just dont care as long as there not being bothered in most cases, in some cases when ive played online you can hear the parents laughing as there kids screams and swears at other players like its no big deal.
As for maturity there are levels and as long as you dont try...
PC gamers are lucky since it is like you said there older and for the most part more mature, you will see the occasional problem person but its rare.
As for muting that tends to be my answer but when im playing survival/Zombies modes stopping usually means dying and with kids that means...
I used those 2 as an example since there the 2 most recent ive played, ive seen it in nearly every online game ive played. Though Thanks my Trick works nearly every time and its more fun when they scream there gonna tell there mummy:P
The CoD community has been mostly kids since World At War, parents just don't care as long as they get there own time i think. A lot of the kids scream and swear quite loudly down there mics. No-one seems to care either Activision/Treyarc have your money so they dont give a toss and...
Like the title says kids shouldn't be online, all morning no matter what i played online be it Call of Duty(Zombies) or Borderlands 2 i kept getting paired with whiny little 12 year olds, they think there so great and act like they know everything when they no F-All and usually end up dying a...
1.Tomb Raider(Both Films). They may not be perfect but Angelina Jolie helps make up for that:D
2.Max Payne. I fairly enjoyed this film where as i didn't so much enjoy the games.
I Only has 2 sadly:P
1.Dead Or Alive. The game gave us so much and was so bouncy, the film was as a flat...
My thoughts on HD Collections is there not worth it in most cases the addition of trophies/Achievements and a small graphics update do little to sway me. Its far easier to just find the original in the shops for cheaper my only exception is the HD Budokai games as im a sucker for DBZ:P
I play 2-3 games at a time, Currently Call of Duty:Black-ops 2(For Zombies) Assassin's Creed Revelations and Borderlands 2. My play times varies between 4-6 hours depending on what im playing and whether im in co-op with other players. I do try my best to 100% the games i play when its possible...
Normally i do listen unless its Jpop/Jrock then im kinda screwed:P although occasionally i get lost in the music like with Iron Maidens epic guitar riffs:D
Mage all the way:D Have played Warcraft for a while ive grown used to dealing insane damage while remaining at a comfortable distance encase i need to run when my teams screws up:P
I tend to complete every game i own of late but when i started on the Xbox i just played some for 5 minutes then sold them:P as for older consoles i always finished what i started even if it was bad DMC2 anyone:P
Best and only Movie based game i liked was Ghostbusters:The Video Game, it was epic on so may levels:D
As for worst Anything by Disney and Anything based off the Alien and Predator franchise there all garbage:(
Final Fantasy 13, when i saw the trailers it made me think square where paying us back for the god awful FF12 and returning to there glory days. Then it dropped and it was awful bland combat that consisted of just hammering the A button and linear story that simply went move to point A then B...
Final Fantasy 8, it was a nice blend of action emotion with time travel thrown in. everything was so well balanced that i may have finished it a few thousand time:D
Final Fantasy 8 was my fave system with the junction and summons as well as the awesome limit breaks each character possessed.
I also do quite enjoy the combat system from Star Ocean:The Last Hope, i love me some free moving combat:D
I think Sonic is doomed in this age of gaming no matter who tries to save him, Square would most likely make things worse since they cant even get there own brand right anymore so we would end up with a Sonic RPG thats just walk to point A then B and repeat:P
Wow thats some serious hate you have for Gale:P especially if you think superman is better. Im an open minded gamer and i couldnt do the first 5 minutes of Superman it made me want to die inside:P
I feel Sega have just stopped caring at all for Sonic over the pat few years, his best days where on the Megadrive so many memories where as today his adventures are clunky half-baked dribble aimed at gamers who want an easy time with more glitches than you would expect from 5 separate games but...
Like the title says what is the worst game you have ever played, it can be for any console of any year.
For me it has to be:
Any movie based game, in an including those based off of a franchise like the god awful Alien VS Predator game or anything based on a Disney movie.
Im an i dont care kind, no joke im a Siren(I has 4 under level 20:P to play with 4 different people on my FL) with no skill points spent and no badass points(87 so far) spent either just enjoying the challenge it brings me:)
I wish i had friends that played but there all addicted to the multiplayer side and see Zombies as a tacked on piece of nothing, They should have a skill based system so noobs on get paired with noobs that should force them to get better as alot of the time there downs are due to charging a...
Im sure for all of you who have played Zombies on Call of Duty will have encountered the rage inducing player with no skill who drives to bring the team down. ive played alot of all the zombies(BO1+2+DLC) and there is always 1 moron who goes down within the first 2 rounds then 2-3 times every...
These days all games a pretty much short unless you go for a 100% completion rating on them, as most players dont £40 is a steep amount for maybe a 6 hour story(Tends to be the norm)