Way too trustful. I'll trust just about anyone who thinks I'm funny or is even remotely or indirectly kind to me. Then I expect them to trust me and get frustrated when they don't.
Working on that.
There have been hints here and there about the elements that will come in to play in the newest installment to the Smash Bros. series. I was just curious as to what you all want added to the game such as characters, stages, items, final smash altering, adventure mode (something like the Subspace...
I, recently, have had dreams about being in Twilight Princess. Like, strangely vivid and extremely creepy, except some things are crazy screwed up. Hyrule field is completely fenced in and i'm trapped inside with a whole lot of foul poes and a Death Sword that always possess me or something. I...
I feel the same way. Public Bathrooms are the utmost repulse for me.
One question though, you say "Being a guy" but beneath your username it says female. Why exactly?
On the internet, people feel like whether or not they know the person, they can be as rude as they want. Apparently if you can't see the person insults and jerk like behavior is acceptable. I try as best as I can not to do this, but i do become rash at times.
I generally have really odd dreams, but theweirdest on was probably when my best friend and I went to this weird club where Jack Black was the bouncer and he had a jet pack. There was a half naked guy breakdancing on the table and he accidentally kicked my friend in the chest a nd knock ed him...
1. The names have been consistent in fighting styles more or less(With melee being close ranged attacking and brawl being physical, just the definitions.) I figure the could continue the trend with, say, Super smash Bros. Duel or something
2. For character that I want to see, I definitely want...
I think the hardest part was the Horde Battle in the Lightning round with no heart replenishes. Although if you take a guardian potion plus and the potion medal right before talking to the thunder dragon, you can come out unscathed.