So like if I take the leap of faith that you and minish are town then we can kill neon today I'll block seanzie and if I die it means seanzie is town right
Alright here's the thing
I've blocked exlight all three nights
I've been struggling with what it means
And why minish knew I could target the same person twice in a row
I guess my lynch order would be like
Dawningwinds>neon>exlight>Alana>minish right now?
Idk for sure
I'm just worried about how much info I should let public and how much is more valuable not being shared
I really wish I hadn't rolled pr this game lol way too much responsibility
I honestly don't know. Im mostly hoping to return home in a reasonable time frame so that I can sort my head out. The closed setup is making it very difficult for me to figure out what went down each night
The fact that I've blocked two in a row is pretty scary though because it means there most likely isn't a strongman, or if it is they used it on night 1 to kill killjoy and it was a 1 shot
Wifom game and I hate it
So first of all I had completely missed that killjoy claimed tracker. I didn't understand where the tracker was coming from and missed the connection that killjoy had basically said would a wolf be the tracker? In response to accusations towards them
Hey guys sorry for throwing- will explain my thought process later but wow this has without a doubt been the single worst game of mafia I've played since my first
Tbh you were the last person to check in
Nobody else had much to say so once you're all done sharing might as well Hammer
I'm not letting anything else happen today barring like kirino claiming which I suspect would have happened
idk I just feel like
A) not lynching kirino today is a mistake based on what we've got so far
B) we haven't really got anything to discuss, yesterday was too lukewarm to be of much use
oh, I guess we could talk about that
short answer is maybe
long answer is three scum makes this setup feel pretty volatile and scumsided, and the d1 flip language made me lean more towards a 2 scum setup
but honestly my main feelings about it are screw closed setups