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  1. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

  2. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Had one of the worst experiences waking up earlier today. So, while I was asleep, I was dreaming that I was at Track & Field practice. No like, I literally was at practice. It was literally a recreation of what I normally do and what normally happens. To the smallest details and everything. It...
  3. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Top left corner is me.
  4. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Look it up.
  5. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Yo...someone hop on Cursor Dance Party with me.
  6. OGSniper


  7. OGSniper


  8. OGSniper

    Yoooo, Happy Birthday!!! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:

    Yoooo, Happy Birthday!!! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:
  9. OGSniper

    Ban The User Above You

    That's actually pretty funny. Banned for thinking that you are independent.
  10. OGSniper

    Yooooo, Happy Birthday KoD!!! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:

    Yooooo, Happy Birthday KoD!!! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:
  11. OGSniper

    Happy Birthday Dio! :party:

    Happy Birthday Dio! :party:
  12. OGSniper


  13. OGSniper

    Thank the Lord Almighty.

    Thank the Lord Almighty.
  14. OGSniper

    What are you talking about? Now I am confused.

    What are you talking about? Now I am confused.
  15. OGSniper

    You be trying bro. You be trying. What you trying to get me to do?

    You be trying bro. You be trying. What you trying to get me to do?
  16. OGSniper

    Drawing Competition Round 56- Results

    Oh.........I didnt see that. Extremely sorry for that.
  17. OGSniper

    Drawing Competition Round 56- Results

    Entry 1
  18. OGSniper

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Yeah bro! I heard that the panhandle got snow. We need some more down south.
  19. OGSniper

    Not a problem bro.

    Not a problem bro.
  20. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  21. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  22. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

  23. OGSniper

    Yooooo, wassup bro? Missed it by a day I see. Happy Birthday!

    Yooooo, wassup bro? Missed it by a day I see. Happy Birthday!
  24. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

  25. OGSniper


  26. OGSniper


  27. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  28. OGSniper


  29. OGSniper

    I know bro, So Much Honesty.

    I know bro, So Much Honesty.
  30. OGSniper

    I always had a color. Grey is still a color you know.

    I always had a color. Grey is still a color you know.
  31. OGSniper

    I have always had a colored name...

    I have always had a colored name...
  32. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Prolly be best to make sure that you are on good terms with your family and friends and dont do anything brash that you will regret.
  33. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    Thats the crazy thing. We make plans and stuff and it doesnt come to be. I dont think he was able to even like talk to anybody or anything while he was dying. One second, he was there, the next he was gone. You really just gotta be ready for it at all times. I know it sounds morbid but like, you...
  34. OGSniper

    Last person to post wins

    I dont know guys....something kinda jostled me awake recently. I was at work yesterday and I was informed that one of the semi drivers that I know, who I hadnt seen in a few weeks, had suddenly passed away of a stroke or a heart attack. He was in his late sixties. Anyway, he had been telling me...
  35. OGSniper

    Yooo, Happy Birthday! :ezlo:

    Yooo, Happy Birthday! :ezlo:
  36. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  37. OGSniper

    Happy Birthday, Awdry! I hope it is a good one and have a Happy New Year!

    Happy Birthday, Awdry! I hope it is a good one and have a Happy New Year!
  38. OGSniper

    Happy New Year to you too Jimmu!

    Happy New Year to you too Jimmu!
  39. OGSniper

    Link but Swedish showcases his better than the average American's geography skills

    OOF, I dont know why it went side ways. It was fine before I sent it.
  40. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  41. OGSniper

    Happy Birthday Bowsette! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:

    Happy Birthday Bowsette! I hope it is a good one! :ezlo:
  42. OGSniper

    Meme Extravaganza

  43. OGSniper


  44. OGSniper

    Hey there Jimmu......look I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! I kinda wasnt on here much so I...

    Hey there Jimmu......look I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! I kinda wasnt on here much so I didnt exactly see it was your day. This doesnt have to result in a ban. I just want to make sure that eye to eye. Not that we are on the same level or anything, no no no no, nothing like that but like...
  45. OGSniper

    Sign Ups Sega Mafia

    Oooooohhhh, we are a 1/3 of the waaayyyy there, oh oh, livin' on a prayer!!!!!!!
  46. OGSniper

    Person above you gets banned for username

    Banned for telling us to give IK a rub.
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