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  1. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    lol time to play the time honored tradition of village idiot or scum anyways we got a de-facto IC and an extra lynch so i am very very tempted to slot my vote on OG u irregardless of the traditional game but putting them at L-1 isn’t my style. time to dig through their ISO
  2. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    and your reasoning?
  3. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Also concurring with requesting a VC
  4. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    ****in a VOTE:NOLYNCH
  5. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    Anyways given our player count it’s optimal imo to let wolves kill first. While alignments don’t flip assuming KP is at a reasonable level across the board we can entrust the night kills to be de-facto town **VOTE:NOLYNCH**
  6. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    RVS as the name implies is random. If i wanted to get invested in random bull**** catch me in vegas. I see near-zero value so i just ignore it. But when good questions get asked i’ll gladly provide my thoughts
  7. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I personally find any wolf worth their salt knows its RVS and would be unbothered by it. If they panic over a vote they’re either a bad wolf or a clueless townie who doesn’t know how to react when they roll a PR in the first case they’ll implicate themselves and in the second the wolves will...
  8. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    (Assuming this is directed at me) I have been playing mafia since ‘17, stopped around early ‘22 for various reasons and just recently returned to action in october of this year. My philosophy is generally aligned with the idea is the worst thing town can be doing is doing nothing. Not...
  9. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    I trust our host's professionalism to not allow flavor to influence alignment
  10. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    We selected our characters before alignments were rolled so how could one be more wolfy than the other when we made our selection unknowing of our alignment
  11. Rocinante

    Game Thread Trivia Mafia II - Day 1

    how does one vote here
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