To be honest, i like Skyward Sword the best. It's probably not a big surprise to everyone because a lot of peoples favorite zelda game is SKyward Sword
Yeah, same here. I really liked deku babas that were in the grass, then they would surprise attack you while you didn't know where they were. That is something i have always really liked from Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. But the horde battle was just really just too easy. I had the...
My Zelda gold Wii remote. it's so cool! i am also trying to get my grandma to make my a shirt with the hylian crest on it. My grandma is a really great sewer. so that's why i'm asking her.
i sometimes(by sometimes i mean rarely) nickname my Pokemon. Like Conor said, i might (by might i mean rarely too.) name them swear words if they're really hard to catch
I got in to Pokemon when i was 5. i was watching it on TV. I never liked the new Pokemon though. i only really liked the originals. they were the best in my opinion.
Because link and Zelda used the Ocarina of Time to seal ganondorf in the (where was it? I'll have to play OoT again) realm. So then Zelda used the OoT to send link back into his childhood. So I guess that would explain why the tp castle might be the OoT castle. Link got older and moved out of...
As we all know, you can take your shield on or off at will in Skyward Sword. but in Twilight Princess, the only way you could take off your shield is if you burned it. so what i'm trying to say is, that, why didn't nintendo let you take off your shield?
i would love it if Dark Link made a return. that'd be so cool! but instead of being like Ocarina of Time, when he copies all of your moves, maybe he could make up some of his own.
i really liked the upgrade system in skyward sword. it was really easy getting all of the stuff you needed to upgrade your items. it was just easy for me.