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  1. Rosa Luxemburg

    Zelda game with playable female?

    Bishop, stop offending the SJWs. Their fragile egos can't take your mad disses.
  2. Rosa Luxemburg

    have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight

    have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight
  3. Rosa Luxemburg

    thank you dank master ilu

    thank you dank master ilu
  4. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I had fun and it was interesting seeing how you guys run a game compared to what I'm used to on ZU. I'm going to have to disagree that the death posts weren't information leaks, because they were. Your death scenes are very much different than what I'm used to. I've always found the point of a...
  5. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I still have my eyes on Eoghan and SMS, but, to be frank the case against Diego is building up here. Vote: Diego
  6. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Eoghan, you can keep on talking but I'm not really gonna buy your excuses. Not for now, anyway, but you're on my list. That said we gave SMS a grace period. I'm still not sure what exactly happened in that death post since it apparently describes every character and what they did and how it...
  7. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Partially. The other being that it looks to me like he followed Diego and myself for most of the first day, and has caught the suspicion of a few others. I'm not gonna call for his head but hopefully with Day 1 through we can try and cut the shenanigans a bit and start biting into the main...
  8. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Regardless of what's going on I'd rather play mafia, not 20 questions with the set up and characters. Right now I'm feeling suspicious of Eoghan for the reasons I gave above. A few others have been displeased with him. The fact that it appears that two killing roles targeted Diego tells me...
  9. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Captain Apparently a captain controls some number of roles and gives them orders. If musicfan is telling the truth then whatever his role is, he was commanded. Chances are probably good that musicfan is town and the captain is as well. Anyway I don't...
  10. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Well you did say SMS for being flimsy, but in that post you made you also said your suspicions of Savage. I can't fault you for that of course, I was willing to lead a lynch against Savage until he roleclaimed as something we can easily verify. Although, that does make me wonder whether the...
  11. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I received a message last night from Savage telling me his roleclaim was true, but it looks as though the mafia went after him in the night. It's unfortunate we lost our courier. On the bright side, this means the mafia killed a role we could've confirmed but didn't serve much purpose... so...
  12. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Ah. Over at ZU we lock the main thread and keep the hub open (the hub is for sign ups, announcing if you'll be unavailable for a long period of time and for other out-of-game discussion), but I suppose here you do all of that in the game thread.
  13. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    So what exactly are we allowed to post here during the night? Are we limited at all involving content?
  14. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I'm afraid that I refuse to let this day end in a no lynch. And if a musicfan lynch isn't going through then I'll ensure a lynch happens. Unvote: Musicfan Vote: DekuLink
  15. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    At this point I believe the points brought against musicfan are sufficient enough. This doesn't clear pkforce from my suspicions but we'll see how they act in the next Day cycle. Vote: musicfan
  16. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    If you're a courier then you're one of the few roles that can confirm themselves. You can send a message to a player (preferably, whoever you read as the most pro-town). And they can confirm if you got the message. Alternatively, the mafia could roleblock you, but in that case it would guarantee...
  17. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    @SavageWizzrobe If you're truly town, why not roleclaim? Let us decide if your role is worthy of keeping around or if we should switch the town lynch to someone else.
  18. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    The cop will be able to confirm musicfan's potential innocence, but what about the rest of us? We can't know the result unless our cop roleclaims. We don't even know who our cop is, and they might want to investigate someone else instead. I'm still getting an anti-town impression out of him with...
  19. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    The problem is your suggestion is for a cop to investigate him tonight, forcing a cop to roleclaim tomorrow. If the cop tells us he's inno then we have the problem of a claimed cop out in the open and our doctor protecting them each night, or risk the mafia or a potential SK from killing them...
  20. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    That opinion alone doesn't make him anti-town, but thus far I haven't seen musicfan acting pro-town today at all. Honestly, the only reason I'm more interested in looking elsewhere for a lynch is that I'm willing to believe ZDers that musicfan stops ****ing around after Day 1 and contributes to...
  21. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    JC: I don't believe the newcomer grace period works all game, simply the first day we at ZU allow newbies to live through the first cycle as means of courtesy. I won't hold it against anyone if they don't want to follow in suit, of course. So thus far it looks like: Rosa - pkforce or...
  22. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Seeing as how this is Spiritual's first game of mafia in general, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. He may be voting shakily and without much reason to back it up, but personally I'd rather let a newcomer live for the first day/night cycle as a free pass. (We do this on ZU, btw, it's...
  23. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Take a look at what I said in the beginning of that paragraph. I made this post prior to fully understanding how ZD runs mafia games. Namely, that the first day runs for an entire week, subsequent days can last for a few days, and the mafia are able to communicate privately during the day as...
  24. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I think it's a little hard to say what we can garner at this time from that list. 3 of the people voting on that list are from ZU, the other is a newbie. If we assume with 15 members we have 11 townies and 4 mafia, there's a possibility that one of those four people (myself included) are scum...
  25. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    ALIT posted once, and only to answer a question of mine on the first page. No announcement of inactivity or being busy (as some other relatively inactive players have done). At this point I see him as the best lynch. I doubt he'll be replaced for inactivity since ZD is very lenient with activity...
  26. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Slight correction: I've seen towns tear each other apart in that they tear themselves a part. I played in a Discworld themed game (run by Cody) in which the town was so paranoid over our prominent players and people who were active and trying to get others to step up and participate, that no...
  27. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I can understand the reluctance towards Diego's playstyle (who yes, can be an aggressive player normally) compared to ZD's... idk, more laid back atmosphere? Like I said in an earlier post, mafia here makes me think more about the Town of Salem browser game than a regular game of mafia. I used...
  28. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Are days at ZD usually so long? It seems like it makes a breeding ground for inactivity if people can just go two or three days without contributing at all or only making a post or two.
  29. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    One post on the first page*
  30. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I still think you have an anti-town way of going about your play, but I'll believe this for now. Next up on the activity list we have @A Link In Time who's contribution is one post Day 1. Unvote: Musicfan Vote: A Link In Time Lets hear some thoughts.
  31. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I'm going to make an observation in that ZD's depth in mafia games reminds me of the amount of depth put in the Town of Salem game. While the rounds are obviously much longer I get the sense that (compared to what I'm used to on ZU) people tend to not talk as much. Which really makes me want...
  32. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    To be fair, it's a bit harder (for me anyway) to analyze players when I've not played in games with them before. I don't enjoy making reads based solely on their past but it is a viable strategy to use in conjunction with other things, so personally I'm not going to count any of us ZUers acting...
  33. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    That isn't how we play on ZU and it's definitely not normal elsewhere. I'm surprised ZD considers it normal since you seem to also use mafiascum wiki as a basis for your games, same as us, which lists day talking as being non-standard. The mafia being able to communicate all the time...
  34. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Whether you like it or not, I believe Leggo my Deggo brings up a valid point. A number of us are not a fan of just being completely random and silly Day 1. Continuing to defend it with an attitude of it's just how things are, is defending an attitude on ZD that allows scum to actively lurk in...
  35. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I'm keeping my vote on musicfan for my aforementioned reason. Unless he unvotes or gives me a good reason for why my vote should go in Diego's direction, I see no reason to change my vote.
  36. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    If he can be helpful later on he can tell me himself that he will be + why we should lynch Diego. If he refuses to change his vote then he sees Diego as a viable lynch and should have a good reason to back it up.
  37. Rosa Luxemburg

    Where Did You Get Your Username From?

    tl;dr: woman assassinated by Nazis because she and her fellow revolutionary left comrades posed a threat to them.
  38. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I think our first course of action should be to discourage anti-town behaviour, the most apparent example thus far being musiclover. Maybe the way they are acting is "normal" on ZD but with mafia at large it is incredibly anti-town and apathetic. I'm keeping my vote for musiclover so long as he...
  39. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    If someone claims they are going to post very little Day 1 and stick to their initial vote without a solid reason then I I'm going to consider that a very scummy move. They're basically committing to not partake in conversation nor to generating discussion on who should be lynched. Active...
  40. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Which by the way, the whole "oh well if I get lynched the vig know who to shoot tonight/you know who to lynch tomorrow" is a defeatist attitude and comes off as a newbie mafia move to me.
  41. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Day 1 lynches will generally be "random" in the sense that we have no info to go on (i.e. cops won't have an investigation, we don't have anyone flipped to analyze their content), but randomly choosing a target isn't going to be helpful. Further, picking them for reasons like "they're trying too...
  42. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Unvote: PokaLink Vote: musicfan If you're going to commit to a flimsy reactionary vote then I'm going to stick with you for today.
  43. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    With that in mind, voting for an inactive after a game has progressed for about 18 hours does not mean we've decided on a lynch. But the threat of a lynching inactive players is done to push them into posting. @PokaLink Vote: PokaLink
  44. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Anyway: Diego: 11 JC-Hurin: 10 DekuNut: 10 Rosa Luxembourg: 7 (8 now) Cody: 5 Frozen Chosen: 4 Spiritual Mask Salesman: 4 Linkdude74: 3 pkfroce: 2 Eoghan: 2 A Link in Time: 1 Musicfan: 1 Which means SavageWizzrobe, Sadia, and PokeLink have yet to check in. Here's what current voting...
  45. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Mafia talking during the day is really rare, from what I understand. So that's an interesting way of doing it here if ZD considers it normal. Just means another thing for us ZUers to deal with.
  46. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    Well, it's not terribly unfair if the set up takes it into account and the town has extra power roles to compensate.
  47. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    As already mentioned, Day 1 has one significant advantage for the town. Unless the game is modified from what's considered normal, the mafia have not been able to speak yet. They have not been able to establish any plans or direction. Townies have the advantage due to the fact that (barring a...
  48. Rosa Luxemburg

    Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

    I think it was merely your invitation to the jungle. Unless @DekuNut picked you out in particular rather than one of us other newcomers?
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