I experienced this a lot when i was new too. I don't know what it is about humans that apparently makes them want to sheep cocky assholes but it seems to work, unfortunately. Uncertainty draws votes and confidence draws respect.
I don't think anything about neon's play this game was...
seems like storm made up half of it as he went along so the only one who could explain it is probably storm, and i wouldn't recommend trying to get an answer there if you value your sanity.
I don't think you're right and its feasible the game will end if we mislynch here but there doesn't seem to be sufficient interest in neon so i'll go with caps.
Vote: Caps
my top choice is neon still but if two other players don't want to go down that route then i'm willing to give minish's theory a shot. I don't know how she expects it to end the game when we currently have two deaths a night and not one, but its not like i have a better idea.
she seems to be afraid of dying and afaict that fear doesn't seem justified? i'm not following the gamestate too well though. she's also talking like she has a lot more info than i do, which probably means she's doing a combination of ootc, guesswork, and lying. one an three are scumtells and...
If i was mafia to start with but was town now then i would have no reason not to out the mafia team, which at a bare minimum would include DW, so that's not really possible.
The answers should be be solidly gleanable from the thread. I'm not to keen on giving them seeing as raven just bit the dust for talking too much though, so I'll hope that someone else can do it for me. As a hint, the exact chain of events wrt whatever did happen might be hard to work out...
putting aside cap because we thought they were going to die from being wounded these are the players we had:
if you kill from the trio then there are six possible lynches, since any of the three remaining pairs could be a two-person mafia team and...
i said this earlier but killing from the trio lowers the PoE by the smallest amount. Killing me or raven confirms the other. Killing someone from the trio doesn't confirm anyone. I would guess that Minish was the mafia kill and sean died via some other mechanism.
Now that me and you are...
unless we have two more scum this game should be pretty smooth sailing, and given that seems less likely than the alternative there's probably only really one play here. raven should probably target in the trio tonight if they want to maximize the odds of town winning, since it could clear one...
scum can't reasonably hit in the pairs tonight so tomorrow we'll have three pairs in MyLo
if we're dealing with a 3p hostile they have to be in the hapi/minish/DW trio and if we're dealing with a 3p hostile + a mafioso then both have to be in that trio
i typically scumhunt by trying to construct a psychological profile for a person and seeing how faithful they are to that profile. I look for recurrent thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and themes in the things they say and I try to imagine an approximation of what their experience and perspective in...
Scum generally avoid doing pro-town things, especially strongly pro-town things. They often feel a need to do some for camoflauging purposes. There are no flawless tells in mafia. If someone drove a lynch on a mafioso i wouldn't call that NAI on the basis that scum do things that are pro-town...
i would guess that numbers was given the item, yeah, or else it was something his role started with that wasn't implied in the rolename (which along with his target was all i had access to). Its technically possible i got the item and it caused me to cause the reset upon killing numbers but if...
and given what you've now claimed, neon, you're probably right that you caused the time warp. I don't know if you know what you gave numbers, but it probably caused the game to reset when he died.
I think neon's read on min is very solid here. Your paragraph posits that scum are able to "shift information and perspective" by organizing information, but what min has been doing has been overwhelmingly benefifical for town as far as i can tell, so that probably doesn'tapply here. I'm also...
ex probably softed bartender earlier when he said that if i redirected numbers he would have expected there to be a ~1/12 chance of numbers hitting himself, implying that he gave numbers a drink. (i can't remember the exact odds he gave)
@a'lana why did you set the timer to 10 seconds? why did you target minish?
hapi's role seems dreaming god-adjacent based on what she's softed although it also feels like she might just be reading way too far into what her role actually does and thinks she's responsible for a lot of things she...
if anyone could post a summary of all of the mechanical information we have (deaths, claims, etc.) that would probably be helpful, even if its just from memory.
me and raven are the only people mechanically confirmed right? but only to each other so in theory we could be a 2-person scumteam like minish suggested. that might change by tomorrow though. (although with 6 people if we did have two scum today could be LyLo?)
grenade vendor in the last game...