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  1. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    I think you'll like it! I liked it!
  2. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Seconded Black Lagoon. So good!
  3. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Watching Jujutsu Kaisen. Digging it.
  4. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Going to start Blood+. Maken Ki was a little disappointing. Nowhere near as enjoyable or as fun as High School DxD.
  5. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    That's a good one. You'll dig it. :)
  6. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Maken-Ki! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Monster And the Fate series a buddy of mine and I are working our ways through. :)
  7. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Well, I love Ghost in the Shell, so I should start watching. :)
  8. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Finished Drifters, caught up on the latest chapter of the Berserk manga, and now I'm looking to watch Ergo Proxy, but I keep hearing mixed things about it.
  9. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    I usually watch and read several anime and manga at once. The anime series I'm currently watching: 1. Baccano! 2. Claymore 3. Dragon Ball 4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 5. Kill la Kill 6. Neon Genesis Evangelion 7. One Punch Man 8. Steins;Gate 9. Trigun 10. Basilisk 11. Afro...
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