This week it's 10 years since my bff died. And last week it was 6 years since my oldest brother passed away. It's still odd to think it's been a while but also feels like yesterday
Time for an update:
Almost 1200 stitches in. And Dizzi is actually very, VERY close by mentioning Darunia. But this is just a start. See how it comes to life :D
So, what's in the Vee-book?
I'll tell you what's in it. As you already know I love embroidery and right now I've started a large work. It's Ocarina of Time related. I'm not going to tell you all the details. Here is the result!
:D :D :D
Nah, just kidding. I started Sunday evening and plan on...
If you count one day jobs I might still be counting lol!!!
But they differ. I started in a meat factory and worked there for 3 years. Then I had some cleaning jobs for waaaaaay too long. Then I worked at all hotel for 7 years, drove a tuktuk for tourists for 7 months, then I worked as a trash...
She hasn't sold anything yet. She put it on fb for sale but nobody bought it yet. And personally I don't have a problem with it but my husband doesn't see it like this. Neither did this affect our friendship. But the intention for this thread is not really about my situation but if YOU ever had...
I see your point and normally I wouldn't mind either but she said before she went home she only wants to make money with her hobbies and if she won't make a profit she quits because a hobby is not interesting enough without a profit.
I didn't think too much of it until now.
....and they just give it away or sell it.
How do you feel? Does this affect your friendship?
Two weeks I gave a crochet kit to a friend. She was bored and depressed. She wanted to do some crochet. Not even a week later she made a doll and immidiatly put it up for sale. Mr Vee thought this was...
Oh! I had a lot of weird encounters but there are two I never ever forget till the day I die.
The first one was back in the mid 90's. Me and my mother were cleaning a school. The school had 3 floors. The floors were connected by stairs. The main entrance was connected by a door leading to the...
What was the worst or most annoying ringtone you ever used for your phone?
I had one with a cow while "I like to move it move it" was playing. It wasn't my choice. It was already set as the default ringtone. But that was a loooooong time ago :P
He's actually pretty easy to beat but you have to figure out his moves. Like Dizzy said don't z-target him. Because then he's going to block your attacks. Use either hamer or sword and stay in front of him holding your shield up. Just slash/slam him once or twice and hold your shield back up...
So, when it gets cold are you a person who turns the central heating up or do you get an extra sweater instead?
I rather get some extra sweater or blanket but mr Vee turns the central heating up.
Personally I don't care about it. But if there are people who love this day to express their feelings to their beloved ones then who am I to judge them? But like Christmas etc it has become very commercial and the original idea of this day has vanished a bit. It's more about giving (expensive)...
Oh, I experience the same but with sea or oceans. As long as I live I always felt a weird deep nostalgic feeling with the sea. I always lived near the beach and still do but that's not the reason because I already had this feeling since I was a kid. Also when I look at pics or paintings of the...
It really is a fun and cool game. I don't play Mario games at much as I used to do but Odyssey is really worth to buy. One of the best Mario games ever
Twilight Princess
Hyrule Warriors
Super Mario DS
Ocarina of Time
A Link between Worlds
Super Mario 3D Wörld
Yoshi's Wooly World
No particular order although I'm pretty sure I played the first two the most
I love the double ones! They're reunited buuuuut not always smoothly. I once sticked one to a rocket but the aim was off. And more "accidents" happened.......:D
Yep, there are people on here I definitely consider as very good friends. I've done a couple of voice chats with people and although I haven't met them in real life it felt like I did. @A Link In Time is one of them and still leaves a "hello, how are you?" message from time to time :)
The flower girl in BotW and in TotK who attacks you if you harm the flowers is pretty creepy too. In TotK she's almost ready to kill that guy even when she'd stolen his gardening tools!!
Every New Year people often make resolutions and people more often don't keep up wirh those.
Did resolutions ever work for you and do you still make them?
I made a resolution at the end of 2023 to stop drinking coffee with sugar and it worked for me.
I like to hear your stories/opinions on New...
So damn happy to be off for Christmas! The amount of mail is insane! A good sign of course but NOT A DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! Well, I'm off from work for 2 days :D