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  1. arkvoodle

    The Legend of Zelda Gannon or Ganon

    But you're just being idiotic. It is clear that the spelling is G-A-N-O-N. You and jack are incorrect. Accept that. You are just being ignorant to the clear truth that you are incorrect. You may as well say that the game is called Thee leeggeend oof Zellda
  2. arkvoodle

    The Legend of Zelda Gannon or Ganon

    It is and should be quite obvious that it is GANON, not GANNON. In every Zelda Game to date that Ganondorf/Ganon has made an appearence, it has been spelt Ganon. "Gannon" which is what appeared on the original LoZ cover, was a mistranslation by Nintendo of America, (whose translation team was...
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